The man offered me a choice: take his money and keep his infidelities a secret, or just walk away (and possibly run to tell his wife). I chose the money, and I instantly received a few evil points, which were signified by a devil's head popping up on the lower right side of the screen. While I may have been slightly bad, I still got money to put towards my sister's present. I felt a bit guilty, though, so I decided to seek out the cheating gent's spouse. When I found her and told her what was going on, she ran to her husband and chewed him out. For doing that deed, I received some good points, and I also got to keep the man's money. While my dad wasn't exactly happy with my deeds, he wasn't mad either. There were countless other small moments like this in my demo, and while they having little bearing on the story, each one helps to define what type of person you are, and what type you will eventually be.