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Tekken 6 [PS3]

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Luckyman
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Vastaus: Tekken 6 [ Hype ]

Mitä mieltä olen tästä T6BR:stä? Tahtoo. :D

Aika pahasti tuo Alisa-robo ainakin pieksee. Voisin melkein sanoa samaa Larsista. Tai ainakin niissä videoissa mitä minä olen katsonut. En ole lähellekään katsonut edes varmaan 120 videoo..... En ole varma, mutta pahasti nuo BR:n Newcomerit tulee,näkemään ja voittamaan. :rolleyes:
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [ Hype ]

En usko että seuraavassakaan tekkenissä tulee mitään lyömätöntä hahmoa. Ihan samalla tavalla millä vaan hahmolla voi oikeissa kourissa hakata vaikka heihachin, jos vaan osaa.
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [ Hype ]

Ihan samalla tavalla millä vaan hahmolla voi oikeissa kourissa hakata vaikka heihachin, jos vaan osaa.
No ei nyt sentään :eek:

Heihachi on sen verta äijä, että se saunoo ilman kiuasta.

Ja jos pelimies tietää millon on ja millon ei, niin Heihachi on tiennyt sen jo eilen.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [ Hype ]

No joo onhan se tietty niinkin, että Heihachilta löytyy ase jokaiseen tilanteeseen. Ja hakkaahan se yksin vaikka sata Jaakkoa (saati sitten kaksi), koska "He's no ordinary man"

Ja jumankeke, jos jätkä lentää parin mailin päähän mettään ja osaa ottaa silti tilanteen haltuun, mitä joku Deathfist voi tehdä sille...? Vaippapuku päälle, puukengät jalkaan ja menoks hoi!
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [ Hype ]

En usko että seuraavassakaan tekkenissä tulee mitään lyömätöntä hahmoa. Ihan samalla tavalla millä vaan hahmolla voi oikeissa kourissa hakata vaikka heihachin, jos vaan osaa.
No niinhän siinä on useimmiten loppujen lopuksi käynytkin.:D Mutta silti pahalta näyttää noitten BR Newcomereitten kanssa.:)
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [ Hype ]

Olisi kyllä aika paska juttu. En mie ainakaan jaksais paria tuntia kauempaa yksinpeliä
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [ Hype ]

Ehdin jo kahkota tästä jossain Tekken foorumissa...

Jos ei kerran hahmoja tarvitse avata, se ei ainakaan minulle ole hyvä asia.

Olen tottunut siihen että hahmot pitää avata. Siihen tarvitaan aikaa ja vaivaa, ja se mielestäni palkitsee kun saa hahmon avatuksi. "Vielä pitäisi -x- verran hahmoja avata".

Nyt sitä ei pääsekään enää sanomaan. Pahus vie.

Positiivisena asiana tuota voikin pitää siltä kantilta, että on hahmot heti käytössä jos vaikka pienessä turnee hommelissa ollaan ja juuri peli saatu tai jos tallennus tiedosto jostain syystä häviää.
Siinä olikin ne hyvät puolet.

Aivan surkea juttu.

Enää ei tarvitse nähdä vaivaa EDES HAHMOJEN AVAAMISEEN.
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [ Hype ]

Ehdin jo kahkota tästä jossain Tekken foorumissa...

Jos ei kerran hahmoja tarvitse avata, se ei ainakaan minulle ole hyvä asia.
Aivan surkea juttu.
Enää ei tarvitse nähdä vaivaa EDES HAHMOJEN AVAAMISEEN.

Komppaan tätä. Avopuolison kanssa ollut hubaa yksinpelitekkeneissä aiemmin kun pitänyt jyystää hahmot auki. Vuorotelleen vedetty, häviöstä tai voitosta vaihdettu. Peli menettää kyllä paljon tässä. Ei pääse samallalailla tutustumaan pakosta jokaiseen hahmoon.

Hyvin huono juttu.
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [PS3 Hype]

On läpipeluussa silti reward... Videot.
Imo hyvä jos kaikki on suoraan auki, koska ite en jaksa pelaa yksinpeliä oikeastaan ollenkaan. Stritukassakin pitäisi nyt jo toiseen kertaan aukoa ukot, mutta ei jaksa. Edellinen save siis tuhoutui koneen mukana. Eipä tartte pelailla akumalla vähään aikaan.
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [PS3 Hype]

Näyttää aika samalta kun vanhatkin tekkenit mutta paremmilla grafiikoilla ja muutamilla uudistuksilla , ei mene ostoslistalle .
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [PS3 Hype]

Näyttää aika samalta kun vanhatkin tekkenit mutta paremmilla grafiikoilla ja muutamilla uudistuksilla , ei mene ostoslistalle .
Niin, jos minun pitäisi nyt tuomita näkemieni pätkien perusteella lyhyesti ja ytimekkäästi se menisi näin:
Tekken 6(BR) on kuin Tekken 4 ja Tekken 5 yhdistettynä, teräväpiirrossa. :)
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [PS3 Hype]


Todella ärsyttävä veto Namcolta. Saakeli. >;(

*sign a petition*
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [PS3 Hype]

IGN:stä löytyy lähes neljä minuuttia uutta pelikuvaa.

Huom! Vaatii IGN Insider -oikeudet!
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [PS3 Hype]

Voi pahus. Testasin tuossa toisella selaimellakin ja ajattelin, että kun siinä toimi, niin sen striimatun version voisi katsoa ilman IGN Insider -oikeuksiakin. Pahoitteluni.

(Insiderit toki saavat tuolta sitten ihan 720p-videonkin, kokoa n. 180 megaa.)
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [PS3 Hype]

Tekkenin tapaan hahmoilla on vankat taustatarinat. Varo juonipaljastuksia. :)

Name: Christie Monteiro
Fighting style: Capoeira
Nationality: Brazilian

Christie was unable to win The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. She was struggling to discover a way to save her grandfather when Eddy, who had been by her side, suddenly vanished. She searched everywhere but was unable to find him. Ultimately, she was left with no choice but to return to Brazil alone.

Christie continued her search for Eddy upon returning to Brazil, when surprisingly her grandfather also disappeared from the hospital. The hospital said that Christie's grandfather had been sent to the Mishima Zaibatsu for treatment. Christie figured that Eddy acted against the Mishima Zaibatsu in same manner, but in that case she should have gotten some communication from him. She could not help but feel that there must be something sinister regarding Eddy's disappearance. When The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 was announced, Christie headed for Japan to get in contact with the Mishima Zaibatsu and to find out where Eddy and her grandfather had gone.

Name: Alisa Bosconovich
Fighting Style: Special
Country: Russia

Deep in the forest, there is a heavily guarded research facility. Taking the name of the research leader, the facility is called the Bosconovich Laboratory. The facility was highly valued by the Mishima Zaibatsu, as it undertook all of the military equipment development for the organization.

The lowermost level of the facility houses a top secret section. In one of its rooms, there slept a young girl in a clear capsule. Her name was Alisa Bosconovich. Everything else about her is a mystery...

Name: Eddy Gordo
Fighting style: Capoeira
Nationality: Brazil

Eddy failed to win The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. He pleaded with Jin, who had become the new head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, to help him save his mentor. After looking at Eddy and appearing to think for a moment, Jin agreed to help with developing medical treatment for Eddy's mentor in exchange for Eddy joining the Tekken Force and reporting to him. Eddy knew nothing about the Tekken Force, other than it was a private military outfit, but agreed to join if it would save his mentor.

Eddy became a member of the Tekken Force and carried out plans of destruction around the world. Even though he knew the consequences of his actions, Eddy was unable to leave the Tekken Force. When the Mishima Zaibatsu announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6, Eddy joined the tournament as a member of the Tekken Force in order to eliminate those who would threaten Jin.

Name: Lars Alexandersson
Fighting Style: Karate
Country: Sweden

Force, defected from the organization.

Lars Alexandersson led the coup d'état. With an uncommonly high physical and mental ability, Lars become a ranking officer in the Tekken Force at a young age. Despite his high rank, Lars often fought in the front lines. Due to this and his friendly character, he was popular among his subordinates.

Only he knew the fact that he drew the Mishima bloodline through his father, Heihachi. Even Heihachi was not aware.

Name: Marshall Law
Fighting Style: Martial Arts
Nationality: USA

In the middle of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Marshall Law's illegal employment in Japan was detected, and he was deported back to the United States. The due date for monetary damages caused by his son's accident was approaching, but Law had no means to deliver the cash and was completely out of ideas.

It was then that Law received an invitation from his friend, Paul Phoenix, to team up in the next tournament. Although certainly difficult alone, the likelihood of receiving the top prize money was higher as a team. After accepting Paul's invitation, Law realized that three people would be even better than two, and he set his eyes on the world-famous boxer, Steve Fox.

Fighting Style: Advanced Manji Ninjutsu
Nationality: None (originally Japan)

Yoshimitsu was following Bryan Fury in order to take revenge for his fallen comrade when he noticed the sinister aura emanating from the spirit sword Yoshimitsu. The spirit sword, by its very nature, was in continuous pursuit of blood and drives its owner insane. Yoshimitsu had been suppressing the sword's power by supplying it with the blood of the malicious and evil. However, it was gradually becoming more difficult to maintain the sword's balance.

Left unchecked, there was a chance the sword may lose control, causing chaos and destruction, and seek out a new owner. In order to prevent this, Yoshimitsu attained the Fumaken, a sword with the ability to contain the power of the evil sword. At the same time, he joined The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6, where evil energy collected, hoping to return the balance of the spirit sword to normal.

Name: Christie Monteiro
Fighting style: Capoeira
Nationality: Brazilian

Christie was unable to win The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. She was struggling to discover a way to save her grandfather when Eddy, who had been by her side, suddenly vanished. She searched everywhere but was unable to find him. Ultimately, she was left with no choice but to return to Brazil alone.

Christie continued her search for Eddy upon returning to Brazil, when surprisingly her grandfather also disappeared from the hospital. The hospital said that Christie's grandfather had been sent to the Mishima Zaibatsu for treatment. Christie figured that Eddy acted against the Mishima Zaibatsu in same manner, but in that case she should have gotten some communication from him. She could not help but feel that there must be something sinister regarding Eddy's disappearance. When The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 was announced, Christie headed for Japan to get in contact with the Mishima Zaibatsu and to find out where Eddy and her grandfather had gone.

Name: Devil Jin
Fighting Style: Unknown
Nationality: None

Under the control of the devil gene, Jin Kazama's power rivals that of a demon.

Name: Dragunov
Fighting Style: Commando Sambo
Nationality: Russian
Age: 26

Sergei Dragunov had received orders from the Russian military command to capture the organism known as the 'Devil.' He successfully infiltrated The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, but was unable to locate the organism.

Russia was in complete disorder due to numerous internal conflicts and civil disturbances, all believed to be caused by the covert actions of Mishima Zaibatsu operatives. In order to suppress national unrest, Dragunov was fighting across the country. He was then called back by top Russian military command and ordered to infiltrate The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 to crush the Mishima Zaibatsu. Thus, Dragunov embarked once again for Japan.

Name: Hwoarang
Fighting style: Tae Kwon Do
Nationality: Korea

Hwoarang succeeded in defeating Jin in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. However, the next instant, the defeated Jin let out an inhuman roar and Hwoarang was thrown through the air by violent winds. Sprouting black wings, Jin stood before him ....looking just like a devil. Extremely outmatched, Hwoarang was prepared for death as he lost consciousness. When he awoke, he was in a hospital bed. After hearing about what happened from Baek Doo San, who had stayed at his bedside, Hwoarang pushed away the nurse and quickly rushed to his teacher, begging for more power.

After leaving the hospital, Hwoarang trained with more vigor than ever before. Intent on defeating his former rival, he left for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.

Fighting Style: Pro Wrestling
Nationality: Mexico

In The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, King faced Marduk in a grueling battle. A friendship formed between the two after the fight. Upon returning from the ring, Marduk was ambushed by someone dressed as Armor King. King was furious and vowed to find the culprit, but was unsuccessful.

After that, the world was engulfed in war, and King had all but given up looking for Marduk's attacker when he received an invitation from Marduk to join him in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6. If they both participated in the Tournament, perhaps the Armor King imposter would show up again. With that slight hope, King decided to join the tournament.

Craig Marduk
Fighting Style: Vale Tudo
Nationality: Australia

Craig Marduk fought against King once again during The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Although he lost, he had a friendly handshake with King after the match. Returning to his room, the lights suddenly went out, and Marduk was attacked by an unknown assailant. The lights came back on after some time, and the Marduk saw the culprit. It appeared to be Armor King, who Marduk had previously .

The world fell engulfed in war when, suddenly, The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 was announced. Marduk reasoned that if he entered the tournament perhaps the unknown assailant would show up again. Along with his new ally King, Marduk entered the tournament to find his attacker.

Name: Nina Williams
Fighting Style: Assassination Arts
Nationality: Ireland

After defeating her sister Anna, Nina Williams was without an immediate goal to pursue. Jin Kazama, who had become the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu, recruited her as a member of his special forces. Nina was not picky about her clients. She engaged in covert demolition operations around the world as part of the Tekken Force.

As the world was engulfed in war and the conflict between the Mishima Zaibatsu and the G Corporation heated up, the Zaibatsu announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6. Nina decided to enter the Tournament in order to those who pose a threat to Jin Kazama.


During The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Ganryu lost his way and wound up in the Mishima Zaibatsu's laboratories. He found a disc containing research data concerning a Reforestation Program. He hoped Julia would agree to marry him if he had the data, and he proposed to her. However, Julia turned him down and left with the disc.

After that, Ganryu returned to Hawaii and opened a restaurant called 'Chanko Paradise.' But the restaurant did not do well and Ganryu found himself in financial troubles. It was then that he discovered news of another King of Iron Fist Tournament. He decided to participate in the Tournament in order to advertise his restaurant, 'Chanko Paradise.'


Mokujin is a wooden training dummy made from a 2,000 year-old oak tree.

Sensing a lurking evil, Mokujin has awakened again to save the world.


Although Lili joined The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 without her father's knowledge, she was beaten by Asuka Kazama. Furthermore, her entry in the tournament was discovered by her father. Banned from leaving her home, Lili was unable to take revenge on Asuka.

It was then that Lili's father's oil field was taken over by the Mishima Zaibatsu. The company fell into disorder, and Lili's father collapsed from overwork. Lili was concerned for her father's well-being. She figured that if she could get back the oil field that had been stolen by the Mishima Zaibatsu, she would be able to relieve her father's anxiety. When she was formulating her plans, the Mishima Zaibatsu announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6. Lili had been given an excellent opportunity, and she joined the tournament in order to save her father's health.


Baek joined The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 along with his apprentice, Hwoarang. However, after learning that Hwoarang had been critically injured after losing to his rival, Jin Kazama, Baek withdrew from the Tournament and hurried to the hospital. Emergency measures taken had saved Hwoarang's life, but he had not yet awakened. Baek was wrought with guilt that he had failed to prepare Hwoarang for his encounter with Jin. Ultimately, Hwoarang woke up three days later. After learning of the events that had passed, Hwoarang forced himself up and begged his mentor to make him stronger. Hwoarang begged his master with more humility than he had ever shown before. Baek, sensing the intensity of Hwoarang's will, decided to teach everything he knew to his pupil.
After returning to Korea, Beak engaged Hwoarang in the most extreme training he had ever provided. The Mishima Zaibatsu announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6, and Baek prepared himself for his ultimate battle.

Anna Williams

Anna suffered an embarrassing defeat to Nina during The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Anna searched for Nina looking for an opportunity to exact revenge. However Nina had apparently hired by someone and dropped off the radar.

War engulfed the entire world, the chaos being triggered by the Mishima Zaibatsu’s destructive covert operations. Anna caught wind of top secret information indicating that Nina was involved so she decided to join the elite forces of the G Corporation due to the intense rivalry with her sister.

Asuka Kazama

Asuka participated in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 in order to fight Feng Wei, who had sent her father to the hospital, but was unable to find him. Lei Wulong, who had also been after Feng, returned to Hong Kong., leaving Asuka with feelings of discontent over the lack of closure. However, Asuka's life had gradually returned to normal.

However, those peaceful days quickly fell apart after conflict engulfed the globe. After learning that the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu and the man behind the chaos, Jin Kazama, was a relative, Asuka decided to enter The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 to defeat him.

Wang Jinrei

Wang, who heard about the cursed blood of the Mishima family from his friend Jinpachi Mishima, tried to stop the related individuals but was defeated by Jin Kazama. Jinpachi fell in battle against Jin, who became the heir to the Mishima Zaibatsu. Mishima Zaibatsu, under Jin's control, rapidly began to build its military might.

The world fell into chaos. Once the Mishima Zaibatsu declared war, conflict broke out around the world. Wang strongly regretted his inability to stop the Mishima Zaibatsu before it went out of control. He decided to join The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 intent on destroying the Mishima bloodline once and for all.


Panda participated in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 as Ling Xiaoyu’s bodyguard. However, upon discovering that Heihachi Mishima was not dead, she left the tournament with Xiaoyu.

Just when Panda thought that she could now rest easy, the peace was interrupted by Mishima Zaibatsu's declaration of war. Xiaoyu said that she must once again join The King of Iron Fist Tournament and Panda reluctantly joins her.

Ling Xiaoyu

Xiaoyu was relieved to hear that Heihachi Mishima was still alive. Then she learned that Jin Kazama, who had become the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, was out to kill Heihachi. Xiaoyu intended to persuade Jin to stop, but she was unable to easily approach him due to the Mishima Zaibatsu's military build up.

The world fell into chaos with the Mishima Zaibatsu's declaration of war. And then the The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 was announced. Xiaoyu decided to enter the Tournament in order to make Jin change his evil ways..

Paul Phoenix

Paul was completely drained after defeating Kuma in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Without the desperately needed prize money, Paul was stuck with enormous debt when he learned another King of Iron Fist Tournament was to be held. Hoping to win the Tournament and pay off his debt, Paul concentrated on devising a plan to ensure his victory. He came to the conclusion that his past failure was due to entering alone and decided that joining with someone else would increase his chances. It was then that Paul decided to ask his long time friend Marshall Law to enter with him.

Bryan Fury

Bryan entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 in order to test his newly acquired perpetual generator. However, time after time Yoshimitsu got in the way. Gaining ultimate power by obtaining the perpetual generator but unable to test it, Bryan became extremely frustrated..

Unable to contain his impulse for destruction, Bryan traveled the world's battlefields and wreaked havoc indiscriminately. He eventually grew tired of the unchanging battlefields. It was at that time that The King of Iron Fist 6 was announced. Hungry for more capable prey, Bryan heads for the Tournament.
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [PS3 Hype]

Nyt Tekken 6 - Tournament tuolta äänestämään King Of Iron Fist Tournament 6 voittaja!

Tällä hetkellä on äänestyksessä Marshall Law vs Lars Alexandersson (Ruotsalainen)

Alexandersson johtaa parilla prosentilla, nyt Lawta äänestämään niin saadaan ruottalainen pois pelistä :O

Vote for Marshall Law! Law tarvitsee voiton.
(Kyse ei ole tekkenin voittajasta vielä, vaan vasta ensimmäinen kierros menossa)
Vastaus: Tekken 6 [PS3 Hype]

Onkos kukaan muu vielä ennakkotilannu tätä? Mie oon ja ootan tätä kyllä aivan himputisti, ENÄÄ ALLE 3 VIIKKOA!! On kyllä omalla kohdallani ehkä kaikkien aikojen odotetuin peli koskaan :p
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