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Julkiseen jakeluun ei ole tullut vielä. Pidempää traileria on esitelty Sonyn tilaisuuksissa. Itsekin sen näin, mutta en tiedä, saako siitä vielä sen enempää puhua......Niin onkos tuosta tullut jokin Teaseria pidempikin traileri?? En ole nähnyt, löytyykö Storesta vai jostain muualta, mistä?
Julkiseen jakeluun ei ole tullut vielä. Pidempää traileria on esitelty Sonyn tilaisuuksissa. Itsekin sen näin, mutta en tiedä, saako siitä vielä sen enempää puhua...
KonsoliFINin ylläpidon edustajana sain kutsun Sonyn järkkäämään tilaisuuteen. Enempää en tällä haavaa viitsi sanoa. (Nordisk Filmin edustajien silmät ovat kaikkialla.)Mites pääsit katsomaan trailerin? Oletkos jokin reportteri tai jotain kerroppa lisää jos pystyt
Nettipeli ei iskenyt itseeni yhtään, joten taitaa tämä 2:nen jäädä hyllyyn niin pitkäksi aikaa kunnes tämän jostakin alelaarista saa halvalla.
Tämän takia meikäläinen odottaa tätä peliä kuin kuuta nousevaa. Ai saakeli noita Suomi vs muu maailma mättöjä . + Kaikilla kanssapelaajilla oli hauskaa kuunnella hallitukseni ääniä & mun pelaamisen haukkumista mikin välityksellä
And now we're onto Resistance 2. He's even brought someone to talk about it. Aha, Ted Price, president of Insomniac Games. "Welcome to London," he says to Ted, who says "thank you". R2 will "focus equally on four areas" - community, campaign, co-op and competitive.
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He wants to talk about all four, bless. MyResistance.net will be completely revamped, adding "the kind of social features you'll find in sites like FaceBook". Wicked. This stuff will be tightly integrated with the game. He's not going to show the Campaign, he says, but this time we focus on Hale as he heads home to the USA.
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We're going to learn more about Hale and the Chimera and where they came from (so probably not "a joke shop"). Eight-player co-op has its own story, characters and their own progression, rewards etc. Today though, we're going to talk about Competitive. "Six months away from appearing on shelves," he reminds us.
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Video. Woody sort of town with canopies overhead. Players racing through the streets, giant Chimeran craft in the sky. "Work in progress" is stamped on the screen as a bloke with a sort of shield bubble thing walks past. There's a man with a mini-gun, some Iron Sights action and a GPS-looking thing in the top corner.
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Graphically that was a bit shonky, but to be fair it clearly hadn't been lit properly and Price said it was a work in progress. Chimera will be in multiplayer too, he says, although we didn't get to see them today. He's now acknowledging that 60-player support needs intimacy to actually work. "Battles within battles." Five smaller skirmishes between squads will take place in each 60 person fight.
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Every squad is assigned dynamic objectives. They want to keep squads apart to avoid situations where people tread on each other's toes, and they're conscious of the opposite becoming a problem, too. [/B]"There are always five or six players for whom you develop an intense hatred," says the otherwise friendly-looking Price.
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A reward system will give out bonus points for teamwork, which can be used to earn persistent rewards, to level up, etc. More on that in the next few months. "Bottom line...we think it's going to be breaking new ground for the PS3," he says of competitive action, "but that's just a quarter of the game".
Kuvat ovat muuten peräisin PlayStation-blogin tuoreesta entrystä, jossa kerrotaan pelistä vähän lisääkin.Uusia kuvia Resistance 2:sta. Hyvän näköisiä ainakin minun mielestäni