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PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

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Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Danzig sanoi:
Et vissiin ole sitten lukenut Phillyn kommenttia, jossa hän sanoi Euroopan olevan Sonyn tärkein markkina-alue. Onhan se selvästi, sillä PSP:tä oli tarjolla kunnolla heti julkaisussa, kuten myös PS3:sta. Vielä kun Sonyn laitteiden menekki Euroopassa on huikeaa (ennätyksiä rikottu!), ei ole yhtään epäselvää, kuka on jo nyt voittanut konsolisodan..
Ai niin, Phillyn kommentit. Miten pääsikin unohtumaan! Saulikin sanoi ennen vaaleja, että kokoomus on Suomen toivo! Ja meidän äiti sanoi joskus vuosia sitten, että joulupukki asuu Korvatunturilla! Ja Nintendon sedät sanoivat, että verkkopelaaminen kuuluu Wiilläkin asiaan. Ja Peter Moore sanoi, että FIFA on next-gen yksinoikeus boxilla. Ja SDP lupasi jo vuosia sitten puolittaa työttömyyden. Ja Kimmo Sasi sanoo saaneensa sairaskohtauksen. Ja OJ Simpson väitti olevansa syytön. Ja jopa Bill Clinton vakuutti, ettei ollut vehdannut Monica Lewinskyn kanssa!

Miten sinisilmäinen voikaan ihminen olla.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Danzig sanoi:
Et vissiin ole sitten lukenut Phillyn kommenttia, jossa hän sanoi Euroopan olevan Sonyn tärkein markkina-alue. Onhan se selvästi, sillä PSP:tä oli tarjolla kunnolla heti julkaisussa, kuten myös PS3:sta. Vielä kun Sonyn laitteiden menekki Euroopassa on huikeaa (ennätyksiä rikottu!), ei ole yhtään epäselvää, kuka on jo nyt voittanut konsolisodan..

Siis oikeasti tämähän on läppä

Minulla jäi sellainen mielikuva että wiitä olisi tullut miljoona kauppaan euroopassa julkaisupäivänä. Oliko tämä minun märkä uni tai jotain ???

Amolle oli joka tapauksessa tullut ennätysmäärä koneita julkaisuun ja kaikki män. Eli siinä mielessä onnistunut julkaisu.

Ois mielenkiintoista nähdä kohta myyntilukemia koko konsolisukupolven osalta.


Wiitä ei vissiin löydy vieläkään kovin helposti UK:sta. Ainakaan tän lähteen mukaan:
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Britannian viikonlopun myyntimäärät ovat loistava pr-työkalu Sonylle. Tuota saavutusta ("eniten myyty kotikonsoli lanseerauksessa") voidaan lypsää vuosia ja kenties ikuisesti, sillä eihän tulevista konsolisukupolvista vielä tiedä. Yleisö unohtaa pian surkeat väkimäärät yömyynneissä, mutta tuota myyntisaavutusta voidaan hokea maailman tappiin asti. Tuo kun vielä saataisiin ylittämään julkaisukynnys massamedioissa, niin äkkiä suuri yleisö olisi siinä luulossa, että ps3 tuli ja voitti konsolisodan yhdessä viikonlopussa Euroopassa. Kun tuo myyntimäärä tuli tietoon, niin kaikki ps3-omistajat kasvoivat ainakin metrin.

Oikeastihan tuolla ensimmäisen viikonlopun myyntimäärällä ei ole käytännössä mitään merkitystä konsolisodassa (paitsi henkisesti ja tietysti markkinointimielessä). Tästä parhaana esimerkkinä psp, joka edelleen on kaikkien pelilaitteiden (koti/käsi) julkaisussaan eniten myynyt laite ja mikä on tilanne tällä hetkellä? Esimerkiksi alkuvuonna 2007 DS Liten markkinaosuus Briteissä on ollut 68%, psp'n jäädessä jämäprosenteille.

Brittiläiset jälleenmyyjät ovat kuvailleet ps3'n myynnin aloitusta 'pirteäksi', tosin monet epäilevät myynnin paranevan vasta ajan myötä. On erittäin mielenkiintoista nähdä miten nyt käy, kun monilla jälleenmyyjillä on ylisuuret varastot koneita ja niitä pitäisi saada liikkumaan eikä odotella vuotta 2008. Tämä tilanne tulee mielestäni osaltaan heikentämään 360'n ja Wiin myyntejä noissa samoissa liikkeissä, koska varastossa oleva tavara täytyy saada liikkeelle.

Suomessahan ovat kaikki ps3't loppu ja lisää saadaan vasta huhtikuun lopulla.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Hyvä, että ihmiset ovat taas liikkellä, eikä siihen tarvittu kuin kaksi täysin järjetöntä kommenttia.

nothing sanoi:
Oliko tämän nyt tarkoitus olla hauskaa? Vai oletko tosissassi?

Miten jokin pelikonsoli voisi edes olla joku? Jos "joku" pitäisi määrittää voittajaksi, olisi se ilman muuta kuluttaja.

Jooseppi: "Siis oikeasti tämähän on läppä".

Sitäpä sitä, kaikki ei vaan tajua, kun oman koneen voittaminen on se kaikkein tärkein asia.

Miten porukka voi ottaa pelaamisen näin tosissaan?
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Jooseppi sanoi:
Minulla jäi sellainen mielikuva että wiitä olisi tullut miljoona kauppaan euroopassa julkaisupäivänä.

Näinhän se oli, eli PS3:a ei tuotu Eurooppaan oikeasti Wiitä enempää julkaisuun. Brittien luvuista voinee kuitenkin päätellä, että painotukset olivat erilaiset. PS3:n suhteen nyt kiinnostaisikin esim. Ranska, Saksa, Espanja ja tietenkin Pohjoismaat. VGChartsin mukaan PS3:a olisi myyty Euroopassa nyt puoli miljoonaa, jolloin Brittein kysyntä vastaisi käytännössä kolmasosasta. Onko sitten Keski-Euroopassa tuhatmäärin koneita tyhjän panttina kauppojen hyllyillä? Jos Sonylla meni muualla Euroopassa paljon huonommin kuin Briteissä, ei ole ihmekään jos he eivät halua julkistaa koko Euroopan lukuja. Australiasta jo tiedetäänkin, että siellä PS3 ei rikkonut ennätyksiä. Laite myi vähän yli 20 000 kappaletta viikonlopun yli, siinä missä Wii myi 32 901 kappaletta neljässä päivässä, ja Xbox 360:kin myi 30 421. Jos muun Euroopan luvut ovat vastaavia Australian pikemmin kuin Brittien kanssa, tulee Sony varmaan pysymään niistä aika hiljaa. Briteissä myös Xbox 360 on menestyneempi kuin muualla Euroopassa.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

En lukenut teidän aiempia sepustuksia ollenkaan, joten pahoittelut siitä. Mutta kysyisin vain asiantuntijan mielipidettä siitä, kumpi noista kahdesta konsolista (X0 ja PS3) on oikeasti parempi pelikäyttöön? Jos hinnalla ei olisi väliä? Itse omistan tuon Xbox 360, joka on aivan loistava laite, mutta ajattelin vain kysyä, kun ei koskaan tiedä mitä huominen tuo tullessaan :D
Ja siis vain pelikäyttöön, ei leffojen katseluun. Ja pojat, ei sitten riidellä.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Otkor sanoi:
En lukenut teidän aiempia sepustuksia ollenkaan, joten pahoittelut siitä. Mutta kysyisin vain asiantuntijan mielipidettä siitä, kumpi noista kahdesta konsolista (X0 ja PS3) on oikeasti parempi pelikäyttöön? Jos hinnalla ei olisi väliä? Itse omistan tuon Xbox 360, joka on aivan loistava laite, mutta ajattelin vain kysyä, kun ei koskaan tiedä mitä huominen tuo tullessaan :D
Ja siis vain pelikäyttöön, ei leffojen katseluun. Ja pojat, ei sitten riidellä.

No mikäs kysymys tämä nyt sitten on? Eiköhän se ratkaise kuitenkin aika pitkälle ne pelit mistä pidät? Vai miten muuten näistä pitäisi erotella se pelikäyttö? Jos meinaat kummassa löytyy enemmän potkua, niin siitä tässä on väännetty kohta jo muutama sivu, jos taas jotain muuta, niin taitaa muut asiat sitten olla aika mielipidekysymyskiä.

Mutta suosittelisin selailemaan listoja peleistä (nykyisistä ja tulevista) niin sieltä vastauksen pitäisi löytyä.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Otkor sanoi:
kumpi noista kahdesta konsolista (X0 ja PS3) on oikeasti parempi pelikäyttöön? Jos hinnalla ei olisi väliä?

XO. Mittava ja monipuolinen yksinoikeuslista, ja siihen päälle vielä PS3:n parhaat multiplattarit. Live Arcadessa tosin MS:n täytyy petrata, tai PS3 voi ottaa PS Storella kiinni Flow'n, Super Rub-a-Duckin ynnä muiden kanssa. Tietenkin Wii selättää molemmat liiketunnistus/bile/casual/Japani -peleillä. ;)
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Hex sanoi:
Konsoli- ja pelivalmistajat ovat kautta aikojen kohdelleet eurooppalaisia kakkosluokan kansalaisina.

Tämä on varsin ymmärrettävää kun ottaa huomioon muiden alueiden vahvuudet, esimerkiksi jenkkilä.
Ei tarvita kuin yhdenlainen NTSC 110/60Hz rauta, johon ohjekirjanen jossa kielinä englanti ja espanja.

Tuohon kun vertaatte eurooppaa jossa maita ja kieliä riittää, jonka vuoksi joka pirun pikkumaassa pitää olla omat organisaatiot hoitamassa asioita, vieläpä paikallisen byrokratian mukaisesti, ei tilanne isojen toimioiden silmissä voi olla se houkuttelevin markkina alue.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Joo ei niitä kolmosia tuotu enemmän Eurooppaan kuin Wiitä, itse asiassa puolet vähemmän. Kaikki menivät UK:hon ja siellä saatiin myyntiennätys aikaan, kun kaikki Eurooppalaiset joutuivat tilaamaan omansa sieltä. Näin UK:n ennätys on Sonyn. Ovela taktiikka, kieltämättä.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Otkor sanoi:
Ekumpi noista kahdesta konsolista (X0 ja PS3) on oikeasti parempi pelikäyttöön? Jos hinnalla ei olisi väliä?
Tällä hetkällä tuo XO antaa parempaa vastinetta rahoille. Mutta jos konsolien elinkaarta ajattelee niin tässä vaiheessa on mahdotonta sanoa kumpi on parempi pitkällä juoksulla. Itse veikkaan PS3:ta, enkä vähiten sen takia kun tuota konsolia on trendikästä haukkua... en seuraa muotia. :D
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Insomniacin setä kertoo näkemyksiään ps3:sta:

VAROITUS: Paljon tekstiä! :)

Mar 27, 2007 : 10 Reasons Why PS3 Will Win This Console Generation

Insomniac Games Chief Creative Officer Brian Hastings discusses why the PS3 is the console to beat

First of all, let me make it clear that Insomniac is a 100% independent development studio. Sony has neither endorsed nor authorized what Im writing here.

When I started this blog post I was planning to write about Home and Little Big Planet from a developers perspective. But as I read some of the media and message board responses to Sonys GDC presentation, I wanted to address an ongoing industry phenomenon. Specifically, the sheer volume of negative spin toward Sony from both the mainstream press and the internet community. Mere minutes after Sony announced a beautiful, ground breaking, free, community-enhancing online PS3 service, 100 internet posters were trying to argue that this was somehow a bad thing. Whether you love or hate Sony, if youre trying to spin Home as a bad thing I can only conclude that youre part of Microsofts $3.2 billion viral marketing campaign.

Ill be the first to say that Sony has had a very rough road from last E3 up through this years GDC. Some of their wounds have been self-inflicted, but theyve also had to face a conspicuously hostile media. Take the New York Times article How the PS3 will kill your dog, steal your girlfriend, and infect you with Ebola. And Time magazines piece Global Warming: Is It The PS3? And more recently, GameSpots Ten Complaints We Thought Up While Everyone Else Was Watching Little Big Planet.

For the last nine months it has been fashionable to bash the PS3. At first it was controversial, even titillating, to make sensational and dire predictions about the PS3s future. You could watch it happen again and again a rumor starts on a message board (The PS3s all caught on fire at TGS!, Blu-Ray wont have any Porn!), then it gets picked up by a games industry website, and a few days later USA Today runs the story with the headline Experts Say PS3 Doom3d!1!! But the tide has changed so much now that its downright controversial to suggest that the PS3 may yet be a success. So, in the spirit of sensationalism and controversy, let me present to you 10 reasons why the PS3 will be the console market leader by 2010:

1. Home & Little Big Planet
One of my jobs at Insomniac is to try to come up with the next big thing. This is something everyone at Insomniac does, but as Chief Creative Officer its also part of my job description. For the last two years there have been two concepts that I have felt had the strongest potential to be the next big thing. At GDC, Sony came out of the blue and delivered fully-realized versions of both concepts.

The first concept is a realization of the Metaverse from Neal Stephensons groundbreaking novel Snow Crash. For those who havent read it, its what inspired Second Life. Over the last couple years, many of us at Insomniac have come up with lots of different ideas on how to make such a system for consoles. So when Home came out, already nearly complete and looking beautiful, it was both amazing and humbling at the same time. In short, Home is exactly what the online console community needs. Im not saying that because its on the PS3. Im saying that because Home is a fully realized version of something Ive been trying to figure out how to do for two years.

The other next big thing I had been thinking about is how to make a game that is primarily driven by player-generated content. So when Little Big Planet was announced I felt like Orville Wright tinkering on a bicycle-powered balsa wood plane as a learjet suddenly flew overhead. Not only does Little Big Planet have stunningly beautiful graphics, gorgeous animation, brilliant physics and intuitive controls, its also a cooperative four player online game! This alone makes it accessible to a much greater audience than player vs player games. And most important of all, it has an absolutely ingenuous system for creating and sharing your own levels. This is HUGE. This is something thats never been done on consoles and now its being introduced not as a half-baked add-on to another game, but as an absolutely brilliant, fully realized, breathtaking experience. You can bet that dozens of developers will create their own Little Big Planet levels as soon as it comes out. Many future game designers will get their start by designing Little Big Planet levels. Gamers who previously had no way to get their foot in the door as a game designer will have developers calling them in the middle of the night if they make a top-rated LBP level. I say again, Little Big Planet is HUGE.

Its humbling to know that other developers had not only thought of these two concepts, but brought them to fruition in such stunning fashion. Mostly, though, its very encouraging to see Sony taking more of a lead in online innovation. While some people were accusing them of merely copying the competition, Sony has been quietly working on two of the most innovative ideas of this generation. Mii too? Give me a break.

2. Free Online
Among all the talk about the price of Sonys console, I almost never see anyone mention the significance of Sonys free online service. Xbox Live Gold costs $70 to sign up for 1 year, or $20 for three months. You can renew your membership for $50 a year. So if the Xbox 360 stays around for five years, youll be paying 70 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = $270 to access features that Sony gives you for free.

I agree, Xbox Live is overall offering a better online service right now. But $270 better? And Sony is steadily narrowing the gap in online features. With improvements to the messaging system and support for background downloading, Sony is rapidly catching up with many of the key advantages that Live has enjoyed. Add to that the fact that Sony is offering virtually lag-free dedicated servers at no cost, while on Xbox Live you are paying for a more laggy peer-to-peer service. Furthermore, one of the biggest advertised features of Xbox Live is matchmaking, yet the implementation of this feature has been inconsistent since it is left up to the developer. The matchmaking service on Resistance: FOM, meanwhile, has been one of its biggest successes, proving that even at this early stage the PS3s online capabilities are very competitive. And free. As the PS3 community continues to grow with new features and player-generated content from Home and Little Big Planet, Sonys online service is looking better and better. And, again, theyre not charging you $270 for it.

3. 50 GB games
If you ever hear someone say Blu-Ray isnt needed for this generation, rest assured they dont make games for a living. At Insomniac, we were filling up DVDs on the PS2, as were most of the developers in the industry. We compressed the level data, we compressed the mpeg movies, we compressed the audio, and it was still a struggle to get it to fit in 6 gigs. Now weve got 16 times as much system RAM, so the level data is 16 times bigger. And the average disc space of games only gets bigger over a consoles lifespan. As games get bigger, more advanced and more complex, they necessarily take up more space. If developers were filling up DVDs last generation, there are clearly going to be some sacrifices made to fit current generation games in the same amount of space.

Granted, some really great Xbox 360 games have squeezed onto a DVD9. Gears of War is a beautiful game and shows off the highest resolution textures of anything yet released, partly because of the Unreal Engines ability to stream textures. This means that you can have much higher resolution textures than you could normally fit in your 512 MB of RAM. It also means that youre going to chew up more disc space for each level. With streamed textures, streamed geometry and streamed audio, even with compression, you can quickly approach 1 GB of data per level. That inherently limits you to a maximum of about 7 levels, and thats without multiplayer levels or mpeg cutscenes.

Sometimes people ask us, If Resistance takes 14 gigabytes, why doesnt it look better than Gears? Well, for one, Resistance didnt support texture streaming, so we had to make choices about where we spent our high-res textures. Resistance also had 30 single-player chapters, six multiplayer maps, uncompressed audio streaming, and high-definition mpegs. That all added up to a lot of space on the disc. Starting with Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction we are supporting texture streaming, which will make the worlds look even better, and will also consume even more space on disc.

Theres no question that you can always cut more levels, compress the audio more, compress the textures more, down-res the mpeg movies, and eventually get any game to fit on a DVD. But you paid for a high-def experience, right? You want the highest resolution, best audio, most cinematic experience a developer can offer, right? Thats why Blu-Ray is important for games, and why it will become more important each year of this hardware cycle.

4. Casino Royale
Casino Royale is the first high definition title to crack the top 10 on Amazons DVD charts, rising up to number seven shortly after being released. This is significant because it dispels the myth that high definition discs are merely a niche and will never take off with the mainstream.

A lot of people have been waiting on the fence to see whether Blu-Ray or HD-DVD would emerge as the winner of the format war. Well, at this point the war is as good as over. Blu-Ray has won a TKO. It always had superior technical specs and much wider studio support, but there was the question of whether HD-DVDs earlier release and initially lower price would capture enough of the market to make it the winner. But Blu-Ray has already surpassed HD-DVD in overall discs sold, and is currently outselling HD-DVD discs at about a 3:1 rate. Many neutral observers in the A/V community have called the war in favor of Blu-Ray. If you want minute-to-minute updates, you can follow whats left of the format war at various locations on the internet:
These sites mainly compare Amazon sales data, but the Nielsen sales data shows the same thing: Blu-Ray discs are outselling HD-DVD by a steadily increasing margin.

Many of Disney, Fox and Sonys biggest box office movies will release exclusively on Blu-Ray in the next three months, likely pushing the sales separation between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD to a margin where many retailers will begin phasing out HD-DVD. Retailers hate a format war even more than consumers, and I suspect theyll take the initiative to end it as quickly as possible.

A lot has been said about Sonys choice to ship with composite cables. I wont say I agree with that decision, but I think too little has been said of the fact that even the cheaper PS3 SKU supports HDMI 1.3. The PS3 was the first consumer device to support it, and this is a very important future-proofing step. When you go to buy higher-end TVs, the PS3 will support the highest possible audio and video input the TV and receiver can accept. If and when high-def movies start requiring an Image Constraint Token, the PS3 will still be able play them in high definition.

Right now, HDMI seems primarily to be a selling point to the hardcore audio and videophiles of the world. But HDTVs are getting cheaper and more popular all the time, and consumer sophistication and knowledge of high definition audio and video is growing. In a couple years, HDMI devices will be the standard. Graphics and audio in games will also continue to improve, and more and more consumers will want HDMI in order to get the best results on their home theater setups. As this happens, Microsoft has a difficult choice do they stick with last gen video output, or do they release a premium version of the Xbox 360 that includes HDMI but effectively forces early adopters to re-buy the system to get the best results? Sony ultimately made their console more expensive by including HDMI, but over the next couple years its likely to play out as the right choice.

6. Standard HDD
When we were developing for PS2, I was jealous of Xboxs standard hard drive. There are so many things this allowed you to consider as a developer virtually unlimited save data, improved load times, custom music, downloadable content and user-created content just to name a few. But since hard drives, no matter what the size, never get cheaper than about $50, Microsoft lost money trying to compete with the PS2s price. That may be the reason they left it out of the cheaper Xbox 360 SKU, thinking that Sony would again leave out the hard drive on the PS3. Instead, Sony made the hard drive standard for both SKUs. This added to the cost of the PS3, but it also let developers use the HDD in games.

The problem with including a hard drive in one version of the 360 and not in the other is that developers cant use it for the games. Or, at least, they cant use it for any required features. When you are guaranteed to have at least a 20 GB hard drive in the console, you can write your load caching routines around it, or use it for your applications storage needs. To a developer, an optional hard drive is roughly equivalent to no hard drive at all.

Another advantage of the PS3 is that it will let you put in any third party hard drive you want. From a developers standpoint, this is good news because the market will gradually be able to support larger downloadable games over the course of the PS3s life. As downloadable content gets larger and more sophisticated, PS3 owners can choose to buy larger hard drives at the best market price. The more this happens, the more developers will be encouraged to create better and better downloadable games.

7. The Wii Fad Will Fade
OK, this ones going to be controversial, but I have to say it. I like Nintendo a lot. I think Nintendo has innovated far more than any other company in the industry. And I think the Wii is really, really fun. But let me relate to you a story that may sound familiar:

Your friend Reggie invites you over for a Wii Party. Its awesome. You and your friends partake in whatever beverages are legally appropriate for your age group. The next day everyone who went to the party rushes out and buys a Wii.

A week later Reggie hosts another Wii Party. This time only half the group comes. Its still fun, but there isnt quite as much shoving to get at the Wiimote.

The next week Reggie hosts another Wii Party. You tell him you have bird flu.

Obviously Im exaggerating, but the Wii does have many characteristics of popular mainstream fads. Its instantaneously accessible, its unlike anything youve tried before, and its great fun to share with friends. In short, its everything Nintendo said it would be and it has captured the worlds imagination. The only downside is that the world is easily distracted. Tickle Me Elmo captured the worlds attention at one point, as did Furbies. They were both instantly accessible, were unlike anything people had seen before, and were fun to share with friends. But a year later, after everyone had seen them and tried them out, their popularity waned.

The Wii is currently riding on a massive wave of mainstream attention and has been purchased by lots of people who dont normally play games. But how many of those people who are hooked on Wii Sports will also buy Wii Need For Speed? Mainstream fads usually run their course within a year. As the honeymoon period fades, the Wii will be going up against more and more graphically impressive games on the PS3 and Xbox 360. More people will be buying HD televisions and looking for the most immersive and stunning experiences available. For these reasons, I think the Wii will be more successful than the GameCube or N64 but in the long run will still be outsold by the PS3.

8. PS3 Has a Major CPU Advantage
The GPUs on the Xbox 360 and PS3 are roughly equivalent, with the Xbox 360 arguably having a slight edge. The difference in CPU power, however, is far greater with the PS3 enjoying the advantage. The PS3s eight parallel CPUs (one primary PPU and seven Cell processors) give it potentially far more computing power than the three parallel CPUs in the Xbox 360. Just about any tech programmer will tell you that the PS3s CPUs are significantly more powerful. The problem is that it has been challenging thus far to take advantage of the Cells parallel architecture.

With the PS2, Sony got away with making a fairly developer-unfriendly system, and its success allowed their hardware designers to ignore developers complaints as they made the PS3. People high up at Sony have realized that approach simply wont work anymore and are trying to fix the problem. Sony is actively improving their libraries, tools and developer support in order to make PS3 development easier. They are giving first party developed techniques and code to third-party developers so that multi-platform games should start looking better on PS3.

Games developed from the ground up on PS3 are the ones that will really show off the PS3s CPU advantage. The complexity of the distributed processing architecture means that PS3 engines wont fully blossom until a little later in the lifecycle than the PS2. This has put the PS3 at a disadvantage early in its lifecycle, but within two years you will see games that surpass what is possible on the Xbox 360.

9. PS2 still outselling 360
I know, its outselling the PS3 by an even larger margin. But the continued strong PS2 sales really are a good thing for Sony. Anyone buying a PS2 at this point is probably not going to buy a PS3 or Xbox 360 in the next year. And when they do choose to buy the current generation of hardware, the PS3 will be in a lot better position. The price will have come down, the game library will be broad, and the top PS3 titles will probably have the edge in both graphics and sound. Just as important, the people buying into the PS2 now will be getting into many of Sonys exclusive franchises that they will then later want to play on the PS3.

10. Something For Everyone
One of Sonys biggest advantages is that it has strong franchises in every genre. Whereas Microsofts successful titles are mostly M-rated, and Nintendos are mostly E-rated, Sony has a big list of hit titles across the spectrum. When a 30-something gamer (like me) goes to buy a game console, its a lot easier to justify the purchase when there are games he can play with his kids as well as more mature stuff.

To Microsofts credit, they are doing a good job of catching up. The acquisition of Rare and the development of Viva Pinata have helped to broaden their spectrum. But it takes time to build a franchise, and Sony has been building their suite of titles for over a decade. Consider the breadth, success and critical acclaim of some of their exclusive properties: The Getaway, God of War, Gran Turismo, Hot Shots Golf, Jak and Daxter, Killzone, Ratchet & Clank, Shadow of the Colossus, Singstar, Sly Cooper, SOCOM, and Twisted Metal. These are all million-plus sellers worldwide that are either already announced or likely to appear on PS3. Add to this Sonys new line up of first-party titles, including Heavenly Sword, Lair, Motorstorm, Resistance: Fall of Man, Uncharted and White Knight Story, and they have an even deeper and stronger line-up than what they had on PS2.

A lot of industry watchers and even a handful of publishers have been quick to write Sony off this generation, and I think thats near-sighted. Sony has made a lot of decisions with the PS3 that may have slowed them down in the short run, but should give them a big advantage in the long run. The high price, hardware complexity, and the uncertainty of the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD format war have contributed to the PS3s slow start out of the gate. But as the price drops, developers master the hardware, and Blu-Ray becomes the new DVD standard, Sonys early disadvantages turn to advantages. As downloadable games become more common, the 60 GB hard-drive will be a big advantage to developers and consumers. As games get bigger and more sophisticated, Blu-Ray storage will increasingly become a major advantage. And as more and more of Sonys exclusive first-party titles get released, the PS3 will begin to outsell the competition on a monthly basis. Those publishers who have shifted resources away from PS3 development will find themselves behind the curve and losing money as the market center gradually shifts toward the PS3 over the next two years.

Im sure many of you may have comments about my point of view. If you do, please email blog@insomniacgames.com and Ill do my best to respond. Also, Ill be visiting the various forums to see what people think, including our own at www.insomniacgames.com (click on the community tab). Hope to see you there.

Olisi ollut kiva, jos herra olisi aiemminkin näitä asioita selvitellyt, mutta eipä se sonyä työkseen puolusta.. :)

http://www.insomniacgames.com/community/blarg_full.php?bid=30 -vaatii rekisteröitymisen.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

BadMF sanoi:
Insomniacin setä kertoo näkemyksiään ps3:sta:

VAROITUS: Paljon tekstiä! :)

Mar 27, 2007 : 10 Reasons Why PS3 Will Win This Console Generation

Insomniac Games Chief Creative Officer Brian Hastings discusses why the PS3 is the console to beat

First of all, let me make it clear that Insomniac is a 100% independent development studio. Sony has neither endorsed nor authorized what Im writing here.

When I started this blog post I was planning to write about Home and Little Big Planet from a developers perspective. But as I read some of the media and message board responses to Sonys GDC presentation, I wanted to address an ongoing industry phenomenon. Specifically, the sheer volume of negative spin toward Sony from both the mainstream press and the internet community. Mere minutes after Sony announced a beautiful, ground breaking, free, community-enhancing online PS3 service, 100 internet posters were trying to argue that this was somehow a bad thing. Whether you love or hate Sony, if youre trying to spin Home as a bad thing I can only conclude that youre part of Microsofts $3.2 billion viral marketing campaign.

Ill be the first to say that Sony has had a very rough road from last E3 up through this years GDC. Some of their wounds have been self-inflicted, but theyve also had to face a conspicuously hostile media. Take the New York Times article How the PS3 will kill your dog, steal your girlfriend, and infect you with Ebola. And Time magazines piece Global Warming: Is It The PS3? And more recently, GameSpots Ten Complaints We Thought Up While Everyone Else Was Watching Little Big Planet.

For the last nine months it has been fashionable to bash the PS3. At first it was controversial, even titillating, to make sensational and dire predictions about the PS3s future. You could watch it happen again and again a rumor starts on a message board (The PS3s all caught on fire at TGS!, Blu-Ray wont have any Porn!), then it gets picked up by a games industry website, and a few days later USA Today runs the story with the headline Experts Say PS3 Doom3d!1!! But the tide has changed so much now that its downright controversial to suggest that the PS3 may yet be a success. So, in the spirit of sensationalism and controversy, let me present to you 10 reasons why the PS3 will be the console market leader by 2010:

1. Home & Little Big Planet
One of my jobs at Insomniac is to try to come up with the next big thing. This is something everyone at Insomniac does, but as Chief Creative Officer its also part of my job description. For the last two years there have been two concepts that I have felt had the strongest potential to be the next big thing. At GDC, Sony came out of the blue and delivered fully-realized versions of both concepts.

The first concept is a realization of the Metaverse from Neal Stephensons groundbreaking novel Snow Crash. For those who havent read it, its what inspired Second Life. Over the last couple years, many of us at Insomniac have come up with lots of different ideas on how to make such a system for consoles. So when Home came out, already nearly complete and looking beautiful, it was both amazing and humbling at the same time. In short, Home is exactly what the online console community needs. Im not saying that because its on the PS3. Im saying that because Home is a fully realized version of something Ive been trying to figure out how to do for two years.

The other next big thing I had been thinking about is how to make a game that is primarily driven by player-generated content. So when Little Big Planet was announced I felt like Orville Wright tinkering on a bicycle-powered balsa wood plane as a learjet suddenly flew overhead. Not only does Little Big Planet have stunningly beautiful graphics, gorgeous animation, brilliant physics and intuitive controls, its also a cooperative four player online game! This alone makes it accessible to a much greater audience than player vs player games. And most important of all, it has an absolutely ingenuous system for creating and sharing your own levels. This is HUGE. This is something thats never been done on consoles and now its being introduced not as a half-baked add-on to another game, but as an absolutely brilliant, fully realized, breathtaking experience. You can bet that dozens of developers will create their own Little Big Planet levels as soon as it comes out. Many future game designers will get their start by designing Little Big Planet levels. Gamers who previously had no way to get their foot in the door as a game designer will have developers calling them in the middle of the night if they make a top-rated LBP level. I say again, Little Big Planet is HUGE.

Its humbling to know that other developers had not only thought of these two concepts, but brought them to fruition in such stunning fashion. Mostly, though, its very encouraging to see Sony taking more of a lead in online innovation. While some people were accusing them of merely copying the competition, Sony has been quietly working on two of the most innovative ideas of this generation. Mii too? Give me a break.

2. Free Online
Among all the talk about the price of Sonys console, I almost never see anyone mention the significance of Sonys free online service. Xbox Live Gold costs $70 to sign up for 1 year, or $20 for three months. You can renew your membership for $50 a year. So if the Xbox 360 stays around for five years, youll be paying 70 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = $270 to access features that Sony gives you for free.

I agree, Xbox Live is overall offering a better online service right now. But $270 better? And Sony is steadily narrowing the gap in online features. With improvements to the messaging system and support for background downloading, Sony is rapidly catching up with many of the key advantages that Live has enjoyed. Add to that the fact that Sony is offering virtually lag-free dedicated servers at no cost, while on Xbox Live you are paying for a more laggy peer-to-peer service. Furthermore, one of the biggest advertised features of Xbox Live is matchmaking, yet the implementation of this feature has been inconsistent since it is left up to the developer. The matchmaking service on Resistance: FOM, meanwhile, has been one of its biggest successes, proving that even at this early stage the PS3s online capabilities are very competitive. And free. As the PS3 community continues to grow with new features and player-generated content from Home and Little Big Planet, Sonys online service is looking better and better. And, again, theyre not charging you $270 for it.

3. 50 GB games
If you ever hear someone say Blu-Ray isnt needed for this generation, rest assured they dont make games for a living. At Insomniac, we were filling up DVDs on the PS2, as were most of the developers in the industry. We compressed the level data, we compressed the mpeg movies, we compressed the audio, and it was still a struggle to get it to fit in 6 gigs. Now weve got 16 times as much system RAM, so the level data is 16 times bigger. And the average disc space of games only gets bigger over a consoles lifespan. As games get bigger, more advanced and more complex, they necessarily take up more space. If developers were filling up DVDs last generation, there are clearly going to be some sacrifices made to fit current generation games in the same amount of space.

Granted, some really great Xbox 360 games have squeezed onto a DVD9. Gears of War is a beautiful game and shows off the highest resolution textures of anything yet released, partly because of the Unreal Engines ability to stream textures. This means that you can have much higher resolution textures than you could normally fit in your 512 MB of RAM. It also means that youre going to chew up more disc space for each level. With streamed textures, streamed geometry and streamed audio, even with compression, you can quickly approach 1 GB of data per level. That inherently limits you to a maximum of about 7 levels, and thats without multiplayer levels or mpeg cutscenes.

Sometimes people ask us, If Resistance takes 14 gigabytes, why doesnt it look better than Gears? Well, for one, Resistance didnt support texture streaming, so we had to make choices about where we spent our high-res textures. Resistance also had 30 single-player chapters, six multiplayer maps, uncompressed audio streaming, and high-definition mpegs. That all added up to a lot of space on the disc. Starting with Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction we are supporting texture streaming, which will make the worlds look even better, and will also consume even more space on disc.

Theres no question that you can always cut more levels, compress the audio more, compress the textures more, down-res the mpeg movies, and eventually get any game to fit on a DVD. But you paid for a high-def experience, right? You want the highest resolution, best audio, most cinematic experience a developer can offer, right? Thats why Blu-Ray is important for games, and why it will become more important each year of this hardware cycle.

4. Casino Royale
Casino Royale is the first high definition title to crack the top 10 on Amazons DVD charts, rising up to number seven shortly after being released. This is significant because it dispels the myth that high definition discs are merely a niche and will never take off with the mainstream.

A lot of people have been waiting on the fence to see whether Blu-Ray or HD-DVD would emerge as the winner of the format war. Well, at this point the war is as good as over. Blu-Ray has won a TKO. It always had superior technical specs and much wider studio support, but there was the question of whether HD-DVDs earlier release and initially lower price would capture enough of the market to make it the winner. But Blu-Ray has already surpassed HD-DVD in overall discs sold, and is currently outselling HD-DVD discs at about a 3:1 rate. Many neutral observers in the A/V community have called the war in favor of Blu-Ray. If you want minute-to-minute updates, you can follow whats left of the format war at various locations on the internet:
These sites mainly compare Amazon sales data, but the Nielsen sales data shows the same thing: Blu-Ray discs are outselling HD-DVD by a steadily increasing margin.

Many of Disney, Fox and Sonys biggest box office movies will release exclusively on Blu-Ray in the next three months, likely pushing the sales separation between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD to a margin where many retailers will begin phasing out HD-DVD. Retailers hate a format war even more than consumers, and I suspect theyll take the initiative to end it as quickly as possible.

A lot has been said about Sonys choice to ship with composite cables. I wont say I agree with that decision, but I think too little has been said of the fact that even the cheaper PS3 SKU supports HDMI 1.3. The PS3 was the first consumer device to support it, and this is a very important future-proofing step. When you go to buy higher-end TVs, the PS3 will support the highest possible audio and video input the TV and receiver can accept. If and when high-def movies start requiring an Image Constraint Token, the PS3 will still be able play them in high definition.

Right now, HDMI seems primarily to be a selling point to the hardcore audio and videophiles of the world. But HDTVs are getting cheaper and more popular all the time, and consumer sophistication and knowledge of high definition audio and video is growing. In a couple years, HDMI devices will be the standard. Graphics and audio in games will also continue to improve, and more and more consumers will want HDMI in order to get the best results on their home theater setups. As this happens, Microsoft has a difficult choice do they stick with last gen video output, or do they release a premium version of the Xbox 360 that includes HDMI but effectively forces early adopters to re-buy the system to get the best results? Sony ultimately made their console more expensive by including HDMI, but over the next couple years its likely to play out as the right choice.

6. Standard HDD
When we were developing for PS2, I was jealous of Xboxs standard hard drive. There are so many things this allowed you to consider as a developer virtually unlimited save data, improved load times, custom music, downloadable content and user-created content just to name a few. But since hard drives, no matter what the size, never get cheaper than about $50, Microsoft lost money trying to compete with the PS2s price. That may be the reason they left it out of the cheaper Xbox 360 SKU, thinking that Sony would again leave out the hard drive on the PS3. Instead, Sony made the hard drive standard for both SKUs. This added to the cost of the PS3, but it also let developers use the HDD in games.

The problem with including a hard drive in one version of the 360 and not in the other is that developers cant use it for the games. Or, at least, they cant use it for any required features. When you are guaranteed to have at least a 20 GB hard drive in the console, you can write your load caching routines around it, or use it for your applications storage needs. To a developer, an optional hard drive is roughly equivalent to no hard drive at all.

Another advantage of the PS3 is that it will let you put in any third party hard drive you want. From a developers standpoint, this is good news because the market will gradually be able to support larger downloadable games over the course of the PS3s life. As downloadable content gets larger and more sophisticated, PS3 owners can choose to buy larger hard drives at the best market price. The more this happens, the more developers will be encouraged to create better and better downloadable games.

7. The Wii Fad Will Fade
OK, this ones going to be controversial, but I have to say it. I like Nintendo a lot. I think Nintendo has innovated far more than any other company in the industry. And I think the Wii is really, really fun. But let me relate to you a story that may sound familiar:

Your friend Reggie invites you over for a Wii Party. Its awesome. You and your friends partake in whatever beverages are legally appropriate for your age group. The next day everyone who went to the party rushes out and buys a Wii.

A week later Reggie hosts another Wii Party. This time only half the group comes. Its still fun, but there isnt quite as much shoving to get at the Wiimote.

The next week Reggie hosts another Wii Party. You tell him you have bird flu.

Obviously Im exaggerating, but the Wii does have many characteristics of popular mainstream fads. Its instantaneously accessible, its unlike anything youve tried before, and its great fun to share with friends. In short, its everything Nintendo said it would be and it has captured the worlds imagination. The only downside is that the world is easily distracted. Tickle Me Elmo captured the worlds attention at one point, as did Furbies. They were both instantly accessible, were unlike anything people had seen before, and were fun to share with friends. But a year later, after everyone had seen them and tried them out, their popularity waned.

The Wii is currently riding on a massive wave of mainstream attention and has been purchased by lots of people who dont normally play games. But how many of those people who are hooked on Wii Sports will also buy Wii Need For Speed? Mainstream fads usually run their course within a year. As the honeymoon period fades, the Wii will be going up against more and more graphically impressive games on the PS3 and Xbox 360. More people will be buying HD televisions and looking for the most immersive and stunning experiences available. For these reasons, I think the Wii will be more successful than the GameCube or N64 but in the long run will still be outsold by the PS3.

8. PS3 Has a Major CPU Advantage
The GPUs on the Xbox 360 and PS3 are roughly equivalent, with the Xbox 360 arguably having a slight edge. The difference in CPU power, however, is far greater with the PS3 enjoying the advantage. The PS3s eight parallel CPUs (one primary PPU and seven Cell processors) give it potentially far more computing power than the three parallel CPUs in the Xbox 360. Just about any tech programmer will tell you that the PS3s CPUs are significantly more powerful. The problem is that it has been challenging thus far to take advantage of the Cells parallel architecture.

With the PS2, Sony got away with making a fairly developer-unfriendly system, and its success allowed their hardware designers to ignore developers complaints as they made the PS3. People high up at Sony have realized that approach simply wont work anymore and are trying to fix the problem. Sony is actively improving their libraries, tools and developer support in order to make PS3 development easier. They are giving first party developed techniques and code to third-party developers so that multi-platform games should start looking better on PS3.

Games developed from the ground up on PS3 are the ones that will really show off the PS3s CPU advantage. The complexity of the distributed processing architecture means that PS3 engines wont fully blossom until a little later in the lifecycle than the PS2. This has put the PS3 at a disadvantage early in its lifecycle, but within two years you will see games that surpass what is possible on the Xbox 360.

9. PS2 still outselling 360
I know, its outselling the PS3 by an even larger margin. But the continued strong PS2 sales really are a good thing for Sony. Anyone buying a PS2 at this point is probably not going to buy a PS3 or Xbox 360 in the next year. And when they do choose to buy the current generation of hardware, the PS3 will be in a lot better position. The price will have come down, the game library will be broad, and the top PS3 titles will probably have the edge in both graphics and sound. Just as important, the people buying into the PS2 now will be getting into many of Sonys exclusive franchises that they will then later want to play on the PS3.

10. Something For Everyone
One of Sonys biggest advantages is that it has strong franchises in every genre. Whereas Microsofts successful titles are mostly M-rated, and Nintendos are mostly E-rated, Sony has a big list of hit titles across the spectrum. When a 30-something gamer (like me) goes to buy a game console, its a lot easier to justify the purchase when there are games he can play with his kids as well as more mature stuff.

To Microsofts credit, they are doing a good job of catching up. The acquisition of Rare and the development of Viva Pinata have helped to broaden their spectrum. But it takes time to build a franchise, and Sony has been building their suite of titles for over a decade. Consider the breadth, success and critical acclaim of some of their exclusive properties: The Getaway, God of War, Gran Turismo, Hot Shots Golf, Jak and Daxter, Killzone, Ratchet & Clank, Shadow of the Colossus, Singstar, Sly Cooper, SOCOM, and Twisted Metal. These are all million-plus sellers worldwide that are either already announced or likely to appear on PS3. Add to this Sonys new line up of first-party titles, including Heavenly Sword, Lair, Motorstorm, Resistance: Fall of Man, Uncharted and White Knight Story, and they have an even deeper and stronger line-up than what they had on PS2.

A lot of industry watchers and even a handful of publishers have been quick to write Sony off this generation, and I think thats near-sighted. Sony has made a lot of decisions with the PS3 that may have slowed them down in the short run, but should give them a big advantage in the long run. The high price, hardware complexity, and the uncertainty of the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD format war have contributed to the PS3s slow start out of the gate. But as the price drops, developers master the hardware, and Blu-Ray becomes the new DVD standard, Sonys early disadvantages turn to advantages. As downloadable games become more common, the 60 GB hard-drive will be a big advantage to developers and consumers. As games get bigger and more sophisticated, Blu-Ray storage will increasingly become a major advantage. And as more and more of Sonys exclusive first-party titles get released, the PS3 will begin to outsell the competition on a monthly basis. Those publishers who have shifted resources away from PS3 development will find themselves behind the curve and losing money as the market center gradually shifts toward the PS3 over the next two years.

Im sure many of you may have comments about my point of view. If you do, please email blog@insomniacgames.com and Ill do my best to respond. Also, Ill be visiting the various forums to see what people think, including our own at www.insomniacgames.com (click on the community tab). Hope to see you there.

Olisi ollut kiva, jos herra olisi aiemminkin näitä asioita selvitellyt, mutta eipä se sonyä työkseen puolusta.. :)

http://www.insomniacgames.com/community/blarg_full.php?bid=30 -vaatii rekisteröitymisen.

Samaa paskaa eri paketissa. Noi samat argumentit on kuultu jo useaan kertaan tässä ketjussa. Ei oikein tuonut uutta näkökulmaa mihinkään.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Hastings flipannut pahasti, taustalla häämöttää halu jättää uppoava laiva ja hypätä voittajan kelkkaan. Varmastikaan Ted Pricelta ei kuulisi yhtä varauksetonta ja överiksi vetävää PS3:n ylistyslaulua.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Ammattilainen kirjoittaa mielipiteitään parjatusta konsolista... tietysti sen täytyy olla väärässä ja sekaisin. Eihän sadat ja tuhannet Sonyn vastaiset amatöörit voi olla väärässä... onhan niitä niin montakin. PS3:ta ei saa sanoa mitään hyvää, X360 voi jo vähän kehua ja Wii:tä pitää ylistää, muistakaa. :D
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

HesusR sanoi:
Ammattilainen kirjoittaa mielipiteitään parjatusta konsolista...
No sitä lähdekritiikkiä kannattaa harjoittaa jos kirjoittana on taho jonka elinkeino on 100% kiinni PS3:n menestymisestä... :rolleyes:
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

Paolo sanoi:
No sitä lähdekritiikkiä kannattaa harjoittaa jos kirjoittana on taho jonka elinkeino on 100% kiinni PS3:n menestymisestä... :rolleyes:
Lähdekritiikkiä on kahdenlaista: sellaista, jossa kerrotaan, missä asiassa kritisoitava lähde on väärässä ja miksi, ja sellaista, jossa sanotaan, että "X on flipannut pahasti" sen kummemmin selittämättä. Ensimmäinen on vaikeampi taiteenlaji, koska siinä täytyy vähän miettiä.
Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?

jryi sanoi:
Lähdekritiikkiä on kahdenlaista: sellaista, jossa kerrotaan, missä asiassa kritisoitava lähde on väärässä ja miksi, ja sellaista, jossa sanotaan, että "X on flipannut pahasti" sen kummemmin selittämättä. Ensimmäinen on vaikeampi taiteenlaji, koska siinä täytyy vähän miettiä.

No onhan tässä tapauksessa hyvä pitää lähdekritiikistä kiinni. Kumminkin aika sinisilmäisesti kaveri selittää että pleikkari voittaa tämän sukupolven. Ja kumminkin on puhe kaverista joka tekee vain ja ainoastaan töitä sonylle. Ihan yhtä epäluotettava kuin joku nipan studion kaveri joka tarinoi siitä miksi wii on paras. Ihan yhtä tyhjän kanssa nämä tällaiset haastattelut, sanon minä!

Painoarvoa voi antaa isojen firmojen kavereille joilla on on kokemusta kaikista koneista.
Uusia vastauksia ei voi lisätä.
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