Vastaus: Xbox One
Kirjottelin eräälle kansainväliselle foorumille kokemuksia Xbox Onesta, joka saapui tossa toissapäivänä:
Just got my Xbox One yesterday, but didn't have much time with it yesterday outside setting it up. Since I'm from Finland, I had to import mine from Germany (I also have one preordered from Finland, guess I'll just sell that one away when it comes).
First thing I did I tried to go through the typical complaints and defect-types, but my unit seems pristine. Few software based glitches here and there and my biggest complaint would likely be the installation time off of disc. I know that it downloads patches etc first, thus why it moves very slow, but even when it's purely at the disc phase, it takes a LONG time to install fe. Ryse. Not a biggier, I played Peggle 2 while installing and time flew by, but it's certainly no lightning fast. Probably at 10% (or less) it said Ryse is ready to start, but I couldnt actually start the campaign or multiplayer until it was at 100%.
Ryse is the only "AAA title" I have at this point, I'm pretty much downloading all the demos available to try them out, but so far I've only really played Ryse, Peggle 2 and Killer Instinct. Ryse looks frigging amazing, better than anything I've ever had run on my computer (and I have a gaming PC

). So far enjoying it, but I don't want to rush through it. I started out at the hardest difficulty available so I wouldn't just steamroll it (and harder difficulty encourages timing attacks and blocks etc better instead of just smashing buttons). Peggle 2 is lots of fun for both me and the lady. Killer Instinct is frigging brutal. Even at the easiest difficulty I'm having issues. Partially cos all the tutorials were for Jago and now Saberwolf is the free rotated character. I'm planning to get probably Orchid and Spinal at least, but havn't got around to that. Might get the Combo Breaker Pack, but I'm not all that big of a fan of fighting games. On the easiest difficulty the "bots" arnt very aggressive, but when they actually do something they usually do some huge 12+ attack combo that takes a quarter of my health lol
Voice commands and hand gestures are working like a charm. The only time voice commands typically don't work is when it's a user error and the command was wrong or I was trying my luck if it would hear me all the way from the kitchen

My fiancee has no trouble commanding it too and neither of us are native english speakers. Hand gestures are really great and not a gimmick for me. I can do little things without powering the controller (and wasting battery) or having to find it lol. In Netflix using it was pretty hard when if it thinks you have your hand in a fist, it goes into the "scan" mode where you can select what part of movie you want to play, so after initiating the hand gestures I had hard time "getting out of them" without jumping around the movie lol, but that's more of a flaw in the Netflix app, as it will go into that "scan mode" whereever you hand is in a fist, as opposed to fe. having to "grab" the "timeline"/buffer bar thing. But both voice commands and hand gestures work really great and I love em!
I had previous experience with the controller and I loved it already months ago and I still love it, not much to say about it, Xbox controllers (well, at least 360 and One) are pure awesomeness, and they fixed the minor problems of the 360 to make it super awesome. I never had a 360 so I didnt have to "adapt" to the One controller, as I didnt have any day-to-day experience of 360 controller, I play 360 at my friends place maybe once a month or so, so I'm not exactly adapted to that controller in the first place.
Overall I'm very happy so far. Can't wait for new games to come out and get to try them too!
Lisättäköön suomeksi vielä, että emäntä tuossa nyt tahkoo Just Dance 2014 ja vaikuttaa kovin nauttivan

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