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Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [PS3/X360]

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Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Ja sitten koontia WENB:n päivän PES -sessiosta:

If you have been following WENB’s own @Adam_Bhatti and @Suffwan on Twitter you will already be aware that today’s playtest seems to be going down rather well. Below are just some tweets that have surfaced throughout the day, with more sure to follow. Oh, and it is great to see Jon finally get that mug at last!

Suff has been positively purring over the game and these tweets in particular speak volumes:

@Suffwan – ”I have to say that #PES2012 is a fantastic game of football to play. Purity and the most advanced AI seen in a footy game. #joy”

@Suffwan – ”Intelligent runs, constant passing options, fluid gameplay and many new features we don’t even know about. #PES2012”

@Suffwan – ”It makes me smile like the PS2 days #PES2012”

@Suffwan – ”In my opinion #PES2012 is a better game than #PES5, but then again I’m Next-Gen baby!”

@Suffwan – ”Shooting better but I have given them some tips. When u get tackled now the fluidity of game not affected.”

Of course, it wouldn’t be a WENB playtest without the PES messiah and Adam has been sure to keep us briefed as well:

@Adam_Bhatti – ”Played first game. Beat Suff 4-2, Milan derby. Great match. Main thing is it’s super fluid. Wonderful ebb and flow. Now for single player.”

@Adam_Bhatti – ”Big news is, keepers are looking really good. Need animation work, but overall so much more reliable than in PES 2011.”

@Adam_Bhatti – ”Can’t describe how happy I am with keepers. Need to say still need animation work, but so much reliable. Spill less, catch more etc.”

@Adam_Bhatti – ”Also new camera angle called pitch side is awesome. Used it more than wide cam. Lower hung, great detail.”

@Adam_Bhatti – ”Detail in wide cam much better, @Suffwan reckons it’s awesome. So much detail held, but needs another lick of paint IMO”

@Adam_Bhatti – ”Estadio De Escorpiao stadium is in the build.”

@Adam_Bhatti – ”And it’s over! @Suffwan wins on pens! And yes, pens fixed! More like FIFA 10. @JonMurphy_PES, you have been served!”

Sounding very promising indeed.

One particular tweet that has caused the raising of many eyebrows in true Carlo Ancelotti fashion is this:

”Lunch time with the guys now. Btw, sort of an exclusive, saw a new mode in menu called Football Life. @JonMurphy_PES won’t say a thing tho”

We wait and wonder what Football Life will prove to be.

Remember, that this isn’t all that will be coming regards the WENB playtest. We should have written impressions and a podcast with the lads following later, so stay tuned!

Tämä ei kuitenkaan ole vielä tässä, sillä WENB julkaisee vielä vinon pinon tekstiä liittyen juurikin näihin päivän pelailuihin. Myös podcast tulloo vielä tänään. OnlyProEvo
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

WENB:n lyhyt yhteenveto pelistä:

* New menu is endorsed by UEFA.com
* New mode in menu screen revealed called Football Life
* Team AI and individual AI is groundbreaking in the game
* Deeper tactics and strategy options in-game due to them being mapped to d-pad
* All teams behave uniquely, with a greater emphasis on team play individuality
* Graphics improved in gameplay cam, although needs some more work to achieve preferred levels
* Match atmosphere greatly enhanced thanks to presence of managers, camera-men and groundstaff
* Fans now wearing kits
* New camera angle added called pitch side, which hangs lower from the side line. A favourite on the day
* New reworked ball physics
* More care needs to be taken when passing and controlling, as ball behaves independently and realistically
* Goal Keepers vastly improved. New animations and more reliable
* Referees vastly improved. Play advantage, and book after a play has stopped
* Gameplay more fluid than before, instant response times when dribbling and controlling the ball
* Animations more varied in passing and shooting, although not on FIFA levels
* Shooting still floaty, needs work
* Throughballs not as powerful, easier to intercept with better control of players
* New personal data feature lets user customize own controller set-up, including adding an avatar picture

Lähdelinkistä voi lukea myös pitkät selostukset testaajien tunnelmista. :)

WENB PES 2012 Playtest Impressions | Winning Eleven Next-Gen Blog
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Lyhyt Jon Murphyn haastattelu CVG:ssä (Computer and Video Games), jossa Murphy kertoo d-pad -ohjauksen olevan mukana sekä sen että Pessin Gameplay on uuden pessin tärkein uudistus:

PES 2012 will support D-pad control

Konami sticks with feature due to fan demand

Konami has told CVG that D-pad control will be supported in PES 2012 - despite the company's desire to ditch it.

The code the firm showed at E3 earlier this month only allowed for control via the analogue sticks. The news apparently left a handful of vocal fans disgruntled - particularly those that rely on the pad to execute sharp turns during tournament gameplay.

As a result of the feedback, Konami - as community-centric as ever - has now elected to keep the feature in the game. However, it has warned fans that the option won't be in the series forever.

"We've decided not to take out D-Pad this year, because a some fans have told us that they still use it - particularly those ultra-competitive ones who rely on it to quickly change direction," PES Team Leader Jon Murphy told CVG. "The game will default to the twin sticks, but the option will be there to play with a D-Pad.

"Eventually, it will have to come out, so we're encouraging people to move over to the analogue stick. We made a lot of progress last year in a lot of areas, which included freedom of movement. That's a little bit wasted if you use the D-pad, so we don't expect the option will be there in the next couple of years."

CVG caught a behind-the-scenes glimpse at PES's new feature yesterday, and walked away very impressed indeed. Seabass and co's focus this time round has obviously been on pure gameplay, rather than atmospheric 'trinkets'.

Major alterations include a new smart AI, which not only sees CPU-controlled players making much earlier runs, but ensures that defensive players provide more intelligent cover. One of the cleverest new touches relates to set pieces, free kicks and throw ins: players can now use a flick of the right stick to select the recipient of the ball, then manually make a darting run and call for delivery.
The accuracy of goal kicks have also been dramatically improved (hurrah!), whilst the perpetual problem of odd gaps appearing between defence and midfield (and, therefore, the opponent running for yards and yards unchallenged) appears to have been fixed.

"I really do believe that the offering we've got this year will pull some fans back from the competition," said Murphy. "Perhaps we'll see another year when people buy both games, but after six months, we want to make sure they trade-in only one of them - and it's not ours.

"[FIFA] has the atmosphere, the crowds and certain licences we don't - and everybody knows they've got better commentary than us. I can't see that changing. And some of the stuff they're doing with the collisions looks great, depending how it works as you actually play.

"But if you want pure gameplay, I think we'll smash them this year. We've got so many things going for us, but just the lightness of touch and the way the players move independently is fantastic. You notice it instantly.

"You can put the pad down and see your team's movement as individuals. I really hope we can get the demo out to people as soon as possible, because it's all very well me talking about these things - it's when you play it that you see instantly.

"We don't want everyone, it's not about that - we want the front runners, the opinion formers, the players who tell their friends "you've got to check out PES this year". We want to bring them back, and I think we can."
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Innolla kyllä odottelen pessistä jonkunlaista gameplay-videota. Nämä trailerit jne. ovat vähän sen sorttisia, ettei pelistä ota vielä mitään selvää.
Gameplayn avulla jo hiukan näkee, miltä peli näyttää, varsinkin kun itselle visuaalinen ilme pelissä on suhteellisen tärkeä.
Toivon mukaan tänä vuonna olisi hiukan hankalampaa valita peliä tämän urheilulajien aateliston puolella, kun viime vuosina valinta on osunut jo aika varhaisessa vaiheessa FIFAan, kun PES on omasta mielestä jyllännyt hiukan liikaa paikallaan, eikä uudistukset ole vaikuttaneet tarpeeksi hyviltä.

Luultavasti tulen ostamaan PES2011-pelin lähiaikoina, saadakseni hiukan tuntumaa ja fiilistä PES-pelisaagaan. Ehkä PES2012 lähentelisi jo PES5:sen maagisia ominaisuuksia, jolloin peliä täytyi pelata aina vaan lisää. (Viimeisin kerta kun pelasin PES5:sta on viime viikolta. :D)

Onko muuten (MikeThaFifa?) tullut minkäänlaista ilmoitusta Konamilta vielä siitä, että 360 ohjaus olisi kaikilla käytössä. PES2011:ssa ymmärtääkseni kyseinen hyöty oli käytössä vain ns. tähtipelaajilla? (Messi etc.)
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Onko muuten (MikeThaFifa?) tullut minkäänlaista ilmoitusta Konamilta vielä siitä, että 360 ohjaus olisi kaikilla käytössä. PES2011:ssa ymmärtääkseni kyseinen hyöty oli käytössä vain ns. tähtipelaajilla? (Messi etc.)
Tuokin nyt vähän niin ja näin, sillä kyse on varmaan hyvinkin paljon siitä, mitä 360' kikkailulla tarkoitetaan. Pes 2011 tuo toimi käytännössä kaikilla, mutta mitä suuremmat kuljetus/tekniikka -arvot pelaajalla sitä helpompi pallon kanssa on pienessä tilassa liikkua. Ei missään nimessä ole kuitenkaan Pessin kuljettelu Fifan (vertaan nyt kymppiin ja World Cup -peliin) tasoista. Ja jos kerran Pessin 2011 versiota pääset jossain vaiheessa kokeilemaan, niin näet/koet tuon kuljettelun itse. ;)

Ja tuossa kun nopeasti katselin, niin ei ainakaan vielä ole tuosta uuden (2012) Pessin 360' dribblingistä ollut mitään mainintaa.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Jon Murphy vastaa twitterissä kysyttyihin kysymyksiin youtubessa, koskien tulevaa Pessiä. Kolme videota löytyy tähän mennessä:

Ja lisäksi laitetaas tämä Jon Murphyn "twiitti":
@G7SEV Next screens will be out over the next few days. Next major news release is a couple of weeks away.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Prorevo playtest impressions
Ben from Prorevo kindly wrote an English version of his PES 2012 playtest impressions, which you can find below. Make sure you check out the original (German) version on their site.

A Dream Come True

Itʼs 10.07 in the morning, the sky is a bit cloudy but itʼs warm. I stand in front of Konami of Europe HQ in
Frankfurt (Main). Itʼs some kind of a special moment for me. For years, I have envied magazines and
websites (like WENB) for getting early access to games and PES, especially. I wanted to be with them,
play with them, discuss the game. Today, Iʼm going to do the same. Iʼm here to play an early version of
PES 2012. Together with Marvin from prorevo, who has invited me. Itʼs a dream that has come true. But
enough sentiments, letʼs plunge into work (or should I say fun?).

Who Moved For Motion?

I was honoured with the role of the spectator in the first match as Marvin played against a Konami
employee. First thing that struck me was the motion on the pitch even before the playersʼ entrance. A
few groundsmen were walking over the field and checked the grass. A few moments later, the view
switched and you see the referees talking a bit, before they led the players out of the catacombs.
Camera men, stewards, managers, all moving and looking great. They didnʼt stop to move when the
match started, no, you could see the managers walking up and down in the coaching area, the cameras
tried to follow the ball, the stewards walked along the boundaries of the field and the stewards were
looking back onto the pitch from time to time; they normally look at the crowd. Just as they do in real
life. Nice touch with regards to the crowd: they wore the kits of the home team, looked really cool.
Moving to the on-the-field-event. There were many new animations for sliding, passing and shooting
but for little things as well. For instance, when another defender was going to cover another attacker, he
waved to his team mates that heʼd take over from them. If a player realised, that he would not reach the
ball with a kick, he pulled back. Wow. Oh, and when we played with national teams, volunteers were
standing/sitting next to the teams, holding the particular national banner.
Altogether, very eMOTIONal.

Can You Keep Up?

I think, that could have been the phrase Christiano Ronaldo said to Badstuber when he ran past him.
Badstuber couldnʼt. Germany conceded a goal. Doesnʼt sound like PES 2011, does it? Well, it isnʼt.
PES 2012 manages to balance those two aspects, attacking and defending, that represent the core of
football. Attackers can outsmart defenders and vice versa. Take that example from above. Ronaldo kept
the ball close to his feet, fooled the defender by shifting to the left and passed him by on the other side.
With no one left to block him, he could even outran Badstuber by a few meters and had enough time to
place his shot. Would you like an example to prove the opposite? Marvin played against me with Messi.
Messi went missing for 90 minutes. Say no more.
The keepers keep you well in play, rest assured. They seemed to be more aggressive at corner kicks or
free kicks and plucked the ball out of the air. They were more reliable and overall good. In 25 matches
we had maybe one situation where we thought the keeper could have kept that ball.

Thatʼs Not Fair!

Erm, it is. Why? Because the referee said so. And he was always right.
You can say that refereeʼs are fixed and much better than last year. Neither did they shed cards nor
were they mean when it came to yellow-/red-carding. They acted just… right. We never felt as if we
were betrayed by the referee.
It was the same with offside. We had maybe three or four off side situations and they were all correct.
At one point, Marvin stopped to play because he thought my player to be offside. However, the referee
was right again. Too bad I missed my shot.
A word (or two) concerning penalty kicks. As Adam already said, the camera is back to normal, behind
the player who earned the penalty kick. It works, and it works great. It is fair.

Thatʼs What I Call Intelligence.

I wonʼt go into detail here about player behaviour. Not yet, as I canʼt at the moment. But I will tell you
about that loss I tweeted earlier. The glorious 1-4 defeat. Yes, I lost against a lower rated team and I
loved it. In PES 2011, if a player was near your goal, he tried to shoot, most of the time. In PES 2012, it
is completely different. It feels alive. Letʼs go:
0 – 1: Counter attack by my opponent, four defenders, three attackers, one in the middle, one on each
side. I closed the center striker down and expected him to shoot. However, he played a high deadly
pass to the left winger who slowed down the ball, took a short look and played a precise cross to the
right outer corner of my box. To the right winger, of course, who then hit home volley. I was like:
ʻawwwwʼ (eyes wide open).
0 – 2: Mistake by myself, I passed the ball to an attacker instead of kicking it away. He outsmarted my
keeper! He feinted a shot, moved the ball out my keepers reach, ran a few yards and scored.
0 – 3: The best goal today. An attacker got the ball in my 18 yard area. However, he didnʼt shoot
instantly – what he would have done in PES 2011 – but laid the ball back for an attacker that was in a
much better position to shoot – and to score, of course. He lifted his foot and played the ball with so
much silkiness that I lowered the controller and stopped playing. My mouth copied the behaviour of my
eyes. I think I replayed it 4 times? Needless to say that I had none but one chance to score in the first
70 minutes – I hit the post.
0 – 4: Nice header after I mistimed the header of my defender. Timing is extremely important in this
game. Not once did I have the feeling that the CPU cheated me. I always mistimed actions. And I knew
that I failed.
1 – 4: 88 minute, regular goal, nothing special. Of course not, as it was I who scored.

I played that match with wide cam because this pitch side cam takes time to get used to. Furthermore, I
used the “completely manual” setting for passes which was complicated enough. About an hour before
we left, I tried to combine this setting with the new cam. Looks great, plays great, I got smashed. By the
gameplay, by the AI.

So is it the perfect package?

Sadly, it isnʼt. Two things are spoiling the party, at least a bit. One thing is shooting but thatʼs covered by
Adamʼs essay already.
The other thing is a bit weird to explain. When you pass the ball to or behind a team mate (deadly
pass), that player runs towards the ball and then, all of a sudden, slows down and jogs towards the ball.
Meanwhile, an opponent might run there and steal you the ball. It doesnʼt happen all the time, but
worryingly often. Something I will need to see how it changes through development.

Ja kuusi uutta kuvaa linkin takana: Klik

Periaatteessa gameplay videota voisi pikkuhiljaa alkaa tippua. :)
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Q&A Chaospessiltä:
As I promised, here is my Q&A from prorevo, it will be released there as well in German, so no need to translate for you.

Has dribbling changed and are there any new skill tricks?
The dribbling is much more subtle and more direct, the player responds instantly to your input. No new tricks.
Any news about fans?
The fans wear the kit of the home team, but we havenʼt seen any flags (yet). Fans and stadium staff are all in 3D and animated.
How do the new animations look like?
They look really good and they perfectly fit into the game. More diversity.
How are the new ball physics?
They are amazing while passing or crossing, very realistic. Shots are not so good.
Does the offside rule work?
Yes, itʼs much better. We had much less offside situations and the referee doesnʼt stop the game if the defenders intercept the ball before an offside attacker would receive it.
How are the keepers with regards to animations and flow of play?
They seem to get up a little bit faster than last year but still take their time. They have some beautiful new animations as well.
Speaking of continuous play: Are the black screens gone? Are players still teleported over the pitch?
Nice touch: during free kicks players do not teleport into the wall or next to your player thatʼll take the freekick.When youʼre increasing the wall, players come from the pitch and stand next to the already standing players. When youʼre calling for a supporter for an indirect free kick, he will run to you from his current position as well. No more loading screens where players are reset to their original position. With throwins and corners, there is a short, very short loading screen where the players are positioned. Sometimes, the player taking the throw in will run to the ball and lift it up before throwing.
Any news in the collision department, especially clipping?
Collision system works great and doesnʼt seem to be as over the top as last year. However, there was some clipping but we didnʼt care.
Do players leave their offside position faster than last year?
Yes, very fast.
Improvements w.r.t. graphcis?
Colour palette and lighting effects look much more natural. The pitch colour is brilliant.
Has the A.I. become more intelligent?
Oh baby, yes. An extreme enhancement of intelligence, amazing situations (see report). Rock solid defense.
How are the new dead ball situations?
Absolutely fantastic, so many individual possibilities to build up your play, 100% dynamic.
Are response times improved when trying to get the ball under control?
Much better, direct play of ball/cross possible.
Is the catch-up bug really gone?
Most definitely. Yes, it is gone.
Do referees know the advantage rule correctly and are they booking players afterwards?
There is the advantage rule by means of letting the play continue and stopping the play if the opponent gets the ball but we never got booked late in our session for any crime commited.
Can you intercept deadly passes?
Yes, that works well..
What can you tell us about the new passing system, especially the 5 different settings?
With full support, nearly every pass/cross succeeds if you press the direction correctly. With 100% manual setting, it becomes extremely difficult but creates new possibilities to play the ball.
Did you feel the (old) PES feeling?
Does player switching work?
Are quick free kicks better?
Felt exactly like in PES 2011 and were very rare.
Do you have to press the pass button at kick off?
Can you anticipate and intercept long throw-ins?
No as they are executed much faster than last year.
Are there any new replay cams?
Those from PES 2011 and one new that allows 360° movement around the action.
Is there dirt on the kits and can you see the players sweat?
No dirt on kits but you can see them sweat in replay/close cam . Can you move the wall during free kicks? No you canʼt.
Does the A.I. know “fair play” which means playing the ball out of the game in case of hurt players?
No, it doesnʼt.
Does the A.I. cause more free kicks/fouls than last year?
Yes, definitely.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Huomasin, että tuo prorevon aiempi kirjoitus (englanniksi) ei olekaan suora suomennos tuosta heidän saksan kielisestä kirjoituksesta, vaan tuosta saksaksi kirjoitetusta tekstistähän löytyy lisää todella mielenkiintoisia juttuja. Tämä (prorevon saksankielinen kirjoitus) pätkä löytyy englanniksi käännettynä (googlella) täältä. Poimitaas yksi todella mielenkiintoinen kohta tuosta englannuksesta:
There are two important points to which we would now like to tell you something. However, it is still an embargo, because Konami would announce these features and explain himself only. This announcement, we expect in the next few weeks and then there are also parallel to the second part of the report. Only so much in advance: It is an innovation that will bring the game to a new level as well as PES is PES 2011 compared to 2010 benefited from the 360​​-degree control.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Tässä olisi ranskalaisen pelisivuston ajatuksia pelistä (käännös googlella :rolleyes:). Ranskan taitajat voivat lukea ranskaksi linkin takaa. Linkin takana myös joitakin uusia(?) kuvia:

PES2012 - Playtest Pes-Soccer.fr
Following the events of yesterday (Friday 8) to Paris - PES2012 Press Tour. During this event the French press has been tested before the first Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 after a short presentation of Jon Murphy. Pes-Soccer has been his representative at this event. Indeed Tunizizou (Pes-Soccer.fr director) had the honor to test before the first Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 for us.

These are impressions of PES 2012 after testing the game at 60-70%.



Some improvements that are fun such as improved lighting and colors that make the game more realistic and really closer to what we see on TV!
Cameras, level of detail, atmosphere around the field in motion, all this was changed to a game more alive!
Unfortunately, there is still the graphics revolution, specifically in the stands, including supporters of better quality with more accessories (flag, cap, etc. ...).


Felt a great improvement in the game and especially visually, gestures are more natural and less robotic!
We feel real freedom in moving and the passes of the players!
A large amount of animations have been added! Whether in defense or collision phases arrested, there really change! And is a real pleasure to see some action that we see on TV finally on PES!
Unfortunately, some bad points such as fire or reactivity of the players are experienced during the game
The shots are soft, the effect of heavy ball and some players do not respond directly when they order an action, such as a tackle, the player takes at least 2 seconds to perform, which spoils the pace of the game !

But I am confident because during the presentation, Jon Murphy told us that the shots are being reworked by the team of Seabass.

Fortunately, this year Konami has improved through arbitration which will benefit such actions to continue without total loss of rhythm.

In a nutshell: The new PES is much less robotic, more fluid and realistic!
Those who loved the 2011, 2012 love him even more! Real change significantly due mainly to criticism of fans

Detailed overview

Arrested during the phases, the game looks better graphically, including improved due to the light on the shirts and faces.
Also the colors have been improved.

The sweat is present in PES2012, but only a few times noticed on the cinematics.

The blur of last year was abducted but is still present on certain actions. The ball still has a big effect of blur in the replays, which can best develop.

Players are more alive, and unlike images, it's not as bizarre or shocking to see such large veins
Players get upset and it shows, particularly following a foul or offside

Level of detail (LOD):
Same as for the lights, the level of detail is better. Arrested during the phases (eg kick), players that make up the wall finally a real face and not a face unrecognizable and blur.

FINALLY square, nothing to say! Just a small detail that embarrassment: The color. Indeed, the nets are gray, but it's good for the return of the famous nets, especially when the goals, it gives a bit of suspense because we think the shot is missed, but ultimately it in!
Nets react very well to contacts.

When you score a goal, the camera moves closer to more of the player, only to go to kinematics. The kinematics have also been revised to more emotions.
This transition liked me. To get an idea, see the transition kinematics of goal-PES6

Much more detailed. The folds are much more realistic but also some new type of jersey, a little wider (see screen)

Some wear the jerseys of the team home and other textures of traditional PES (color repetitive and poorly chosen)

Photographer s:
Better quality and now moving, but too robotic, "right - left"
In addition we find that the camera moves behind the net after a goal, for example.

They sit on chairs facing the fans, and return to the field when there is such an outlet ball. They seem interested in the game, or rather are they afraid of the ball?

They move ... finally! They walk and even give instructions with hands unfortunately exaggerated by Konami, it even has the right to coaches that work behind the net during the shots on goals.

A little more detailed, but no obvious changes compared to PES2011.

The menu is similar to this menu in PES2011. New blue theme with some details of the Champions League at the edges.
The main menu with the choice of mode to benefit from the addition of real video in the background.
The icons become larger patterns when moving it (friendly icon = icon of a camera lens, why?)
and when a valid choice, a small light occurs a kind of flash is pretty good as fact.

Game plan:
The faces of the players appear when selecting a player. The mini-faces are the style of the Master League on PES 2011.

Slow down:
Best camera out during the game and shooting, there are more errors.
Unfortunately there are always slowed down after the mistakes.

A new camera that gives us an overview of the sector, and can see the position of particular players in a good position.

Loading pre-game:
Instead of seeing the stage during loading before kickoff, we now see coaches walking on the lawn and test (as a gardener).


By the time of the bench are not whistled, so I'm not sure but it seems to me that there was therefore out of play the advantage rule works well if all else fails, we return to the fault .
Also, the referees do not hesitate to wait for action to put a card to a player and return YES since PES5.
Unfortunately, both tackles from behind are punished by a yellow but it is not voluntary

Pace of play: When two teams compete normal (OM - PSG) but the rate becomes slow when two big teams (Barca - Milan) the pace is fast and therefore the game become beautiful to see (one-two hits, etc ...)

Weakness! But that will be corrected by Jon Murphy. The ball is too heavy in the long shots but up close, it works perfectly!

Teammates and opponents are well placed, they use all the width of the field. At times, players in long passes were even on the sideline.
Much clearance on the line too!
Defenders is also positioned very well.

Corner kick:
Markings found for each player, but it still lacks duels more aggressive.

The Animation s:
Hundreds of animations were added to reproduce the gestures of real life!

In releases, players tear to clear the ball from their defense (the real gesture SAKHO ).
-> About the tackles, several new types, although some give rise to expectations, to use the ultimate weapon.
-> Many animations collision / physical (pushing another player etc or sets foot forward), which at times makes the game very aggressively.
-> Heads worthy of rabid defenders!
-> Animations of waterfalls and diverse actually better than PES2011 (the body that twists a little impact to the engine of fifa sometimes we even believe that the simulation, especially on the part of some players from Barca I loved)!

Technical: Not too tested, but looks like the PES11, with more difficult for low level players.


All players run in a realistic way, ie in an air of 360 °, angle can change very quickly as a David Villa or Robben in PES2011 but improved.

MESSI IS LEGENDARY! As in real life, when it is happening in the defense, players can not do anything to fault otherwise.
If you are gifted with the left stick and you use a good player like Messi fast and agile and fast and physical as you will soon be Villa's Maradona.

A few stops in one hand and reassuring stops such as the guard who stops and the clock to keep better (position).

Overall they are better than PES2011.

Sometimes when pressed, shows the player take the ball down and run in the direction chosen.

Ditto for the release of the guards, if you press the button "center" during idle or before the keeper appearing to the caretaker will go directly to the ball and will directly switch to camera match all without screen black.

And same goes for free kicks, no black screen when you want to call a second shooter and ditto for the wall, when you place, the players do not position by teleportation, but getting closer by human movement.

Some new entertainment center, same for single centers in the sides, the players longer apply.

Players raise their arms pointing out a game almost all the defenders, sometimes they continue to run, raising his arms in the same offense, not whistled, I liked.


New camera, gauge added all directions + power.
It's now finished the shooting in the stands even when you do not touch anything.

A system to FIFA then.

Shots on goal:
In the penalty shootout was the right of all new cinematics that show players with pressure, which positions the ball well, and joy / sadness of the players after their shots.

Kinematics of late such as PES2011 (overall view of the stage), too bad we would have liked to see the players celebrated the victory.

* Kinematics tunnel: Photographer in the tunnel and stewards moving, and yes again.
* Kinematic input of the players: As the E3 video (full motion on the part of coaches and photographers).

Keys: Cinematics showing players picking up the ball or if the players on the field excited or tired

-> The commitments become manual

-> Messi would have 92 in total score

Game modes

Football Life:
I know it is the position 4th position in the main menu (Menu after the Copa Libertadores and CL) but I completely forgot to see if the mode 'Be A Legend' was present, a priori, but not so.

Setting personal data:
This allows the player to configure and save the data as analog stick or directional pad, what type of cursor (semi, auto, manual) and controls.
Obviously, the news is that each player can store its own configuration which saves time for parties with friends.


Ambient sound level, I could not test, because the TV was muted except one but too low, I just heard the English commentators who I believe have not been changed, but seems more dynamic. I think the fans are louder, it remains still to be confirmed!
Voila, it was a bit long, but I preferred to focus on the details, because in regard to the general appearance of the AI ​​and gameplay, explained by Adam Bhatti and confirm that that he said .
Eiköhän tuosta jonkin verran selvää saa, vaikka onkin paikka paikoin aika "hauskasti" käännettyä tekstiä.

edit: Main menun kuva uudesta "football life" -pelimoodista:
Kuva on täältä ja samaisella sivulla on myös huomattu, että nykyisen master leaguen ja uuden football life -pelimoodin logot ovat hyvin samankaltaisia.
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Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Torstaina (14.7.) tulossa gameplay videota pessistä: PES 2012 Gameplay Video Coming Thursday! | Winning Eleven Next-Gen Blog

Edit. 13.7. Jon Myrphyn twiitti:
Next big announcement will come in a week. And we'll be releasing a series of videos. Some nice surprises for you all..

Ja torstain videoissa näytetään seuraavia asioita:

Actice AI - Diagonal runs
Active AI - Dummy runs
Active AI - Overlap
Active AI - Zonal defence
Active AI - Zonal marking
Off the ball controls

L: Pessin facepook
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Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Ja gameplay videota, jossa esitellään yllä mainitut asiat:

Edit. TT-2k tätä ehtikin jo editoida, mutta editoidaan vielä. Eli, kaikki kuusi videota ovat tuossa yhdessä ja samassa videossa, jonka laitoin spoilerin alle. Lisäksi laitetaan Prorevon mietteitä pelistä osa 2:
In the first part of our report of testing an early version of PES 2012 we promised to blast you with part 2. A real game changer. Now the embargo has ended and we want to tell you about our impressions of two of the most important features of PES 2012. To amplify the whole thing, Konami gave us some videos where Jon explains the changes and which detail the improvements compared to PES 2011.

Active AI
The AI is the step forward we were promised (and hoping for). The new system is called "Active AI" (Team vision, anyone?;-) ). Especially when playing the AI the new system really starts to shine. But the your team is acting cleverer as well. The Japanese development team focussed on this aspect of the game for a reason and their hard work pays off. We're going to describe a few situations that highlight the changes of the AI in the game:

Freekicks: The AI does not blast the ball desperately over the goal anymore, they cross the ball intelligently into the 18 yards box. Those crosses are much more effective and pay off. In PES 2011, those free kicks all too often went wide, missing friend and foe. Free kicks we caused by mistiming tackles always were very effective and dangerous.

Attacking AI: All offensive moves of the AI are much more individual and varied. Here are a few examples for their moves:
The AI is attacking with wingers more often. If an attacker sees a weak spot at the side line, he will cut into the 18 yards area. In last year's installment, he would have crossed the ball. All the time. The AI is always looking for the best opportunity to score. In PES 2011, they fired their shots from every position, no matter how sharp the angle was. Now the ball is passed back in behind the defensive line, where another player comes running and slots home easily. However, if a striker has enough space, about 20-25 meters before the goal, he'll unleash a screamer. The AI uses more high passes into the path of the strikers and sends players more often than last year.

Conclusion: The attacks vary and are difficult to defend. This variety in gameplay is especially welcome for offline modes and will boost the fun immensely.

Defending AI: The AI acting as a team really does work hard together to stop danger. They hand over opposing players to better positioned team mates and adapt their behaviour to the particular players. Christiano Ronaldo is defended against much tighter than a "regular" player. They attack the striker even before he controls the ball and they'll fall back if the ball is crossed to the opposing side. It really looks and feels more professional.

Your team mates:
A common problem in PES 2011 is the fact that players stop their run after they have passed the ball. You can force players to continue to run with the one-two pass, though. But that's it. In this years version you have much more opportunities, as players are running on their own, without stopping or even walking back. Combine this with sprints of other strikers into gaps in the defense or with players creating space by drawing defenders away, and you have a whole bunch of opportunities to shape your game. If the paths of players are fine tuned a bit, this will be a huge step forward.

We could only play on "Professional" when we had time with the game. In PES 2011, it was no real challenge to control and defeat your opponent on top player, at least for us. However, today we struggled to defeat Ghana with Germany. Maybe we have to get used to the new individuality and the freedom of the game but the second highest level of difficulty will challenge even experienced players when they play against a team of a similar strength.

Off the ball control:
The big innovation that we announced is the "Off-the-ball control". The right analogue stick is dedicated to this feature, and you can do beautiful things with it. The following examples will give a summary of this new system:

Switching players with the right stick:
Alongside the L1 trigger, you can now switch players with the right stick. This is more precise and avoids mistakes when selecting players. But using L1 for the last couple of years, this variant needs getting used to. Hence, we used L1 most of the time. If you play with completely manual player switching, you can, when you're attacking, switch to another striker and dart into a gap in the defense, waving your hand to call for the ball (as you can do in BaL). That's nothing new, basically, as you could already do this in PES 2011. However, using the right analogue stick lets you instantly switch to the player you want to select, without mashing L1 ten times.

Off-the-ball in dead ball situations:
In dead ball situations, this feature really starts to shine. You can shape these situations more distinct than ever. At first, your player is positioned behind the ball as you know it from last year's game. As soon as you flick the right analogue stick, the camera angle changes and you can now select a specific player (most probably the one you want to use ) and move him around with the left stick. So you can set up opportunities to send your player, to feint or to dart into free space, even before the ball is played. It works like a charm and makes your play incalculable.

Here are some examples:
At a corner kick I select the player at the near post and move him towards the player at the corner. The defender follows suit because he expects a pass instead of a cross. Now I switch players again and select the one at the penatly spot and run towards the near post. While the player is running, I press the circle button to cross the ball. The player's path towards the post - and the now vacant space - matches the cross and the striker hits the crossbar with a massive header. Unlucky, maybe I'll score next time.
Long free kick from about 38 yards. Again, I'm spoilt for choice. I could run with a player towards a post and volley the ball at the penalty spot. I could feint a run into the middle and then turn towards the flank, bringing the high free kick under control and cross it into the box, as well.

Throw-in: You now have more options for throw-ins as well because you can select the player you want. You can break away from the opponent, resulting in throw-ins that are harder to defend. Furthermore, you can throw the ball into the path of your team mate.

Goal kick: Even here the right stick enables you to select the player where you want to play the ball to. Gone are the times, when your opponent intercepted your kick off.

Conclusion: The success of those situations depends on timing and the paths you run with the players. If you mistime the pass/cross or you play the ball predictably, the defenders will catch the ball. Furthermore, the abilities of the players that take the free kick/corner kick are very important to play the ball as exactly as you want to. It's an immense enrichment for all dead ball situations and lets you create dangerous situations and suprise your opponent, without being overwhelmingly effective. The only let-down is the fact that we could not play a long (low) pass in the path of a player past the wall.

Edit: 15.7.
Guys, #PES2012 is gonna crush at Gamescom. Some announcements will blow you away. No hinting from me, but worth the wait!
But first, new Gameplay announcement next week. It's big, but normal compared to news coming at Gamescom lol #PES2012

Mitähän sieltä tulee? :cool:

Also, there's some huge announcements coming at Gamescom. So huge, that I can't describe how happy I am. We're talking modes and licenses. When you hear, you will cry with joy.
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Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Gameplay videota löytyy nyt jonkin verran youtubesta. Versio taitaa olla E3 aikaisia (touko-/kesäkuu), eli läheskään uusinta versioita eivät harvat ja valitut saaneet Lontoossa(?) pelailla. Mitä tässä olen kitanamediasta lukenut, niin kyseinen versio ei ole edes "70%" valmis, joten joitakin isompiakin probleemoja videoissa saattaa näkyä (toisessa videossa ainakin hyvä esimerkki). Mutta laitetaan videoita joka tapauksessa: <VIDEOT POISTETTU>

Edit. Konami näköjään poistaa(/pyytää videoita poistettavaksi) noita videoita, joten nuo yksittäiset videot eivät enää näy. Joku kuitenkin koonnut kaikki aiemmat videot yhteen nippuun, joka löytyy tästä.
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Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Adam_Bhatti@Twitter sanoi:
But first, new Gameplay announcement next week. It's big, but normal compared to news coming at Gamescom lol #PES2012
Vähän vaikuttaisi siltä, että tämä kyseinen uudistus liittyy "Off The Ball" -pelaamiseen ja tästä voi melkein sen johtopäätöksen vetää, että uudistus on "kahdella pelaajalla samaan aikaan pelaaminen". Eli, pallottomana voisi itse hakea paikkaa (oikea tatti?) samalla, kun kuljettelee palloa toisella pelaajalla (vasen tatti). Kuulostaa melkoisen hankalalta. :p :eek: Odotellaan kuitenkin huomista ja virallista ilmoitusta tuosta gameplay uudistuksesta.

Edit: Eli varmistuipa tuokin tieto melkein heti:

"A Spanish site has revealed the big gameplay inclusion announced this week. Europe and embargoes don't seem to go hand in hand *sigh*" Adam_Bhatti

Ja huomenna sitten mitä ilmeisemmin on luvassa videota kyseisestä uudistuksesta.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Videota uudistuksesta:
[video=youtube;TnDtf3PyI7c]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnDtf3PyI7c&feature=player_embedded[/video] [video=youtube;JF3eLatNOqw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF3eLatNOqw&feature=player_embedded[/video]

Challenge Training Mode returns in PES 2012
All skills can also now be refined in the return of the much loved ‘Challenge Training’ mode. A hugely popular part of PES lore, Challenge Training gives the player a series of tough tests which they can use to hone various skills. The mode allows users to work hard on their attacking and defending skills to improve their main game. Similarly, there are dribbling tests and set-piece challenges that necessitate hitting a series of targets, and punishing shooting tasks are used to push the player as they put in the hours that will make all the difference on field.

Messi no longer PES cover star
“This is the start of a major new era for PES,” added Murphy. “In the coming weeks we will detail more on how the ever-popular Master League has evolved, and will be unveiling the new face of the series. With PES moving ever upwards, it is time for an equally high profile and skilled cover star. The new player has all the attributes of the new game, in that he is a strong all-rounder, skillful, fast, and capable of making magic happen on-field. We have had a wonderful three years working so closely with Lionel Messi and thank him for his efforts and support. He has been key in the evolution of the series, and we wish him all the best.”

Edit. Muutamat uudet kuvat myös linkin takana.
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Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

PES 2012 vaikuttaa kyllä tihkuneiden tietojen ja videoiden perusteella erittäin lupaavalta. Hienoa varsinkin, että Konamilla on keskitytty hiomaan tekoälyä, joka ainakin itselleni oli kenties edellisten versioiden suurin heikkous.

Mahdollisuus ohjastaa samaan aikaan useampaa pelaajaa tuo kyllä todella paljon mahdollisuuksia hyökkäysten rakenteluun ja pelissä pystynee luomaan sellaisia juoksuja ja kuvioita, joista ennen olisi voinut vain haaveilla. Toivottavasti Konami vaan on saanut puolustuksen tekoälyn toimimaan siihen malliin, että hyökkäämisestä ja maalipaikkojen luomisesta ei tule liian helppoa.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Toisen pelaajan liikuttamista pitää kyllä päästä testaamaan. Vaikuttaa mielenkiintoiselta. Noh demossa sitten viimeistään.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Muutama päivä on nyt ollut melko hiljaista, mutta elokuun ensimmäisellä viikolla pitäisi sitten ruveta tihkumaan preview codesta kirjoituksia. Silloin infoa pitäisi tulla mm. pelimuodoista (football life, master league) ja lisensseistä. Gamescomissa sitten vielä lisää juttua.


Ja laitetaan nyt yksi Jon Murphyn haastattelukin tähän: MeriStation TV

Eipä tuossa mitään uutta oikeastaan ole paitsi tuo Jonin tarkempi selvitys tuosta kahden pelaajan ohjastamisesta (5:53->). Itse en tosin onnistunut kelaamaan tuohon kyseiseen kohtaan, vaan alusta asti katselin... :o

Ja tuollakin sivustolla oleva kuva voi jotain viitteitä antaa uuden Pessin kansikuvapojusta. ;)

edit. Ja Myrphyn uusin twitterviesti kertoo, että tämän vuoden Pessiin ei ole luvassa lunta.

edittiä: Muutama muukin twiitti näköjään Murphylta:
MrMeSsE: Hve Konami improved the cams on Pes i noticed in pes 2011 the cam was at a strange angle?
JM: Improved and some new ones

Betojunior: hi jon, the premier league will be licensed ?
JM: No, sorry. It's an exclusive to our rival

mancan2: What can you say regarding the difficulty of the game?With the improved AI will the CPU be alot harder?
JM: From whay I've seen and played, difficulty level is harder this year.

syed_sami_rizvi: Also when you signed a player in ML/ Football theres a press conference where he holds the shirt and you give him the number
JM: We'll be talking about modes soon.

Joseamc91: One thing you ought to consider is to sell PES2012 updated (Transfers) or put the patch very soon...
JM: We always try and get a transfer update ready for release

edit. Otetaas taas takaisin, eli Adam Bhatti kertoi äsken pessin foorumeilla, että ensi viikolla ei tipu infoa "football life" -pelimoodista. Joistakin muista pelimuodoista sitten luultavasti tarkempaa tietoa (edit modesta?).

edit. Huomenna gameplay videota, twiittaa Jon Murphy: Twitter
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Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Uusi video, eli Pes 2012 1 on 1:

Lisäksi Pessin UK:n julkaisupäivä on 14.10. ja muualle Eurooppaan mitä ilmeisemmin hieman aiemmin. Linkki: WENB

Edit. Ainakin Saksassa julkaisupäivä on 29.9, joten sopisiko Skandinavian (Suomen) julkkaripäiväksi myöskin tuo 29. tai 30. päivä? Niin, ja toivottavasti tälle meidän alueen Pessille saadaan tänäkin vuonna kunnon Option File heti julkaisusta.
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