Vastaus: Seuraavan sukupolven PSP (huhut ja uutiset)
SUPERanalyytikko Michael Pachter on päässyt kokeilemaan NGP:tä ja kertoo hieman fiiliksiään.
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SUPERanalyytikko Michael Pachter on päässyt kokeilemaan NGP:tä ja kertoo hieman fiiliksiään.
Hands on NGP at Sony yesterday; with the right software, quite awesome. The controls very smooth, the screen flawless, price will be high
Tretton said NGP "between $100 and $599", am betting it's priced either $299 or $349, depending upon bill of materials
3G price differential for NGP interesting, it should be $50 (pass thru cost), only Apple has the cojones to charge $100; carrier subsidy????
Uncharted NGP tech demo was cool, accelerometer to swing on rope, massage back touch pad to climb, dual analogs intuitive. Gamers will likee
Lähde: Twitter (michaelpachter)