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Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [PS3/X360]


Active Member
Pelin nimi: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (kavereiden kesken PES 2012)
Kehittäjä: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Julkaisija: Konami
Lajityyppi: Urheilu (Jalkapallo)
Julkaisu: 14.10.
Linkkejä: Jon Murphyn twitter, Pesgaming, WENB, PESFan

Uudelle/tulevalle Fifalle jo avattiinkin ketju (näköjään useampi), joten eiköhän se Pessillekin ole aika oma ketju avata. Pelistä tosin ei vielä minkäänlaista infoa ole tihkunut, mutta eiköhän onnistuneen Pes 2011 jälkeen pelistä nähdä totutusti uusi versio jälleen syksyllä Konamin toimesta.

Eniten itse toivoisin peliin todella paljon lisää muokkaus mahdollisuuksia, jotta peliin saataisiin entistä enemmän liigoja (ylä- ja alasarjoja). Tämä toisi tajuttomasti lisää syvyyttä pelimuotoihin, jos aloittaisit esim Englannin neljänneltä sarjatasolta tai Suomen ykkösestä. Toisaalta tämä vaatii todella aktiivisen editointi porukan, mutta en usko, että se tulisi olemaan ongelma, mitä nyt tuota pesgaming sivustoa ja sen editointiketjuja olen lueskellut. Tuollainen Football Manager tyylinen editori olisi kyllä jotain uskomatonta ja vielä niin, että editointi onnistuisi tietokoneella ja sitä kautta valmiit tiedostot konsoliin. Mutta tuskinpa tällaista nähdään.. :(

Gameplay uudistuksia toivoisin myös rutkasti, mutta mainitsen vain muutaman omasta mielestäni tärkeimmän:

Peliä sulavammiksi. Pelaajien liikkeet ovat paikka paikoin niin kankeita, että AI nappaa pallon todella helposti. Hölkkänappi pohjassa kuljettaminen auttaa huomattavasti, mutta siltikin liikkuminen vaikuttaa oudon kulmikkaalta.

Topparit ovat myös hiukan turhan nopeita verrattuna hyökkääjään. Tämä ilmenee hyvin esim läpiajossa, jossa saat hyökkääjällä useamman askeleen etumatkan, niin lopulta toppari saa hyökkääjän kiinni ja riistää pallon. Ei ole väliä topparin tai hyökkääjän nopeudella näissä tilanteissa. Muutenkin näitä pelaajien eroja vielä enemmän esille. Esimerkiksi harhautuksissa ja jo mainitussa nopeudessa.

Toinen tärkeä asia pelin saamiseksi sulavammaksi olisi nämä cutscenet tukasta muualle. Tai ainakin niin, että esimerkiksi päävalikosta nämä saisi pois päältä. Eli toisin sanoen jokainen vapari olisi mahdollista antaa nopeana paitsi, jos tuomari päättää pitää puhuttelua. Sama rajaheittoihin. Paljon nopeammat rajaheitot mukaan. Samalla peli myös jatkuisi ikään kuin "samasta tilanteesta", eikä jokainen kenttäpelaaja ole maagisesti liikkunut siihen omaan pikku ruutuunsa. Maali- ja kulmapotkuihin myöskin samainen uudistus.

Master Leagueta voi kehittää vielä, vaikka hyvä se on nytkin. Syvyyttä varsinkin lisää. Ja mikä tärkeintä: Mahdollisuus vaihtaa joukkuetta/saada töitä muista jengeistä.

Jaa.. Mitäs vielä? Ai niin, Become A Legendiin myös alasarjat mukaan! Samalla oman ukon maajoukkue ura voisi alkaa esim juniorimaajoukkueessa tms.

Sitten vielä nämä Bles pelleilyt pois.. Vai onko tuo kolme eri Bles versiota (20, 21 ja 22) nykyään välttämätön?

Siirrän pallon keskikentälle. Mitäs muut toivotte uuteen Pessiin?

edit. 13. toukokuuta: lisäsin infoa pelistä.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

^^ BLES koodit ovat välttämättömiä, ne kertovat mistäpäin Eurooppaa(?) peli on hankittu, niin tietää, mitä storesta latailee.
Jatkakaa. :D
^^ BLES koodit ovat välttämättömiä, ne kertovat mistäpäin Eurooppaa(?) peli on hankittu, niin tietää, mitä storesta latailee.
Jatkakaa. :D
Ok. Ihmettelin vain, kun jengi oli hämillään pelin ja ensimmäisten option filujen ilmestyessä, kun option filet eivät toimineetkaan kaikissa peleissä.

Mutta joo. Pari lisäystä:

Tuomarit.. Enemmän vaparivihellyksiä (pienen filmauksen voisi jopa saada läpi keskikentällä kaatuessa). Nythän tuo filmaus nappulan käyttö on lähes saletti keltainen. Linjamiehet tarkemmiksi, eli se lippu ylös ennen kun maalin tehnyt kaveri on juossut kulmalipulle.

Samaan syssyyn maalivahdit realistisemmiksi. Vaikka niitä lipsahduksia tapahtuu oikeastikin, niin silti tuntuu, että välillä pessissä se helppo veto on juuri se, millä pallo laitetaan maaliin.

Kulmapotkuissa CPU voisi myös yrittää jotain muutakin, kuin sitä saksipotkua aina, jos purkupallo tulee siihen 18-25 metrin etäisyydelle. Onhan se hienoa, että löytyy itseluottamusta hakea saksipotkua noinkin kaukaa, mutta että joka kerta..

Lisäksi Copa Libertadores jengit näytösotteluihin eli irti tuosta niille tarkoitetusta pelimuodosta. Toivottavasti muuten Etelä-Amerikan jengit ovat vielä mukana seuraavassa Pessissä.

Enköhän mä jotain vielä keksi, mutta annetaan olla tältä osin tässä.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Itse en tämän kauden PESiä omista, koska FIFA tuntui demon ja videoiden perusteella paremmalta, mutta itse toivoisin PESiin samanlaista graafista ilmettä kuin FIFAssa. Tai siis, että pelaajat liikkuisivat paremmin. Sama ongelma kuin NHL:n puolella 2k-sarjalla, peli on liian kankeaa yms. Itseä häiritsee tuo todella paljon. Toivoisin sitä, että liikkumissuunnat olisi vapaita (nykyisessä PESissä joillain tähtipelaajilla on tämä?) kaikille. Lisäksi kun liigoja Konami saisi lisättyä, niin PES saattaisi aivan hyvin olla valintani syksyllä kun tämän vuoden futispeliä valitsen!
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Onkohan tuo jotain hassuttelua, kun pesgamingin PES 2012 toiveissa toivovat mallin X ja värin Y nappulatossuja? Menee kyllä vähän pieleen, jos toivotaan uusia tossuja ennen gameplay parannuksia. Ihan kuin tuolla oikeasti olisi väliä, että millä tossuilla se oma pelaaja siellä kentällä kirmaa. Eikä kenkien väriä/mallia edes näy wide kuvakulmasta (elleivät ole sellaset kirkkaan pinkit tai keltaiset). Joka vuosi sama juttu. :confused:

would be nice if boots were made like this

Pro-Direct Soccer - Football Boots, New Football Cleats, Nike, adidas, Puma, Umbro

and also if they were editable, selectable materials, selectable accessories and everything that is needed for boots.
Eikä ole edes ainoa vastaava toive.. :mad:
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Nostellaas ketjua pienen infon muodossa: Twitter

Eli lähipäivinä Seabass kertoo uuden pessin uudistuksista. Näitä uudistuksia koskeviin kysymyksiin Jon Murphy vastailee myös Twitterissä, kunhan noita uudistuksia on Seabassin toimesta ensin julkistettu.

Edit: Huomenna uudesta Pessistä tietoa!

PES 2012 will be announced tomorrow - that's according to gaming website, Level7, who (roughly translated) tweeted this earlier;

"News about PES 2012 delayed. Expected before tomorrow afternoon".

Apparently, they have been right in the past, regarding leaked PES news, so we can only hope that they're right again this time and Konami will announce the game tomorrow.

Also, we can confirm that Seabass himself will be presenting PES 2012 via a video presentation.

Fingers crossed we get the announcement tomorrow...
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Kohta mennään:
Jon Murphy sanoi:
Seabass video will go live this afternoon. You'll get an overview of some key topics, but lots more info to come later. #Seabass #PES2012
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Game on!


PES 2012: Real Football Simulation
KONAMI details focus for forthcoming Pro Evolution Soccer simulation

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has outlined its ambitious plans and focus for PES 2012, which it will release in Autumn 2011 for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Windows PC, Wii, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) and PlayStation®2, and which again boasts exclusive use of the UEFA Champions LeagueTM & UEFA Europa LeagueTM licences.

“For me, the ultimate aim in the ongoing PES series is to match what people see when they go to a match or watch a big game on TV with what they experience on their console,” explains Shingo ‘Seabass’ Takatsuka, the Creative Producer of the Pro Evolution Soccer series. “As such, in consultation with football fans across the globe, we have been working non-stop to isolate and determine how to make our game marry in with how real football is played. This is key to PES 2012, and key to providing the ultimate football experience within a console title.”

To this end, PES 2012 continues KONAMI’s determination to work with fans of both the PES series and football in general, to create a truly realistic, immersive and utterly playable take on the modern game. Thus, the focus in PES 2012 is the instinctive way the game can be played and on teamwork in particular. Seabass and his Tokyo team have worked to recreate the very essence of top-level football, ensuring the new game’s AI engine has undergone a major overhaul and provide an experience akin to being part of a real team.

Attacking play is a cornerstone of PES 2012, and the new game benefits from a more open approach that allows users to dictate the pace of movement, with all-new AI elements incorporated so team mates make runs and offer support in one-on-one situations. Players make useful dummy runs to draw defenders, and this offers users greater options to move the ball around when they are being closed down. Thus, the team works together a more cohesive unit, reacting to the movements of the player with the ball, and working to force the opposing team into mistakes.

Zonal marking and positional defending are also massively enhanced; ensuring players are forced to work harder to split the opposition defence. Meanwhile a new cursor switching system has been implemented using the right analogue stick to switch to any player on the field. This allows users to pick a team mate anywhere on the pitch, thereby allowing players to react to threats faster, and to shut down attacks more quickly. Hold up play is being tweaked to give even greater control. AI defenders are able to hold a much tighter defensive line, position themselves better and track opponents more efficiently. The off-the-ball switching also extends to key set pieces, such as goal kicks, corners, free kicks and throw-ins, and allows users to target a specific player and send them on runs or to drag defenders out of position, and allows for quick breaks and space to be exploited more easily.

The physicality of top-level football is represented as PES 2012 extends the jostling system of its predecessor. Defenders rely on their strength and stature to force a player from the ball as strikers and play makers make use of unique attributes to beat their markers. Tighter, more accurate collisions see players tumbling dependent on how they are knocked off the ball. Crucially, control is not lost, allowing the stumbling player to be brought directly back under control.

The result is a game that, more than ever, truly represents the key attributes of the world’s greatest players, but without sacrificing balance and allowing single players to waltz undefended through a game. Coupled with heavily tweaked animation, more detailed lighting techniques, a wider variety of player styles, improved dead-ball situations, expanded tactics and a new customisable pass feature, means that PES 2012 truly captures the essence of top-flight football.

“Team work is what separates the world’s greatest teams from their peers, and is the hub of everything within PES 2012,” added Takatsuka. “PES 2012 focuses on the core elements of top-level football: attacking play, freedom of movement, the creation of space, and working together as a unit both up field and in defence. These elements combine to create a game that flows and ebbs like a real match, with individual shows of brilliance changing a game, and more control over every aspect of play within a wide-ranging yet instinctive control system. PES 2012 will turn the heads of fans everywhere.”

KONAMI will be detailing further key enhancements to PES 2012 in the coming months.

e. Videon loppupuolella Seabass kertoo, että pelissä tulee olemaan uusia pelimuotoja ja editointi mahdollisuuksia ("Of course we'll have more for you such as new modes and edit features etc."), joista Seabass kertoo lisää myöhemmin. Samalla Seabass kertoo, että pelistä saatetaan nähdä beta ("There may be an opportunity to try an early build of the game. If you're lucky enough to get involved please give us your feedback").
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Uutta infoa pukkaa:

As we said a few days ago, we would have news about PES 2012 before the E3 event and it is here.

Konami has released a Press Release where shows PES 2012 improvements and the first screens. You can see new animations and great visual enhancements, we hope this fills your appetite a bit until E3.

KONAMI shows PES 2012 improvements

Konami Digital Entertainment GMbH today revealed the first in-game images from its forthcoming PES 2012 title, showcasing the newly-implemented movements and animations the new game enjoys.

The new screens show a variety of situations from within PES 2012 that have been bolstered by new animations, visual enhancements and control elements. The Tokyo-based team has worked hard to ensure PES 2012 is a more fluid and playable experience, with the jostling system used in last year's game now enhanced to offer proper bodily contact and physical reactions, while close control and the team AI has been reworked to provide a more realistic recreation of real football.

As such, PES 2012 gives the player total control, with dribbling now refined, while passing and build-up play are enhanced by AI that ensures teammates will make dummy runs and support the player with the ball.

PES 2012 will be released later in the year.

Laitetaan lisäksi spoilerin taakse uusia kuvia (HD:na kuvat löytyvät täältä):

So it would appear that Konami are keen to emphasise that PES2012 will indeed see improvements in the animations department along with enhanced collisions which was always going to be welcome, especially if it is all going to add up to a more fluid gameplay experience. It is also encouraging to read that dribbling will be more refined (along with close control) because for as much as the dribbling mechanics were excellent in theory and certainly a strength of PES2011, the execution was just a little off in it’s consistency and responsiveness. Close control was lacking especially in first touch and taking down airborne passes so if these areas were to see improvement they would make a pretty big difference by themselves.


As for the screens themselves, they don’t give too much away but they do hint at a couple of things. First of all and probably most striking is the screen showing Sneijder appear to take a hit from De Rossi. Note the enhanced level of detail in Sneijder’s face which shows him emoting after the collision, right down to neck vein and muscle detail to go along with the contorted expression on his face. A small detail and certainly not one we will be seeing from a playing angle but a nice touch nonetheless. It is of course hard to read too much into a still image when trying to arrive at a conclusion regards fluidity and variety in animation but in the Sneijder/De Rossi screen it certainly looks like player interaction will be improved in terms of offering visual feedback to the player.

Moving on to the Spain/England screen, we have what is very much a familiar PES pre-release asset but it does look to show some potential improvements regards lighting in night time matches which any PES player will opine was quite possibly PES2011′s achilles heel in terms of the visuals. Kit detail and how it sits on the player models looks a bit more natural too, though Capdevilla does look as though he has piled on a few pounds. Player models generally look a touch better (more athletic?) and while these screens might not show vast improvement in appearances, they do display a little more in the way of smoothness of texture though whether this is a result of a touch up or added filter for the screens themselves is anybody’s guess for the moment. Still, it is good to see that we are getting some screenshots that show night time lighting straight from the off.


Finally, we have the Robinho close up. This one has proved to be a favourite for us at WENB as while it doesn’t give anything away at all regards gameplay, it does clearly show that PES still has a great eye for small details in kit design (numbering/lettering on Cassano’s shirt) and the way Robinho is emoting also worthy of note. Again we see the little details in neck muscle and facial muscle detail but we also get a glimpse of further detail in the form of sweat forming on the Brazilian superstars brow and forehead. Also, does it not also look as though the crowd might be more varied? Hard to tell again if this is a result of the asset having undergone some touching up but it could be that pitchside ambience and detail might see some further improvement.
PES 2012: News And First Screens
PES2012 : News & First Screens | Winning Eleven Next-Gen Blog

Siinähän sitä taas onkin lukemista itse kullekkin. :)
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Pessin traileri E3:lta:

Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Pesfan sivustolla uutta juttua pessistä (uusia kuvia ja tekstiä):

PES 2012 continues KONAMI’s determination to listen to its fanbase and make key improvements to the aspects the audience demands. Thus, the focus for PES 2012 is to ensure the highest level of playability, challenge and realism for the game, whilst also improving the level of control offered to users. Fundamental changes to all areas of its AI have been made following user feedback. Similarly, teamwork is central to how the game moves and feels, enabling fans to replicate anything they would see in a real match.

Active AI: PES 2012 strives to recreate the movement and team ethic of real football, and Active AI plays a vital role in this. Players will no longer flock to a ball, but will make intelligent runs to create space and draw markers, while others will make themselves available, instigate runs, and visibly call for the ball. In the box, support players will make diagonal decoy runs, full backs will overlap on the wings and midfielders will provide support from behind the ball. The new Active AI routines ensure the flow of a match is more natural, with specific routines for both attack and defence. Hold-up play implemented last year has been improved for easier control with more effectiveness. Defending as a unit plays a key role, and players now hold a tight line, check on the distance between each other, track back as a unit, and fill in for each other. As individuals they also make better decisions to close space, block and tackle.

Jostling: Physicality is a key component in PES 2012, with player strength one of their key individual attributes, and having a vital effect on how they can use their strength to win the ball in a one-on-one situation. Players now fall depending on how they are challenged, with more realistic animations used to show the challenges between two jostling players.

Graphics: Several aspects of the game have enjoyed a huge overhaul. Player facial expression is now much richer and the lighting effects are more natural, while new cameras show off the huge variety of pitch-side movement, with more detail on and around the game than ever before.

Off The Ball Control: Equally key to opening up PES 2012 is the ability to highlight any player at any time. A new system has been implemented, allowing users to switch players with ease. In defence, the right stick is now used to select any outfield player, while set pieces are also enhanced through its use. Goal kicks, corners, free kicks and throw-ins now let the user quickly take control of any player off the ball, enabling clever runs which create space for an attack.

Referee AI: Referees are also crucial to general game flow and their AI has been greatly enhanced to ensure fewer interruptions to play. Decisions are improved, and advantage is played much more regularly in offside and free kick scenarios. As such, refs will only intervene when truly necessary, but they will show cards if necessary once play has broken down.

Pass Support: Accessed through the new personal player settings, Pass Support allows users to determine the level of AI assistance when passing the ball. Players can opt for one of five settings from full support, right up to full veteran setting which switches off all assistance so that the direction, weight and speed of every pass is at their disposal.

““We are really pleased to implement so many improvements within the areas that our fans wanted changed,” commented Jon Murphy, European PES Team Leader at Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. “PES 2012 is about matching real football, whilst ensuring an unrivalled gameplay experience. The trailer highlights many of the innovations we have added, and, more importantly, how they benefit the game. There’s plenty more to come, but for now we look forward to seeing how fans react.”
Linkki: PES 2012 shows its form at E3 - PESFan - Pro Evolution Soccer Fansite

ps. Laitan viestiä huomenna parempaan kuosiin, koska ei puhelimella oikein onnistu tämä. (done)
edit. Ei onnistunut noiden kuvien laitto, joten kuvat löytyvät linkin takaa.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Huonompia uutisia niille, jotka ovat
pessiä pelanneet nuolinäppäimillä:
So, d-pad controls will now be used for on the fly tactics. Wanted to keep it locked as a surprise, but out of the bag now.


Onlyproevolutions -sivustolla on myöskin koottu melko tuhti paketti tietoa pessistä. Tiedot on kaivettu peliä kokeilleden twitter(?) päivityksistä:

So in the interests of everyone, I thought it would be beneficial for every PES fan if I were to collate every decent PES tweet and store it in one location - via this blog post obviously!

Here below, are the facts (and some opinions too!) of Pro Evolution Soccer 2012:

Player models now look great in widecam. New levels of detail, with brand new lighting for day and night settings.

Goalkeepers have been improved, and "are very good, even at this stage".

Cursor change is fixed. L1 works great, although now you can change player with the right stick like in FIFA.

Referees have been fixed! They play the advantage rule well, while also book players after play stops!

We have been told that linesmen can make mistakes - on purpose!

Shooting is more like the older games. More control, and result make more sense. New shooting animations, and new ball physics. Shooting feels great, especially with the feeling of when the player hits the ball.

Precision shooting has been improved, but it's been said that the shots still lack power.

Graphical detail matches/surpasses PES 2010. Finally no more inconsistency like PES 2011.

In-game atmosphere is more intense. Players will experience a heightened matchday experience.

New broadcast cam is "wonderful". It shows more of the pitch, and sits still like traditional widecam. The camera sitting still means less zooming, always giving you a perfect view of the pitch.

While you are playing the game, you can now see substitutes warming up, managers moving, and ground staff/cameramen walking around the pitch.

There can be no word on commentary, because there isn't any on the current code.

Grasslooks more brilliant. Different cuts for different stadiums promised and different camera angles for different stadiums.

Running animations are back. So players like Messi and Ronaldo have their own, and there are tonnes more that you can assign.

Crossing is similar to PES 2011, but feels different thanks to new ball physics. Not a massive change though.

The hardest difficulty is "tough". New defensive AI makes it tough to break top teams down - "first match, no shots on goal".

The catch up bug has gone! Quick players can now stay ahead and can get away from slow players.

Stumbling animation has gone, as you always stay in control of players at all times. 100% more responsive.

Players fend off opponents via off-the-ball movements. It looks more realistic, but not over physical. Eg, can see collisions at corners.

Foul animations look much more realistic. Collision system is "fantastic".

Knuckleball is still in.

For throw-ins and goal kicks, you can now select the player you want to pass to by flicking the right analogue stick.

Currently, there is no news regarding the public PES 2012 beta. Konami will announce details at a later date.

If you're wondering about official licensing for PES 2012 and gameplay videos, details regarding this will be announced at a later date. Konami will also reveal new gamemodes in the run-up to the game's release, but not now.


Laitetaan vielä yksi Asim Tanvirin kirjoitus pelistä. E3 koodi siis kyseessä:


Often the difference between a good football game and bad one, you’ll be glad to know that the shot stoppers in the E3 build of PES 2012 are rather good.

During my time with the game, which consisted of six matches (set at 10 minutes), I only encountered one genuine mistake. Now, I don’t know about you, but I think that is an impressive ratio for a football game that is still in development.

If you were to compare the goalkeepers in the E3 builds of PES 2011 and PES 2012, the latter would be vastly superior in every single aspect. That includes animations (more on those later), realism and reliability.

For instance, in my second match (I was playing as Spain), Iker Casillas made a superb double save which you would struggle to come across in the retail version of PES 2011 let alone the E3 build. The fact that he reacted so promptly to the rebound after his first save, is what made the entire scenario so impressive. The Spaniard didn’t get up and then stand around like a zombie admiring Pique’s beard for a couple of seconds; he got up as soon as realistically possible and made the second save.

One area where the virtual shop stoppers could use a little work is one-on-ones, but that is just me nitpicking. Standout moments like the one mentioned above combined with the general reliability, even at this early stage, provide enough evidence to suggest that the goalkeepers in PES 2012 could be the best in the series to date.

Passing and Shooting

The passing and shooting systems in PES 2012 are pretty much exactly the same as PES 2011. However, there are a couple of new additions which influence these particular facets of the game ever so slightly. Thankfully, both additions have a positive effect.

First up, you have the tweaked ball physics which provide a much more realistic feel to the overall passing and shooting. It’s extremely hard to describe the exact effect, but don’t be surprised to see the ball occasionally bobble across the turf after a poorly hit pass or shot.

Secondly, in a move that is sure to delight the hardcore football gamers, Konami have finally included an option which allows players to adjust the level of support they get with their passes. The option, known as Pass Support, throws five different settings at your disposal. By default the Pass Support settings are set to three bars, meaning you have some control over the weight, direction and speed of your passes. If you want full control over everything, you just need to adjust the settings accordingly.

The fully manual passing system takes a while to get used to as you’d expect, but if you can get to grips with its intricacies, you can really pull off some wonderful passing moves. Think of it like getting used to the new passing system back in PES 2011 and you’ll get some idea of the learning curve.

Unfortunately, the fully manual settings have only found their way to the passing system at the moment and do not apply to the shooting system is PES 2012. With a while to go until the game is released, there is a possibility that Konami could announce fully manual shooting at a later date, but it is more than likely that particular feature will not make the cut in PES 2012.

Set Pieces

Good news, the penalty system in PES 2012 is nothing like the one in PES 2011. Gone is the system that only Einstein could understand and back is the more traditional penalty system seen in PES games of the past. It might not be the best penalty system ever, but it works well and is dead easy to get to grips with.

Right, with that out of the way, let’s move onto the best new feature in PES 2012. I am, of course, referring to off the ball control during free kicks, corner kicks, goal kicks and throw-ins. It’s a feature which you will forget to use during your first few matches in PES 2012, but when you eventually do, you will wonder how you did without it.

Just received a free kick in a dangerous area on the wing and want to knock the ball into your star striker so he can try and score?! Flick the right stick in the direction of your star striker’s position and he will be highlighted. You can then move him around to a position you like, press the cross button and whip the ball in. He might not score, but you have certainly given him a better opportunity to do so. It’s incredible, it really is. It’s also very intuitive and easy to understand, meaning players of all skill levels can give it a go.

During my time with the game, I actually managed to use this new feature to score a goal via a corner kick. It felt genuinely rewarding and satisfying, just like scoring a goal should. It was all my work; I didn’t need to rely on anything or anyone else.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Even the most ardent PES fan would admit that player AI in PES 2011 wasn’t perfect. For every great moment, there was almost always a silly one on the horizon to counter it. Well, it seems like Konami have taken on board the feedback in regards to AI and, I must say, the results are very impressive.

First of all, AI players on your team will now actively make realistic overlapping runs. Think Patrice Evra for Manchester United or Dani Alves for Barcelona and you’ll get what I mean. In fact, I played as Barcelona and just as he does in real life, Dani Alves was bombing forward at every single opportunity. Not just like a headless chicken either, the runs he was making were intelligent and, more importantly, realistic. You know that long ball Xavi and Iniesta love to play to Dani Alves, it’s possible to replicate that in PES 2012 (if you’re good enough) with a stunning degree of accuracy.

The intelligent running doesn’t just apply to the full-backs either; it applies to pretty much every single attack minded player on your team. Midfielders will make dummy runs to create space and they won’t just run in straight lines either. They will make intelligent diagonal runs as well, something which was very rarely seen in PES 2011. Of course, it’s up to you to decide how you want to utilise these runs and which player you want to pass to. Do you let a dummy run be just that or do you pull a fast one and try to get that player through for a scoring opportunity? The decision is yours, but the fact that you have all these options at your disposal is just mind boggling.

Konami have also paid some attention the defensive AI in PES 2012 as well. The defensive AI in PES 2011 was quite good, but at times players has the tendency to bunch up which hurt the overall gameplay and, well, didn’t reflect the overall realistic nature of the game very well. Those days have now gone, as defenders and (to a certain extent), midfielders perform their non-attacking duties with a high level of realism.

For instance, if you have a 4-4-2 formation, your team (depending on your strategy/tactics) will consist of two banks of four and the defensive movement of the players (defenders and midfielders) will be much more realistic when compared to PES 2011. Defenders won’t just follow and track one player, if they sense danger in a nearby area they will swoop in to try and cover. It’s all very subtle, but changes/improvements to the AI like this will only help enhance the overall quality of the gameplay.


Much like its predecessor, PES 2012 looks great; even at this early stage. Player likenesses are even better than before, kit detail has been upped a level and, most noticeably, the lighting is vastly superior to PES 2011. Oh and square nets are in too, but you knew that already, right?!

Animations have also received some attention, quite a few new ones have been added and the majority of the older ones have been tweaked for added fluidity and realism. These improvements in the animation department shine ever so brightly during gameplay as you glide across the pitch with Messi like a graceful ballerina. Not that Messi is a ballerina, of course!

Finally, PES 2012 might not have a super slick looking collision system underneath its hood, but it doesn’t really need one. This might sound a little crazy, but it has its own little system and it uses it rather well from what I have seen so far. There’s no over the top coming together of players, instead everything just looks natural. Players “bounce” off each other quite realistically, falling or stumbling to the turf without much fuss. It’s not flashy, it’s just simple and, you know what, it works really well.

Verdict…so far

The foundations for a truly great football game were laid down by Konami with PES 2011. The next game in the series just needed to build on those foundations by adding a few key gameplay elements. From what I have seen so far, if PES 2012 continues to improve at its current rate, there’s a strong possibility we could be graced with the best PES game to date.

Kaikki tekstit löytyvät täältä.

Pakko sanoa, että kyllä kuulostaa taas julmetun hyvältä näin paperilla. Toivottavasti kohta nähdään kunnon gameplay videoita, jotta nuo uudistukset nähdään toiminnassa.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Jotenkin mennyt ohi tämä Jon Murphyn haastattelupätkä, joten laitetaas nyt, kun muistan: [video=youtube;ExbzWGABax0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ExbzWGABax0[/video]
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Sen verran täytyy ottaa aikaisempia (konamin) sanomisia takaisin, että eipä tuo d-pad -ohjaus mihinkään ole menossa, vaan tattiohjaus on oletuksena, mutta sen saa muutettua myös d-pad -ohjaukseksi. Toisin sanoen, väärä hälytys.
Was you disappointed by the announcement that D-Pad had been removed from PES 2012? (See our article from last week)
Well we are happy to inform you that D-Pad is back as confirmed by Jon Murphy this afternoon. Analogue will be set to be the control for movement by default but you will be able to change the controls to suit you.
PESKings: D-Pad Returns.... Already
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

AI:ta kehutaan näköjään vähän joka puolella, joka ainakin näin offlinepelaajan korvaan kuulostaa todella hyvältä. Tämäkään (lyhyt) video ei ole poikkeus:

Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

Pessin traileri E3:lta:


Silmään pistää jotenkin tuo yläruumiin kankea liike. Kädet ja jalat kyllä heiluu joka suuntaan mutta kroppa on kuin "sheriffillä" konsanaan. Nuo liukkarit ovat myös jotenkin koomisia. Gameplay varmaan mennyt taas eteenpäin, mutta pitää odotella demoa että pääsee testaileen.
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

WENB testailee pelin viimeisintä buildia tänään, joten luvassa on podcastia ja mietteitä tekstin muodossa.

We finally get hands on with latest code tomorrow!

Some of you might already know, but we’re officially playing the latest build of PES 2012 tomorrow, in the presence of Mr Aviators himself Jon Murphy.

We’re planning a bumper day here on WENB for the playtest, which includes a write up and podcast. The write-up will come first, early in the evening with a different take. It will be split into two sections, one quick and easy to digest, and the other a long ‘grab a cup of tea’ type write up thats more of a story!

Then later that night we’ll have our podcast dedicated to the playtest.

So stay tuned, huge few days ahead!

ps. Uutinen on eiliseltä, eli tomorrow on tänään. ;)
Vastaus: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 [Hype ja toiveet]

PES 2012 sisältää ainakin yhden uuden pelimoodin, joka kulkee nimellä "Football Life". Tarkempaa tietoa pelimoodista ei vielä ole, joten odotellaan.

Adam Bhatti has exclusively revealed that a new game mode, called "Football Life", will be introduced later this year for PES 2012.


Unfortunately we have no more information regarding this subject, but when we do, we will let you know.
Until then, feel free to share your predictions on what this mode could involve, by leaving a comment below.

WENB:ltä kantautuu myös infoa, jonka mukaan maalivahteja olisi paranneltu todella paljon edellisestä versiosta:

The goalkeepers appear to have been fixed for PES 2012.

At the WENB PES 2012 play-test today, Adam Bhatti revealed that the goalkeepers have been improved significantly.


Like Adam suggested, this is incredibly promising news - especially when it was said that the goalkeepers still had major issues, during previous play-tests on earlier codes of PES 2012.


Let's all hope that the animations can be tinkered with, and Konami can really nail it this year.

To keep up-to-date with the WENB play-test, follow us on Twitter - as well as Adam and Suff, of course!

They will be releasing a new podcast later today, if all goes to plan, so keep an eye out for that one. Expect some more impressions and major hints later today, if we're lucky.
Eli näitä linkkejä kannattaa seurata: Suffwan (twitter), Adam Bhatti (twitter) ja OnlyProEvo
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