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PlayStationVR 2 - Yleinen pelikeskustelu

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja HideoMiyamoto
  • Aloituspäivämäärä Aloituspäivämäärä
Viimeisin Beat Saberin patchi näköjään muutti miekkojen anglea. Tykkäsin kovasti miten ne oli heti day1 patchissa. Nyt ei meinaa millään löytää mieleistä. Onko muut miekkailijat huomannu asian ja mihin angleen (X,Y,Z) päädyitte?
Jos jotain kiinnostaa creed niin psvr1 versio on nyt tarjouksessa 6.23e ja sen voi päivittää psvr2 versioon 20e hintaan.
Normi hinta psvr2 versiolla on 40e.

Sairento oli peli missä katsottiin kenen maha ja pää kestää seinillä juoksut ja takaperinvoltit. Saman henkinen jatko-osa jatkaa samalla kaavalla ja pistää nupit kaakkoon vielä lisää. Julkaisu 21.9

Synapse saapuu 4.7. Frackedin tekijöiltä, joka oli laadukas peli mutta todella, todella lyhyt. Toivottavasti tämä roguelitenä tuo enemmän pelattavaa. Ulkoasu ei itseä oikein säväytä mutta taistelu kylläkin. Pelin ääninäyttelijöinä on David Hayter ja Jennifer Hale. Ilmeisesti pelistä tulossa myös pelattava demo ennen julkaisua, kun pelimediat päässeet demoa pelailemaan. Näin oli myös Frackedin kohdalla muutama vuosi takaperin
Viimeksi muokattu:
PCVR ja PSVR2 ne yhteensoppii, pannaan ne pussauskoppii. Pavlov VR tais saada crossplayn vihdoin. Pari viikkoa sitten viimeks pelailin niin oli meidän primetime peliaikaan vain 1 SnD servu pystyssä. Jospa tuo vähän tuo piristysruiskeen tuo tälle pelille.

Surv1ve oli ilmestynyt storeen ja on ilmainen päivitys psvr 1 version ostaneille.
Sitten tuli ostettua pixel ripped 1978 vaikka piti odotella hinnan tippumista, mutta kun Bryan valitteli kuinka helppo peli on niin päätin ostaa jos se päätetäänkin päivittää vaikeammaksi.
Samahan tapahtui aikoinaan arashin kanssa jonka ostin heti julkkarissa just siitä syystä, että vartijat oli kohtuu tyhmiä ja onneksi ostin sillä siinä julkaisu kunnossa se oli just hyvä mun vähäisille hiipimis taidoille ja tykkäsin siitä erittäin paljon.
Päivitysten jälkeen en ole testannut, mutta ilmeisesti niiden jälkeen pelaaja huomataan paljon herkemmin ja vartijat on vaikeampi kadottaa ja taidettiin pomojakin viilata vaikeammaksi.
Mun kohdalla saa varmaan synapse jäädä odottamaan alennuksia.
Roguelite jo itsessään on mulle turnoff, mutta lisäksi ekan runin läpäisee n. kolmessa tunnissa, mutta jos haluat oikean lopun niin sun pitää läpäistä tuon jälkeen peli vielä kahdesti aina vaan kovemmalla tasolla. Samat kentät, samat neljä asetta koko pelissä ja vain muutama eri vihollinen.
Gamertag vr vissiin onnistui vetämään kaikki nuo kolme runia n. viidessä tunnissa.

Mä olisin ottanut mieluummin jonkun 5-6 tunnin normaalin kampanjan.
Itse laitoin Synapsen eilen ostoon kun katselin arvosteluita. Sai tuon 10% plussa tarjouksen samalla. Tuota telekinesistä kehuttu maasta taivaaseen ja asetaistelu systeemi on tuttu jo Frackedistä. Tuo graafinen ilme hieman mietityttää miten toimii itselle ja tietysti kesto on aina vähän pettymys. Toivoisin että noilla rundeilla vaikeustaso kovenee ihan kunnolla että saisi haastetta.
Uskon että nautin tuosta taistelusta suunnattomasti ja platinum tulee kyllä vedettyä tähän. Ja iso plussa ääninäyttelijöistä, kaksi legendaa David Hayter ja Jennifer Hale
Ihan kiva, että välillä jotain julkaistaan myös aikasemmin sillä dyschronia: chronos alternaten fyysisen version mukana tulleessa koodi lapussa luki kuinka kolmas episodi julkaistaan vasta syyskuussa, mutta sen julkaisu olikin jo tänään.
Tuli myös huomattua, että jos playstation starsissa on tehtävänä pelata jotain vr peliä niin sitä varten ei tartte edes kytkeä laseja kiinni koneeseen vaan riittää, että vaan yrittää käynnistää sen.

Oonko muuten ymmärtänyt oikein, että walkabout minigolfissa voi pelata ihan vaan omaksi iloksi suorituksesta välittämättä ja kaikki radat on heti auki?
Vaikeammat yö versiotkin saa yhden arvostelun mukaan auki myös löytämällä tarpeeksi niitä piilotettuja palloja.
Itse kun tykkäsin everybodys golfista just sen takia kun siinä ei ollut vastustajia eikä tarvinnut stressata siitä kuinka monta lyöntiä menee.

Vertigo 2 tulee myös psvr2 tämän vuoden puolella. Tämä on ilmeisesti aika kova peli mitä lueskellut hehkutuksia
Oonko muuten ymmärtänyt oikein, että walkabout minigolfissa voi pelata ihan vaan omaksi iloksi suorituksesta välittämättä ja kaikki radat on heti auki?
Vaikeammat yö versiotkin saa yhden arvostelun mukaan auki myös löytämällä tarpeeksi niitä piilotettuja palloja.
Itse kun tykkäsin everybodys golfista just sen takia kun siinä ei ollut vastustajia eikä tarvinnut stressata siitä kuinka monta lyöntiä menee.
Taisi olla kaikki 8 perusversion rataa auki heti. Jokaisella reiällä on pallo löydettävissä ja 10 kun kerää, aukeaa hard (eli yöversio) ko. radasta. Aukeaa myös kun saa tuloksen par tai alle.

Ja ihan rauhassa saa puttailla menemään, ei ole a.i. vastustajia, eikä mitään keinotekoisia tavoitteita. (Ellei trophyja halua metsästää)

Suosittelen hommaamaan kuitenkin sen kalleimman version, siinä tulee reippaasti yli tuplamäärä ratoja ihmeteltäväksi.

10/10 ja ehdoton suositus!
Moss 1&2 bundle tarjouksessa 25e, ostoon meni. Oon joskus psvr1 laseilla pelannut tuota ekaa mossia, ja nyt pelasin noin tunnin verran psvr2:lla. Grafiikat näytti varsin hienolta ja ohjaus luonnollisesti parempi uusilla ohjaimilla. Jospa sitä nyt pelaisi hiirulaisen seikkailut loppuun asti.
Itse ostin zombielandin kun se on nyt 17.5e ja ainakin unplugged: air guitar tulee ostettua kun sekin on vaan 10e.
Switchback VR on saanut tänään kauan kaivatun korjauspatchin (1.06). Aika möhkäle taitaa ollakin tekstin perusteella


  • Introduction of FSR (flexible scaled rasterization) and FR (foveated rendering) support to greatly improve visual quality.
  • Enabled Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) for a smoother image
  • Optimisation pass throughout the game for improved performance and prevention of objects and textures ‘popping’ as the cart moves.
  • Memory usage improvements
  • Various crash fixes
  • Reduction in loading times
  • New and improved models and textures for environment objects
  • New higher-quality textures for several enemies
  • Improvements to visual effects throughout the game, including fire, headshots and more.
  • Added dynamic hit reactions to several enemies.
  • Improved lighting in several levels
  • Improved the look of fog throughout the game.
  • Various fixes and improvements to enemy animations
  • Various fixes to clipping issues throughout the game.
  • Improvements to headset vibration caused by obstacles.
  • Fixes for cart / track audio and haptic feedback on the controllers Improved fading effects for destroyed materials.
  • Adjusted position of various objects throughout the game so they are no longer floating.
  • Added missing materials to various objects.
  • Various improvements to collisions, making it easier to shoot objects.
  • Various fixes to checkpoints and reloading levels
  • Various adjustments to enemy pathing
  • Added shadow casting from the cart light.
  • Improved decals like blood and oil
  • Added wet effect on hands and weapons when the player is under the rain.
  • Loading icon brightens up when spinning faster.
  • Turning down audio sound effects no longer turns off haptics.
  • Added sound effects to non-damaging head impacts.
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s vision got progressively darker in several levels.
  • Fixed various streaming issues that cause the environment to ‘pop in’ throughout the game

UI Fixes​

  • Various fixes to subtitles in several languages
  • Various fixes to voiceover and subtitles timings
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect score was displayed on the leaderboard screen after every chapter.
  • Fixed an issue where some text was getting cut off at the 'Journey So Far’ screen in several languages.
  • Fixed an issue where subtitles were visible in the pause menu if the subtitle settings were adjusted whilst dialogue is playing.

Haunted Shipwreck​


  • New and improved textures for the enemies in these levels
  • Added dynamic hit reactions to zombies.

Maiden Voyage​

  • New and improved fire effects
  • Fixed multiple instances of enemies clipping into the cart.
  • Fixed multiple instances of enemies floating off the ground.
  • Adjusted floating objects throughout the level.
  • Fixed issue with the chain-link fence in the first area changing opacity as you approached it.
  • Adjusted collision on the puzzle assets so only the valves can be shot to trigger them.
  • Fixed an issue with enemies not being close enough to the cart to cause damage.
  • Adjusted the timings of the light flickering in the encounter after the ‘Meat Tunnel’.
  • Adjusted the speeds of enemies in the boat encounter.
  • Reworked the paths and tasks of enemies in the last fight for better timing.
  • Adjusted curtain material to prevent seeing through them Fixed an issue regarding shooting the grenade launcher at the swarm of rats caused the game to crash.
  • Fixed an issue with gaps in the water.
  • Fixed an issue where an enemy left alive behind the cart and could be heard throughout the level, despite being far away.
  • Fixed collisions so the swarm of rats no longer gets stuck on the track.

Into the Ship’s Heart​

  • Fixed an issue where dying after the first branching track did not reset the level.
  • Adjusted floating and clipping assets throughout the level.
  • Fixed an issue with the blood rain visual where sound effects were not playing correctly in the ship’s kitchen.
  • Fixed an issue with broken helicopter blades appearing before the helicopter crash at the end of the level.
  • Adjusted timings on the last encounter with the boss’ attack to prevent the player being hurt too early.
  • Improved the demon dog animations.
  • Balance fixes to the demon dog fights.
  • Added rain haptics on the last outdoor section.
  • Fixed an issue where we could see an invisible barrel exploding when the boss dies.

Cursed Forest​


  • Multiple adjustments and fixes to the fog throughout both levels for better visual quality
  • New and improved tree and foliage throughout both levels
  • New and improved fire effects throughout both levels
  • Added more dynamic hit reactions to the enemies.

Abandon All Hope​

  • Fixed an issue in the Black Cat bar where some objects were misaligned.
  • Made the headset vibration more intense during the bus crash.
  • Adjusted collisions on objects to allow for easier shooting.
  • Adjusted the paths of the giant bats in the tunnel.
  • Adjusted the fire visual effects so they no longer clip with the walls inside the burning house.

Burning Trials​

  • Lighting improvements throughout the level
  • Demon in the police station can now be properly interrupted during their attack.
  • Improved the visual appearance of the UV decal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the dolls to sometimes crawl sideways on the ceiling or walls.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the last demon to not attack during the final phase of the fight.

Forsaken Ruins​


  • New and improved textures for the enemies
  • Added more dynamic hit reactions to enemies.

Ancient Temple​

  • Lighting improvements throughout the level
  • Shortened the eclipse scene so that the fight starts sooner.
  • Fixed an issue with Belial clipping into the cart.
  • Fixes to several floating objects
  • Added missing sound effects when the environment changes with the blinking mechanic.
  • Added missing sound effects on the rock falls.

Into the Abyss​

  • Lighting improvements throughout the level
  • Environment improvements throughout the level
  • Fixed an issue where the passenger could still be heard speaking despite being dead.
  • Improvements on timings and other issues with the boss fight

Doomed Hotel​

Enjoy Your Stay​

  • Scythes now deal significantly more damage.
  • Fixed several instances of enemies clipping through the floor when appearing.
  • Fixed an issue where shooting the mirrors resulted in blood effects coming out of them.


  • Visual improvements to the acid traps
  • Fixed an issue where repeatedly shooting one of the animatronics with the stun gun caused it to be pushed through walls.
  • Fixed an issue where shooting through the mattress killed an animatronic on the other side.
  • Significant improvements to the environment, particularly outdoor sections
  • Lighting improvements throughout the level, particularly in the final section

Switchback Levels​

Welcome to Inferno’s Ride​

  • New and improved trees and foliage throughout the level
  • Adjusted collisions on objects to allow for easier shooting.

Frozen Hell​

  • Fixed various floating objects, duplicated objects and clipping issues in dolls and mannequins
  • Fixed noticeable holes in icy objects
  • Fixed an issue with voiceover and subtitles being out of sync at the end of the level.
Switchback VR on saanut tänään kauan kaivatun korjauspatchin (1.06). Aika möhkäle taitaa ollakin tekstin perusteella


  • Introduction of FSR (flexible scaled rasterization) and FR (foveated rendering) support to greatly improve visual quality.
  • Enabled Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) for a smoother image
  • Optimisation pass throughout the game for improved performance and prevention of objects and textures ‘popping’ as the cart moves.
  • Memory usage improvements
  • Various crash fixes
  • Reduction in loading times
  • New and improved models and textures for environment objects
  • New higher-quality textures for several enemies
  • Improvements to visual effects throughout the game, including fire, headshots and more.
  • Added dynamic hit reactions to several enemies.
  • Improved lighting in several levels
  • Improved the look of fog throughout the game.
  • Various fixes and improvements to enemy animations
  • Various fixes to clipping issues throughout the game.
  • Improvements to headset vibration caused by obstacles.
  • Fixes for cart / track audio and haptic feedback on the controllers Improved fading effects for destroyed materials.
  • Adjusted position of various objects throughout the game so they are no longer floating.
  • Added missing materials to various objects.
  • Various improvements to collisions, making it easier to shoot objects.
  • Various fixes to checkpoints and reloading levels
  • Various adjustments to enemy pathing
  • Added shadow casting from the cart light.
  • Improved decals like blood and oil
  • Added wet effect on hands and weapons when the player is under the rain.
  • Loading icon brightens up when spinning faster.
  • Turning down audio sound effects no longer turns off haptics.
  • Added sound effects to non-damaging head impacts.
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s vision got progressively darker in several levels.
  • Fixed various streaming issues that cause the environment to ‘pop in’ throughout the game

UI Fixes​

  • Various fixes to subtitles in several languages
  • Various fixes to voiceover and subtitles timings
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect score was displayed on the leaderboard screen after every chapter.
  • Fixed an issue where some text was getting cut off at the 'Journey So Far’ screen in several languages.
  • Fixed an issue where subtitles were visible in the pause menu if the subtitle settings were adjusted whilst dialogue is playing.

Haunted Shipwreck​


  • New and improved textures for the enemies in these levels
  • Added dynamic hit reactions to zombies.

Maiden Voyage​

  • New and improved fire effects
  • Fixed multiple instances of enemies clipping into the cart.
  • Fixed multiple instances of enemies floating off the ground.
  • Adjusted floating objects throughout the level.
  • Fixed issue with the chain-link fence in the first area changing opacity as you approached it.
  • Adjusted collision on the puzzle assets so only the valves can be shot to trigger them.
  • Fixed an issue with enemies not being close enough to the cart to cause damage.
  • Adjusted the timings of the light flickering in the encounter after the ‘Meat Tunnel’.
  • Adjusted the speeds of enemies in the boat encounter.
  • Reworked the paths and tasks of enemies in the last fight for better timing.
  • Adjusted curtain material to prevent seeing through them Fixed an issue regarding shooting the grenade launcher at the swarm of rats caused the game to crash.
  • Fixed an issue with gaps in the water.
  • Fixed an issue where an enemy left alive behind the cart and could be heard throughout the level, despite being far away.
  • Fixed collisions so the swarm of rats no longer gets stuck on the track.

Into the Ship’s Heart​

  • Fixed an issue where dying after the first branching track did not reset the level.
  • Adjusted floating and clipping assets throughout the level.
  • Fixed an issue with the blood rain visual where sound effects were not playing correctly in the ship’s kitchen.
  • Fixed an issue with broken helicopter blades appearing before the helicopter crash at the end of the level.
  • Adjusted timings on the last encounter with the boss’ attack to prevent the player being hurt too early.
  • Improved the demon dog animations.
  • Balance fixes to the demon dog fights.
  • Added rain haptics on the last outdoor section.
  • Fixed an issue where we could see an invisible barrel exploding when the boss dies.

Cursed Forest​


  • Multiple adjustments and fixes to the fog throughout both levels for better visual quality
  • New and improved tree and foliage throughout both levels
  • New and improved fire effects throughout both levels
  • Added more dynamic hit reactions to the enemies.

Abandon All Hope​

  • Fixed an issue in the Black Cat bar where some objects were misaligned.
  • Made the headset vibration more intense during the bus crash.
  • Adjusted collisions on objects to allow for easier shooting.
  • Adjusted the paths of the giant bats in the tunnel.
  • Adjusted the fire visual effects so they no longer clip with the walls inside the burning house.

Burning Trials​

  • Lighting improvements throughout the level
  • Demon in the police station can now be properly interrupted during their attack.
  • Improved the visual appearance of the UV decal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the dolls to sometimes crawl sideways on the ceiling or walls.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the last demon to not attack during the final phase of the fight.

Forsaken Ruins​


  • New and improved textures for the enemies
  • Added more dynamic hit reactions to enemies.

Ancient Temple​

  • Lighting improvements throughout the level
  • Shortened the eclipse scene so that the fight starts sooner.
  • Fixed an issue with Belial clipping into the cart.
  • Fixes to several floating objects
  • Added missing sound effects when the environment changes with the blinking mechanic.
  • Added missing sound effects on the rock falls.

Into the Abyss​

  • Lighting improvements throughout the level
  • Environment improvements throughout the level
  • Fixed an issue where the passenger could still be heard speaking despite being dead.
  • Improvements on timings and other issues with the boss fight

Doomed Hotel​

Enjoy Your Stay​

  • Scythes now deal significantly more damage.
  • Fixed several instances of enemies clipping through the floor when appearing.
  • Fixed an issue where shooting the mirrors resulted in blood effects coming out of them.


  • Visual improvements to the acid traps
  • Fixed an issue where repeatedly shooting one of the animatronics with the stun gun caused it to be pushed through walls.
  • Fixed an issue where shooting through the mattress killed an animatronic on the other side.
  • Significant improvements to the environment, particularly outdoor sections
  • Lighting improvements throughout the level, particularly in the final section

Switchback Levels​

Welcome to Inferno’s Ride​

  • New and improved trees and foliage throughout the level
  • Adjusted collisions on objects to allow for easier shooting.

Frozen Hell​

  • Fixed various floating objects, duplicated objects and clipping issues in dolls and mannequins
  • Fixed noticeable holes in icy objects
  • Fixed an issue with voiceover and subtitles being out of sync at the end of the level.
KIITOS! menee heti kokeiluun, yksi suosikeistani :)
Switchback VR on saanut tänään kauan kaivatun korjauspatchin (1.06). Aika möhkäle taitaa ollakin tekstin perusteella


  • Introduction of FSR (flexible scaled rasterization) and FR (foveated rendering) support to greatly improve visual quality.
  • Enabled Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) for a smoother image
  • Optimisation pass throughout the game for improved performance and prevention of objects and textures ‘popping’ as the cart moves.
  • Memory usage improvements
  • Various crash fixes
  • Reduction in loading times
  • New and improved models and textures for environment objects
  • New higher-quality textures for several enemies
  • Improvements to visual effects throughout the game, including fire, headshots and more.
  • Added dynamic hit reactions to several enemies.
  • Improved lighting in several levels
  • Improved the look of fog throughout the game.
  • Various fixes and improvements to enemy animations
  • Various fixes to clipping issues throughout the game.
  • Improvements to headset vibration caused by obstacles.
  • Fixes for cart / track audio and haptic feedback on the controllers Improved fading effects for destroyed materials.
  • Adjusted position of various objects throughout the game so they are no longer floating.
  • Added missing materials to various objects.
  • Various improvements to collisions, making it easier to shoot objects.
  • Various fixes to checkpoints and reloading levels
  • Various adjustments to enemy pathing
  • Added shadow casting from the cart light.
  • Improved decals like blood and oil
  • Added wet effect on hands and weapons when the player is under the rain.
  • Loading icon brightens up when spinning faster.
  • Turning down audio sound effects no longer turns off haptics.
  • Added sound effects to non-damaging head impacts.
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s vision got progressively darker in several levels.
  • Fixed various streaming issues that cause the environment to ‘pop in’ throughout the game

UI Fixes​

  • Various fixes to subtitles in several languages
  • Various fixes to voiceover and subtitles timings
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect score was displayed on the leaderboard screen after every chapter.
  • Fixed an issue where some text was getting cut off at the 'Journey So Far’ screen in several languages.
  • Fixed an issue where subtitles were visible in the pause menu if the subtitle settings were adjusted whilst dialogue is playing.

Haunted Shipwreck​


  • New and improved textures for the enemies in these levels
  • Added dynamic hit reactions to zombies.

Maiden Voyage​

  • New and improved fire effects
  • Fixed multiple instances of enemies clipping into the cart.
  • Fixed multiple instances of enemies floating off the ground.
  • Adjusted floating objects throughout the level.
  • Fixed issue with the chain-link fence in the first area changing opacity as you approached it.
  • Adjusted collision on the puzzle assets so only the valves can be shot to trigger them.
  • Fixed an issue with enemies not being close enough to the cart to cause damage.
  • Adjusted the timings of the light flickering in the encounter after the ‘Meat Tunnel’.
  • Adjusted the speeds of enemies in the boat encounter.
  • Reworked the paths and tasks of enemies in the last fight for better timing.
  • Adjusted curtain material to prevent seeing through them Fixed an issue regarding shooting the grenade launcher at the swarm of rats caused the game to crash.
  • Fixed an issue with gaps in the water.
  • Fixed an issue where an enemy left alive behind the cart and could be heard throughout the level, despite being far away.
  • Fixed collisions so the swarm of rats no longer gets stuck on the track.

Into the Ship’s Heart​

  • Fixed an issue where dying after the first branching track did not reset the level.
  • Adjusted floating and clipping assets throughout the level.
  • Fixed an issue with the blood rain visual where sound effects were not playing correctly in the ship’s kitchen.
  • Fixed an issue with broken helicopter blades appearing before the helicopter crash at the end of the level.
  • Adjusted timings on the last encounter with the boss’ attack to prevent the player being hurt too early.
  • Improved the demon dog animations.
  • Balance fixes to the demon dog fights.
  • Added rain haptics on the last outdoor section.
  • Fixed an issue where we could see an invisible barrel exploding when the boss dies.

Cursed Forest​


  • Multiple adjustments and fixes to the fog throughout both levels for better visual quality
  • New and improved tree and foliage throughout both levels
  • New and improved fire effects throughout both levels
  • Added more dynamic hit reactions to the enemies.

Abandon All Hope​

  • Fixed an issue in the Black Cat bar where some objects were misaligned.
  • Made the headset vibration more intense during the bus crash.
  • Adjusted collisions on objects to allow for easier shooting.
  • Adjusted the paths of the giant bats in the tunnel.
  • Adjusted the fire visual effects so they no longer clip with the walls inside the burning house.

Burning Trials​

  • Lighting improvements throughout the level
  • Demon in the police station can now be properly interrupted during their attack.
  • Improved the visual appearance of the UV decal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the dolls to sometimes crawl sideways on the ceiling or walls.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the last demon to not attack during the final phase of the fight.

Forsaken Ruins​


  • New and improved textures for the enemies
  • Added more dynamic hit reactions to enemies.

Ancient Temple​

  • Lighting improvements throughout the level
  • Shortened the eclipse scene so that the fight starts sooner.
  • Fixed an issue with Belial clipping into the cart.
  • Fixes to several floating objects
  • Added missing sound effects when the environment changes with the blinking mechanic.
  • Added missing sound effects on the rock falls.

Into the Abyss​

  • Lighting improvements throughout the level
  • Environment improvements throughout the level
  • Fixed an issue where the passenger could still be heard speaking despite being dead.
  • Improvements on timings and other issues with the boss fight

Doomed Hotel​

Enjoy Your Stay​

  • Scythes now deal significantly more damage.
  • Fixed several instances of enemies clipping through the floor when appearing.
  • Fixed an issue where shooting the mirrors resulted in blood effects coming out of them.


  • Visual improvements to the acid traps
  • Fixed an issue where repeatedly shooting one of the animatronics with the stun gun caused it to be pushed through walls.
  • Fixed an issue where shooting through the mattress killed an animatronic on the other side.
  • Significant improvements to the environment, particularly outdoor sections
  • Lighting improvements throughout the level, particularly in the final section

Switchback Levels​

Welcome to Inferno’s Ride​

  • New and improved trees and foliage throughout the level
  • Adjusted collisions on objects to allow for easier shooting.

Frozen Hell​

  • Fixed various floating objects, duplicated objects and clipping issues in dolls and mannequins
  • Fixed noticeable holes in icy objects
  • Fixed an issue with voiceover and subtitles being out of sync at the end of the level.
Kyllähän tämä on nyt ihan PSVR2 tasolla, näyttää todella hyvältä. Kertoo paljon että säikähtelin ihan kuin olisin ensimmäistä kertaa pelaamassa tätä, jotenkin immersio on vaan parempi :) liekö valaistuksen tai tarkkuuden parantamisen johdosta?
Kyllähän tämä on nyt ihan PSVR2 tasolla, näyttää todella hyvältä. Kertoo paljon että säikähtelin ihan kuin olisin ensimmäistä kertaa pelaamassa tätä, jotenkin immersio on vaan parempi :) liekö valaistuksen tai tarkkuuden parantamisen johdosta?
Kovasti on kehuttu että ihan eri tasonen peli on mitä aikasemmin oli. Vähän kaikkea ilmeisesti paranneltu. Täytyy varmaan itsekkin jostain alesta poimia tämä jossain vaiheessa

Julkaisupäivä,15.8. Yksi vuoden odotetuimpia vr pelejä itselle. Tuli yllätyksenä näin nopea julkaisu.
Siihen perään sitten Firewall: Ultra 24.8 ja Crossfire Sierra Squad 29.8. Kova elokuun loppu tiedossa
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