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PlayStation 5

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Kumman PlayStation 5 -version aiot hankkia?

  • Perinteisen, tarvitsen sen levyn

    Äänet: 304 74,9%
  • Digital Edition, pelit ykkösinä ja nollina

    Äänet: 102 25,1%

  • Äänestäjiä yhteensä
Originaali ohjain oli 1000mAh

Päivittivät vuonna 2016 akut.

Päivittivät vuonna 2016 akut.

Ainakin tuo Hideon laittama linkki on päivätty vuodelle 2013, outoa jos tuolloin ovat sanoneet 1000mAh vaikka ovat 800mAh

Edit: Näköjään 1000mAh ovat olleet alusta asti, 800mA on latauksen ampeerimäärä.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ei kait ny sentää, eikö toi fluidity viittaa enemmänkin siihe valumenetelmään jolla se lämpöblokki on luotu? Miks siel ois nestemäist metallia? Eli elohopeaako?

PItävä aihio pitää varmasti olla että pysyy nestemäisenä siellä mihin se on tarkoitettu. Tietokonetta kasatessa piitahna oli valmiiksi levitetty jäähdytyselementin kontaktipinnalla. Ehkä näemme PS5 nestemäisen metallin korvaamassa tämän saman piitahnan? Ominaisuuksien puolesta on parempi.
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Tällaista tällä kertaa....

PlayStation Euroopalta:

Myös uutta blogia pukannut jossa kerrotaan devien toimesta kuinka PS5:n kontrollerin ominaisuuksia hyödynnetään.

“The haptic feedback precision allows us to do all sorts of new things. In Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, we’ll be hinting to players which direction attacks are coming from by providing haptic feedback from the appropriate direction on the DualSense wireless controller. What does it feel like to use Miles’s stealth ability? How does a Venom Blast feel? Because of the high resolution of DualSense wireless controller’s haptics system, we can really push the dimensionality of the feedback. For instance, as you hold down Square to do a Venom Punch, you feel Spider-Man’s bio-electricity crackle across from the left side of the controller, culminating in the right side on impact.” –Brian Horton // Creative Director, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

I’m really excited by the adaptive triggers and the haptic feedback, both features that will bring some physicality in game experiences, and give important feedback. Deathloop being a first-person shooter, we do a lot of things to make weapons feel differently from one another. One I like is blocking the triggers when your weapon jams, to give to the player an immediate feedback even before the animation plays out, which prompts the player in a physical way that they have to unjam their gun. –Dinga Bakaba // Game Director, Deathloop

With the DualSense wireless controller and the power of haptics, we can make the combat [in Demon’s Souls] feel grittier, darker, and deadlier. Now you feel every blow as you strike down your enemies and cast each spell. You’ll experience the force of a titanic boss’ attack as you pull off a well-timed guard. Metal strikes metal when your foes block your attacks or you block theirs. That extra sensory feedback through the controller allows you to know your attack hit home and your perfectly-timed parry was a success, so you can react faster and more decisively.

We can also turn the simple act of pulling a lever to open a gate into a sensory experience. This is something that rumble could never do. It could never replicate the feeling of metal striking metal or fire crackling in your hand as you conjure magic. Haptics [are] integral to the experience, to immersing the player in the world and adding to the gameplay. The visual, aural, and tactile working together takes this new generation of gaming into the future. — Gavin Moore // Creative Director, SIE Japan Studio

The adaptive triggers are something we’re excited to feature [in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart]! For instance, the Enforcer is a dual-barreled shotgun type weapon. As you pull the trigger, you’ll fire from one barrel, and you can feel resistance around halfway down the trigger. Need a bigger blast? Pull the trigger through that resistance point and you’ll fire both barrels at the same time. — Marcus Smith // Creative Director, Insomniac Games

I think the most effective use of the adaptive trigger [in Gran Turismo 7] is for representing the operation of the antilock brake system (ABS) while braking. A typical ABS releases brake pressure intermittently while the driver applies pressure to the pedal. The adaptive trigger is suited for recreating this pedal feel, and it will allow the player to accurately feel and understand the relationship between the braking force they want and the tire’s grip.

Compared to the rumble force feedback we had in the past, the special character of the haptic feedback is that it has a bigger range of frequencies it can produce.

What this means, is that sound design and tactile design can be handled in a continuous, integrated manner. — Kazunori Yamauchi // President, Polyphony Digital

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