Vastaus: Playstation 3:n uusi ohjaustapa Playstation Move
Digital Foundry haastatteli Sonyn R&D-kaveria, Anton Mikhailovia (=se ujohkon näköinen heppu, joka on aiemminkin esiintynyt Move-esittelyvideoissa "avustajana"). Mikhailov kertoo, että vaikka EyeToy-peleillä valaistus tuotti ongelmia, toimii Move valopallonsa ansiosta vaikka pilkkopimeässä.
One big issue with EyeToy we always tried to tackle was lighting. If you have low-light conditions, you can't see the user and you can't track him very well. That's why the spheres are illuminated: you can work in pitch-black conditions.
Ja koska varsinaisessa Move-kapulassa on vielä omat sisäiset asento- ja liikeanturinsa, ei haittaa, vaikka kamera kadottaisikin valaistun palluran näkyvistään.
It's also intuitive. It won't lose track of you, even if the camera loses track of the sphere it'll compensate with the accelerometers. I can put the controllers behind my back, I can swing backwards, it's not losing tracking. You don't have to worry about it freaking out... there's a one-to-one connection.
Moven tarkkuus on "alle millimetrin", joten sen antamalla datalla pitäisi perinteisempienkin pelien pelaaminen onnistua jossain määrin, ja vähäisten muisti- ja tehovaatimusten vuoksi Move-tuen lisääminen päivityksellä ei pitäisi olla suuri ongelma.
The precision on the tracking is about a millimetre, a sub-millimetre in many cases... in general it's a very precise device. That means as a developer you don't have to do any smoothing or data mangling. Just put it in your game - it's very good for retrofitting into existing titles.
The libraries we provide are all on SPU so the memory and processor usage is very low. We track up to four controllers in under a frame time on one SPU. The memory requirements are under two megabytes. We've worked this into current titles without any real issue.
Aivan ongelmaton Move ei silti ole, sillä ainakin esiteltyjen pelien alpha-versioiden kanssa esiintyi vielä jonkin verran kalibrointiongelmia. Pahimmillaan Sports Champions -pelissä piti kalibrointi tehdä joka kerta, kun lajia vaihtoi. Vaikkei kalibrointi juuri vaadi muuta kuin Move-kapulan esittelyä kameralla ja napin painamista, voi se pidemmän päälle muuttua turhauttavaksi.
As I stood in line to get a go on Motion Fighter, the girl playing was having a torrid time getting her gestures recognised. Calibration was blamed and the system was reset. Playing Move Party, a ceiling spotlight appeared to be causing some recognition issues during one gameplay session, again necessitating a recalibration.
This was all pre-alpha software in hardly the best of lighting conditions, and for the most part Move performed well. However, Sports Champions required a two-point calibration each and every time an event was chosen. It felt overly intrusive and I was keen to tackle the team on this issue.
Lopussa Mihkailov kertoo säätäneensä Moven toimimaan PC:ssä hiiren korvikkeena ja pystynyt pelaamaan Starcraftia sillä.
Actually I hooked up this device through some hackery to a PC to play a bunch of games. I actually played Starcraft... I could actually play, not just screw around but play.
Perinteisesti RTS-pelien konsolikontrollit ovat jääneet PC-versioista jälkeen, joten voisiko Move auttaa tässä? Se jää nähtäväksi.