Vastaus: Virallinen Halo-ketju
Legendary Editionin ostajille tarjotaan ladattavana bonuksena kahden tunnin kommentoitu video, jossa Marcus Lehto, Marty, Steve Scott ja Lee Wilson käyvät läpi kampanjan. Harmillisesti Joe Staten tai Jason Jones ei ole mukana, mutta kuulostaa silti kuumottavalta.
Varoituksen sanana mainittakoon myös, että pelistä tuskin julkaistaan julkaisupäiväksi täysimittaista arvostelua KonsoliFINissä. Sen sijaan luvassa lienee laajennetusti tunnelmia kampanjasta. Arvio koko paketista seurannee perässä.
Legendary Editionin ostajille tarjotaan ladattavana bonuksena kahden tunnin kommentoitu video, jossa Marcus Lehto, Marty, Steve Scott ja Lee Wilson käyvät läpi kampanjan. Harmillisesti Joe Staten tai Jason Jones ei ole mukana, mutta kuulostaa silti kuumottavalta. : Bungie Weekly Update: 09/03/2010 : 9/3/2010 2:28 PM PDTAnd since we’re already on the subject of sweet Halo: Reach content, we might as well drop details covering the Bonus Content destined to grace the eyes and ears of those lucky enough to wield a Legendary Edition of Halo: Reach.
Go inside Bungie and get direct access to the team that created the franchise as they play through their last and most ambitious entry in series, Halo: Reach. To celebrate the event – and to commemorate those fans who picked up the Legendary Edition of Halo: Reach – Creative Director, Marcus Lehto, Audio Director and Composer, Marty O’Donnell, Cinematics and Story Lead, Lee Wilson, and Effects Lead, Steve Scott sit down together to deliver two full hours of exclusive, behind-the-scenes campaign commentary covering unrevealed aspects of Halo: Reach’s production. From concept to cutting room floor, this last look back is the final word on Halo: Reach’s development, straight from the team that built the game.
The bonus content covers a full campaign play-through, from start to finish, judiciously edited to excise the downtime and deliver only the most impactful moments. The end result is a potent combination of intense campaign gameplay fused with insightful, and dare I say whimsical, commentary from some of our studio’s brightest minds (and Marty, too!).
It should go without saying that there are massive spoilers included in the Legendary Edition Bonus Content, so you’ll want to steer clear until you’ve experienced the story for yourself firsthand. But once you’ve finished up your inaugural run, this is a definitely a piece you won’t want to miss. As mentioned in the description, it’s likely the final word on the Halo series from the team that created the franchise (that’s us).
Varoituksen sanana mainittakoon myös, että pelistä tuskin julkaistaan julkaisupäiväksi täysimittaista arvostelua KonsoliFINissä. Sen sijaan luvassa lienee laajennetusti tunnelmia kampanjasta. Arvio koko paketista seurannee perässä.