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Nimi: Tomb Raider Saga Remastered
Kehittäjä: Saber, Aspyr
Julkaisija: Aspyr Media
Alustat: PS4/5, Xbox one S/X, Xbox Series S/X, Switch, PC
Lajityyppi: Seikkailu, tasohyppely, toiminta
Julkaisu: 14.2.2024. Sagan toinen osa 14.2.2025
KonsoliFIN Pelisivu: https://www.konsolifin.net/peli/tomb-raider-i-iii-remastered-starring-lara-croft
Ensimmäinen kokoelma
Discover Lara Croft’s Original Adventures, Lovingly Restored
Play the Original Three Tomb Raider Adventures: For the first time ever, play the complete experience with all expansions and secret levels on modern platforms in this definitive collection.
Included Game Titles
- Tomb Raider I + Unfinished Business
- Tomb Raider II + Golden Mask
- Tomb Raider III + The Lost Artifact
Toinen kokoelma (ilmestyy 14.2.2025)
Her legacy lives on!
Play the next series of Tomb Raider adventures in this remastered collection of the Darkness Trilogy.
Included Game Titles
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation – Lara Croft discovers the lost tomb of the Egyptian God Set, unwittingly unleashing him and fulfilling an ancient prophecy—one that plunges mankind into darkness.
Tomb Raider: Chronicles – Following the events of The Last Revelation, Lara Croft is buried in an Egyptian tomb and is presumed dead. At her memorial, those closest to her reminisce about secrets from her past.
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness – Accused of murder, Lara becomes a fugitive on the run, while uncovering a sinister conspiracy involving alchemical experiments and the search for ancient artif
Key Features
Solve Ancient Mysteries: Uncover treasures of the ancient world by solving puzzles and unraveling mysteries lost to the ravages of time.
Globe-trotting Adventure: Follow Lara Croft around the world and face off against deadly foes and dangerous myths.
Lovingly Restored: Experience the classics boasting upgraded graphics, with the option to switch to the original polygon look at any time.
Mistä kaikki alkoi, Lara Croftin maailmanvalloitus oli ilmio jonka kaltaista harvoin nähdään. Näitä klassikoita olen halunnut vuosia pelata ja nyt saadaan siihen vihdoin mahdollisuus uusilla laitteilla ilman suuria ongelmia ja kikkailuja.
Tomb Raider sarjan kehityshistoria ja kuinka se yritettiin rahastaa hengiltä. Kattaa pelit 1-6.
Kokoelman arviot

Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Critic Reviews
Visualize Tomb Raider I-III Remastered's reviews and see how it stacks up against othe games on OpenCritic. With 88 critic reviews, it currently has a 'Strong' rating and ranks in the 63 percentile.

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