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ESPN NHL Hockey (Entinen NHL 2K4)

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Karri
  • Aloituspäivämäärä Aloituspäivämäärä
- Sometimes goalies gets out from in front of their goal in their PenaltyKill. Usually there is someone from opposite teams' PowerPlay line and ready to score. In PowerPlay, goalies rarely gets out from in front of their goal.
Change to: Like in real life, goalies stays in goal when it is their teams' PenaltyKill and come often out from their goal when it is their teams' PowerPlay.
I haven't seen many goals which have gone through the 5th-hole. So it would be nice to see some more in the next generation.

Usually I hit about 10 times posts in a single game, and it would be nicer if some of those went to the goal. Goalies can't be that good.

And there is that checking button and hooking. Hooking almost always leads to a penalty, because the player trips the opponent. It would be nice see something more in this section.

Goalies aren't very good in passing. Often thei throw the puck straight to opponent, what can be quite annoying. Many times I've lost because of that.

In the Franchice (?) mode is way too many injuries, so It's best to turn the injuries off. Not so good.

And the different between PRO and ALLSTAR should be smaller. I usually win about 8-1 in PRO, but in ALLSTAR the game ends usually about 2-1
We need zoom-slider for camera and injury-slider! The camera angles are too close, you cannot see your defenders on powerplay, which makes passing worthless.
Too many injuries in franchise mode. It's VERY frustrating when all your star-players are gone for 4 months. And players don't recover from injuries in play-offs, but they do get injured! It's stupid to play in Stanley Cup finals with a bunch of minor league players.

-Scoring is too difficult, especially on all-star and hall of famer. The goalie skill slider needs to have more effect, even at minimum it's VERY hard to score more than 3 goals a game.
Also more variety in scoring is needed: most goals are made by one-timer shots and breakaways. Defender shots rarely find their way in the net, and that's quite unrealistic as most goals on powerplay are made that way. Diving shots are too hard to do. And it would be nice, if you could score ANYWHERE on the offense zone (real goalies simply can't block every non-onetimer shot). Sometimes you shoot 4 rebound shots and goalies stop them! It would be nice to have some "cheap" goals sometimes, too.
Goalies need more animations, there are many, but they use only couple of them. They also get up too fast, which is inhuman and unrealistic.
And there needs to be more balanced play between CPU and human. CPU has some great plays, but they get goals dubiously easily. Human player may have up to 30 shots more than CPU, though the match is a close-run (yeah sometimes it's like that in real life, too, but it surely doesn't happen in every other game).

-Improved franchise! It would be great if players would advance when playing in minors. You never use your worst players cause they don't get better. Some budget management would be nice, too.

-More variety in penalties: Only 5 minute penalties are fighting majors. What about spearing? There are no unsportsmanlike, high sticking or misconduct penalties.

-No more cheating computer AI! Even the worst players in the computer controlled team can control the puck so well that you can't get it without a "big hit", and it's almost impossible to poke check the puck off starplayers sticks. By the way, the poke check is useless. You cannot control your player while pokechecking, and it takes about 5 seconds to recover, as does recovering from shot blocking and kneeling. What if you could kneel down as long as you hold the button and get up by releasing it? Same goes with deke moves. It takes several seconds to finish the deke animation: that's annoying when you have a 2-1 situation and can't pass the puck until the deke animation is ended.

-Menus are quite hard to navigate. Why can't you do players edits, trades, line changes and activate/scratch players in same menu?

-Improved fighting. Now the fights are boring and computer can grab your player easily, which you can't do.

-Presentation: More music, licensed maybe? Tracks are ok, but they get repetitive quickly. The graphics are good enough, they don't need a polish, just concentrate improving the gameplay (which is good, but it could be better). More replays, less cut scenes.

-European teams/leagues: SM-liiga (Finland), Elitserien (Sweden)... I know this is wishful thinking, but if EA has them, it means you can get them too? I guess they don't own the license. I am quite sure Kush games would get some assistance from European gamers to get all the values and player information correct.

-It would be a nice touch to have an opportunity to create an own team: shirts, logos, teamname, players...

-We want to play ONLINE in EUROPE!

Computer AI gets a huge boost when player has a powerplay. CPU can shoot the puck away too fast, I mean they don't even need to have a proper control over the puck, and whatever their position is, they shoot the puck so high and fast that human player simply can't grab it. They never shoot it away against the boards. These shots should fail sometimes too. Also, CPU ALWAYS intercepts your passes and blocks all shots. You have to have a clear line to the goal if you want to score on PP. That makes defender's shots almost useless. Same thing happens when CPU goalie is down on the ice or getting back between the posts.
And when CPU has powerplay, you can't shoot the puck away as fast as they can in the same situation. CPU can also score easier on PP, and I don't mean good plays, I mean human goalies give easier goals.

EDIT: hiukan lisäyksiä
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Antaa tulla lisää vaan...esim. kausipelaamisen ongelmat, liian suuri loukkaantumisriski jne jne.

Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan CHAOS
Ite olen pelannut Devs-kauteni ajat sitten läpi. Suosikkijoukkueellani jaksan aina pelata kokonaisen kauden läpi, mutta sen jälkeen tuleekin pelattua kaikenlaisia kausia ja aloiteltua kautta jos toistakin.

Milläs tasolla pelaat? All-Starilla homma on kovaa painimista kyllä, enkä ihmettele onkkelmiasi, jos pelaat Hall Of Famerilla.

All-Stars tasolla pelaan, nyt tosiaan BGDA2 joten on jääny vähälle toi ENH.
- awards should be handed in season mode as well, eliminating the need to play the franchise mode for those who don't care about the management side.

- improved animations for one timers (especially when the pass comes from the forehand side, players don't need to fully wind up on those from close range), slaphots and backhand passes.

-improved collision detection, too may passes go through players skates, sticks through the body parts and goalies pads and gloves through the posts.

- proper tournament mode with group stages, improves the offline multiplayer aspect.

- international team rosters should have the best players available (ie. Koivu for Finland).

- new historic teams, such as Oilers '87 and '90, Bruins '90, Flyers '85 or '87, Montreal '93, Red Wings '97, Kings '82, Sabres team from the 70's with French Connection -line. Loose the Canes, Lightning, Caps and the 50's teams.

- good skaters should be able to skate faster backwards and slide backwards on their stomach to block passes on 2 on 2 situations.

- replace the puck flip (right stick) move with a toe drag move.

- inquire ESPN about the possibility of including their Stadium anthems album with the game so that you could copy the tracks to your hard drive (Xbox) and use them in the game.

- delay of game penalties for deliberately moving the net.

- easier to navigate menus, roster management is a pain in the ass right now. You should be able to dress and edit players in the same menu/window. Also the back ground color is a little too bright in roster management.

- more individual and team stats before and during games. Teams pp/pk comparison, individual milestones (XXth career hat trick).

- Gary Thorne needs to work on some pronounciations (Huselius= "useless", though that is true).

- proper Stanley Cup celebrations

- do not allow d-men to play as forwards and vice versa on regular lines unless there are injuries (in other words, keep it the same way as in 2K4).

- some kind of tie up stick - move. Defending is too much based on hitting now. No grab- button please, games may turn too much into the clutch and grab fests the games are in real life.

- the PA guy needs to be louder when introducing the 3 stars, especially the home team players.

- more strategies for offense, defense and powerplay. 4-man powerplay has no use for 2-2-1 so that should automatically change as should the 3-man penalty kill (triangle only option).

EDIT: yksi lisäys
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
En ole kaikkia lukenut mutta tässä jotakin mitä allekirjoittaneen mieleen on tullut.

- More reality on players playing in different positions. All players have same ratings, no matter which position they play. Although there is limits where you can place players, there should be an option to put d-men as forwards and forwards as d-men (If you want to that is), for example if you injure certain players during a game. But by doing that, players ratings should change automatically to match reality. Overall 90 forward should change to something like overall 60 as a D-man. And even placing a winger as a center should have a slight effect on overall performance.

- "Shadow a player." When you have the option to match line-ups, you should also have an option to shadow a certain player. Like put Jarkko Ruutu to shadow Peter Forsberg and keep him away from scoring (like in real life, Feb 16th...)

- Players sticks should break once in a while

- A desperation move-button. Using this move you can draw a "good penalty" make a deliberate attack on a player and trip him, grab him or slash him. Just enough to disturb opponent from scoring etc. Of course, you´d get a penalty for that, if the ref sees that is.. Sometimes you can get away with it of course...

- Dive-button. Just like on D, opportunity to draw a penalty on offence. Dive, jump or do something else to get refs attention. Most of the times this should not work, but sometimes the refs hands out a penalty on opponent. If you dive and make it look too obvious, you get a penalty yourself and even though the ref doesn´t see but, the crowd does and they boo you after a failed attempt to draw a penalty.

- CREATE OWN TEAMS, design uniforms and use them in game/franchise modes!

- In All-Star game Skills Competition there should be a chance to use modified rosters or atleast change players.

- A chance to create your own national team rosters. Canada and US have lots and lots of players to choose from. Also other nations have players in NHL who are not in their national teams.

- Injuries happen too often on user controlled team, CPU teams have healthy rosters most of the time... And CPU should also change their lineups and rosters from game to game.

- Jersey numbers. All players in one team can have the same jersey number... In 2K3 that was not possible. A mistake? Also retired numbers should be added so they couldn´t be used in a game. For example if you try to set #17 in Edmonton, the game says "Retired: Jari Kurri".
- improve AI so that cpu players don't brake, turn or pass side- or backwards just before blue line and cause off-sides
- fix the bug in user profile control settings. The game doesn't save them individually.
- goalies' GAA are often miscalculated (over 20.00 or so)
- if you plan to continue using cut-scenes, at least make more of them. They get repetitive very soon and you can't turn them off if you want to hear Bill's comments about players. They also have a lot of bugs like goalies holding the stick with their glove hand and players switching stick sides.
- two or three different arena announcers would be nice but maybe it's too much asked
- Bill should be able to comment on player's and team's current season performance, not just general information.
- at the end of the game, some commentary by Gary and Bill about the game in whole and maybe comments on the 3 stars selection
- ability to view box scores of other games in season/franchise mode
- player animations need some serious work. No more one-handed puck carrying and more falling and hitting animations.
- cpu team shouldn't change their goalie after four conceded goals every game
- saucer passes are way too accurate and they always land exactly on recipient's stick. They should sometimes land earlier or get missed by the recipient.
Hyviä kommentteja! Olen nyt pistänyt kaikki eteenpäin Visual Conceptsin lätkätiimille, joka on toivottavasti kuulolla. Koetan saada jengin nimet vielä ESPN Hockey 2005:een.

Meikäläinen nyt myöhästyi, joitakin ehdotuksia en ainakaan huomannut joukossa:

- Sarjataulukoista ei näe erikseen koti- ja vierasmenestystä ?!
Kuntopuntari olisi myös kiva...

- Joukkuetilastoissa aivan turhaan voitettujen aloitusten määrä (pitäisi olla prosentteina).

- Laukauksien ja torjuntojen onnistumisissa pitäisi käyttää enemmän satunnaisuutta/tilastollista todennäköisyyttä, jotta maaleja tulisi monipuolisemmista paikoista ja varmaa maalintekokonstia ei pystyisi löytämään. (eikä se kiekko osuisi joka toisessa läpiajossa tolppaan).

- Tietokoneen pitäisi pystyä parempaan laukaisuprosenttiin myös pro-tasolla. Vaikka asettaa pelaajan maalivahtisliderin nollille niin torjuntaprosentti aina yli 95. All-star ja HOF-tasoista en tiedä, en ole vielä uskaltanut pelata.

- ainakin onetimereissa joskus vastaanottava pelaaja näkee tulevan kiekon vaikka on selin kiekkoon päin (uusinnoista nähtynä).

Muut onkin sitten varmaan jo mainittu. Nuo ongelmat huomannut n. 10 pelatun ottelun jälkeen.
- Improved pass reception while skating. Currently receptant loses too much speed when receiving a pass.

- Goalies should not stop all the dump and chase puck's

- Passes are still too accurate.

- Puck control should decrease greatly when player must change direction or when opponent is harassing near.
Joku parempi vois kääntää tän englanniks, mut neloskenttien osuutta peliin pitäis lisätä. Nyt niitten merkitys on melko olematon, vaihtoja tulee joskus alle 5 ottelussa (riippuen erikoistilanteista) ja se on melko vähän todellisuuteen verrattuna.

Muut viat taitaakin olla jo edellä mainittu...
Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan Tigris
neloskenttien osuutta peliin pitäis lisätä. Nyt niitten merkitys on melko olematon, vaihtoja tulee joskus alle 5 ottelussa (riippuen erikoistilanteista) ja se on melko vähän todellisuuteen verrattuna.
Siihenhän voi vaikuttaa asetuksista (fatigue? time/recovery) Itse
sain asetuksia muuttamalla 5min eräajallakin vaihtoja ihan mukavasti aikaiseksi. Tietysti voi myös laittaa kenttien vaihdon manuaaliseksi mutta itse en jaksa ottelussa niihin keskittyä.
Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan power
Siihenhän voi vaikuttaa asetuksista (fatigue? time/recovery) Itse
sain asetuksia muuttamalla 5min eräajallakin vaihtoja ihan mukavasti aikaiseksi. Tietysti voi myös laittaa kenttien vaihdon manuaaliseksi mutta itse en jaksa ottelussa niihin keskittyä.

Niin kyllähän sen oman neloskentän roolia voi nostaa helposti, mutta vastustajan neloskenttä käy jäällä tosi harvoin, joskus sitä ei käytetä ollenkaan. Ja kyllähän monia näitä parannusehdotuksia saa slidereilla helpotettua ja poistettua, mutta ne pitäisi olla kunnossa jo alussa, ilman yletöntä slider-kikkailua. Se käy pitemmän päälle kohtuu turhauttavaksi...
Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan Tigris
Ja kyllähän monia näitä parannusehdotuksia saa slidereilla helpotettua ja poistettua, mutta ne pitäisi olla kunnossa jo alussa, ilman yletöntä slider-kikkailua. Se käy pitemmän päälle kohtuu turhauttavaksi...
No ei niitä slidereita muutamaa iltaa kauempaa tarvitse testailla ennenkuin tietää mikä sopii itselle parhaiten. Ei ne sellaiset hyvät perus-asetuksetkaan kaikkia miellytä kuitenkaan.
Lainatun viestin kirjoitti alkujaan Everlast
Hyviä kommentteja! Olen nyt pistänyt kaikki eteenpäin Visual Conceptsin lätkätiimille, joka on toivottavasti kuulolla. Koetan saada jengin nimet vielä ESPN Hockey 2005:een.


Lista meni perille kuulemma. Vastaus mun pyyntöön 50-luvun joukkueiden heittämisestä hiuksista v... ööh.. "sinne", oli että "miksi haluaisin niistä eroon, kun seuraavalla kerralla kypärät ei ole rajoittamassa?". :eek:
Olisi mielenkiintoista kuulla kommentteja nettipelaamisesta. Olisi kiva päästä haastamaan PS2FIN jannuja ja kavereita muualla Suomea/muailmoo.
ollaanko me saamattomia vai eikö tuossa pelissä ole sellaista turnausta mahdollista tehdä jossa olisi alkusarja sekä sitten vasta playoffit. niinku MM-kisat
eikä suoraa playoffit.?.?.?
No niin...sain pelin jo jouluna, mutta peli unohtui viikon pelailun jälkeen hyllyyn. Nyt kun on tässä taas tullut pelattua, niin täytyy sanoa että hyvä peli on. Mutta kuvittelenko minä vain, vai onko tosiaankin niin että n. franchisen puolivälissä vaikeustaso yhtäkkiä kiristyy? Aiemmin pelit olivat runsasmaalisia (keskimäärin pelit päättyivät ehkä 5-3 -voittoon), mutta yhtäkkiä pelit alkoivatkin päättyä 1-2 tappioihin!

Loukkaantumisia ei ole kamalasti tullut, mutta vaikuttaa siltä että mitä kovempi on pelaaja, sitä loukkaantumisalttiimpi tämä on! Itseni mukaan nimetty ja supertähdeksi säädetty pelaaja kun loukkaantuu lievästi noin joka viidennessä pelissä...
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