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FIFA 11 [PS3]

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Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

FIFA 11 First Career mode impressions

FIFA 11 NG; Manager Mode is changing...to Career Mode

Having received lots of feedback about Manager Mode in FIFA 10 the development team have been hard at work to bring to life the experience that users requested. Based on this feedback and the many suggestions from fans across the world Manager Mode is now changing to become Career Mode and has been built from scratch for FIFA 11.

Play through a footballer's career as a player, player-manager and then a manager. A brand new transfer system brings the ups and downs of the transfer window to life while the new calendar system means it is easier to plan your career, manage your squad or experience the thrill of breaking your way into the first team.

Players created using the new Creation Centre will be available to download into Career Mode so if you want you and your mates to all be a part of your favourite team and then manage them to ultimate glory, now you can.

There is also now a friend's leaderboard so you can see how you stack up against them in terms of stats and earnings throughout your career.

So the big question is; Player, Player-Manager or Manager? The choice is yours.

Career Mode in a bit more detail

Here in the office I've been fortunate enough to get access to an early build of Career Mode (playing as a Player-Manager) and so far it is a big change from FIFA 10. Things seem a lot slicker and refinements in a number of areas are definitely noticeable. So far I've taken Man Utd to Community Shield victory against Chelsea, signed Chiellini and Thiago Silva to replace the ageing Ferdinand and had a bid accepted for Benzema although I'm still to confirm personal terms with the player. Yes, you did read that right, "confirm personal terms with the player". The transfer system is now a two-stage negotiation where you agree a fee with the club in question and then have to agree terms with the player themselves. I've already had the experience of the club saying yes and the player saying no (Higuain) as he didn't want to move country.

There are now a few more search options in the transfer market with you being able to search for a primary attribute and a secondary attribute and respective ratings for them.

The main interface has changed dramatically and now has the look of an online "news portal", a bit like Official Site of the Premier League - Barclays Premier League News, Fixtures and Results | <no headline>. You have a couple of news stories on display working in rotation, league ladder and top scorers lists on the right, career rating on the bottom left and then your menu options top left. The associated screenshot highlights this layout and as you progress through Career Mode you will become more familiar with it.

When changing days between matches the calendar now has a daily view and will stop progressing if there is an important action happening such as an email from a team interested in buying your player or something from the Board. You can easily see when the cup matches are, friendlies, international matches and your standard league matches. When you do get to a match and opt to Sim it there are a few new elements here as well. On the left of the screen you get both line-ups including substitutes and on the right you get a ticker updating you with important events from the match and a summary of key events from other matches happening at the same time. When you score, your players collect cards or get injured the left side of the screen updates with the appropriate symbol so you can easily see who has done what and who has been subbed.

On the side of injuries they are still there and have been tweaked as well. I got two injuries during the first match I simmed both of which were of different lengths; one 82 days and one 27 days. I got a news item on the main screen after the match telling me so and an email from the Coach drilling it in that these players would be unavailable and that I'd need to change my team selection accordingly. Injuries can also happen after matches, I played the Community Shield against Chelsea and got an email notification after winning that Rooney would be unavailable for a period having picked up a knock. Overall there are three types of injury; those that happen but aren't severe enough to sideline a player (stats reduced but can still play), those that sideline the player for a short period as they are unfit to play and those major injuries that can put a player out of action for months.

I'm still getting to grips with all the ins and outs but so far the changes that I have noticed are great and I'm enjoying playing it in the office. Look out for another article in the near future once I've guided Man Utd to victory and started a career as just a Player.

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Elikkäs nollista väsätty tämä Career mode Manager Moden tilalle ja itse saat päättää, pelaatko vai manageroitko, vai teetkö kenties molempia.

Edit: Ja tällä viikolla huhujen mukaan Gameplayta..
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Kiitos videosta.

Tossa viiden minuutin kohdalla kun oli toi keskityksen haltuunotto low ja high skillillä. Toivottavasti tätä ei nyt ole tehty niin, että joka ikinen kerta se haltuunotto sillä huonolla pelaajalla on noin hirveä mikä tuossa näkyi. Toivottavasti on myös otettu huomioon keskityksen vaikeus. Sekä toisinpäin, toivottavasti se pallo myös lipsuu välillä noilla maailman parhaillakin pelaajilla.

Ja toivottavasti assisted-conffit on pelistä poistettu. Haters gonna hate. ; D
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Manuaali asetusten ystäville:


Just thought I'd drop in here to let you know that I have been following this thread and to let you know a few of my feelings on this.

Firstly, let me say that manual will have its own leaderboards in FIFA11. I know its not everything that you wanted but it will at least allow you to play the way you like, with likeminded people, and be somewhat rewarded for doing so.

Secondly, I wanted to say that my goal is to allow people to play and enjoy FIFA in whatever way they choose. Obviously I'd like to give everyone everything they want but we don't have infinite resources here at EA and so decisions have to be made and priorities have to be set.

That manual players have been under supported in this goal is a point that I would agree with but I’d argue in our defense that they have been supported not wholly disproportionally to their size. From the data that I have available to me and based on my instincts and experience with FIFA gamers, manual is not a setting that most people want to, have the time to, or the skill to play. Now saying that I’d assume that you would counter with a statement around the fact that manual is not as popular because people don’t know about it. Again, I agree that we could do a better job of promoting the feature (as we could with so many features in FIFA, so I wouldn't feel too victimized about that) and potentially providing more reward/encouragement to try it - that is something that I will take on board and will look to address.

Fundamentally, up to this point we have been concentraing on trying to make the base gameplay experience of FIFA as strong as possible. After all, how good would playing a perfect through ball be in a FIFA world where gameplay is rubbish? Now, with FIFA10, some glitches aside, we are getting there and so I am now more willing to spend more of our time fixing/improving other areas of the game.

In response to those who think that we should be somehow pushing people to play manual - I'm afraid I don't agree with this. While I agree that manual is hugely rewarding experience, it is still something that many peole will never want to play (as mentioned above time, skill or desire) so I think it is wrong to try to drive them to play any other way than the way they want, and if we can try to build a game where there are features that allow you to play the way you want with likeminded people (e.g. manual leaderboards) then I don't see why we need to do that. In addition Manager Mode is still the most played game mode in FIFA, why should those people who are playing against the CPU, and therefore not impacting the playing experience of anyone else, be encouraged to play any other way than the way they want to?

Final point is on the progression of the controls, and the fact that as they get more skilled they should become more 'powerful'. I agree with this point from a theoretical POV but at the same time, given my points above, I am not sure that this is easy to do in a way that will not drastically limit the functionality/experience of a majority that I believe will never make it to manual. Again though, I fall back on - is it important that everyone plays the same controls? Let people play how they want, as long as they can do that with likeminded people (if they actually do want to play online).

Anyway, those are just a few of my thoughts. I'm not someone who's opposed to being proven wrong so feel free to try and change me on this but I think you have to remember that there are a lot of different types of people who play FIFA and this community forum does not represent all them and comes no-where near representing them proportionally.

Thanks for your feedback,

Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Yhden uudistuksen haluaisin, että voisi ohjata maalivahtia niin kuin kenttäpelaajaa be a prossa. Hypatään kun painetaan x ja siitä muunnellaan eri torjuntoja. Ei ehkä tule onnistumaan, mutta semmoisen haluaisin.

Gamestopin FIFA 11 feature listassa luki näin: Be The Goalkeeper: For the first time ever, you will be able to take full control of your goalkeeper and command play from the toughest position on the pitch. Compete in all offline modes as well as with 10 of your friends in full 11 vs.11 online team play, competing against other gameras from around the world.

Ja löysin myös pienin artikkelin kuvan kanssa kyseisestä aiheesta. http://aimassist.com/?p=267

Onko totta sitten nämä jutut, sitä en tiedä :rolleyes:
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Be a Goalkeeper-mode kuulostaa kyllä ihan jännältä. Saattaisi kuitenkin palaa käämit tilanteissa, joissa ei ole mitään mahdollisuuksia, ja koutsi vaan heittää miinusta. No, se kuuluu jalkapalloon.
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Kuullostaa että jännältä ja lisäksi haastavalta. Maalivahtina oleminen voin jo kuvitella minkälaiset paineet kasautuvat niskaan pelatessaan netissä tuntemattomien kanssa. :D

Ps. Olen kyllä keskikentän pelaaja ei siinä mitään :p
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Ensimmäinen viestiini laitoin vain yhden uudistuksen, että veskalla voisi pelata ja näin sitten voi käydäkin. Tekijät varmaan katsovat tätä sivua aika paljon. :D No ei, mutta jos tulee niin upeeta ja uudellaista olisi varmasti tulossa.
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

FIFA 11 : Digging Deeper into Career Mode
Phil Wride delves deeper into FIFA 11 Career Mode; Could he be the next up and coming manager to shine?

Following the great reception for the first article about the FIFA 11 Career Mode I thought I may as well look to write this second one to add a bit more detail and talk around some of the other areas of the mode I only briefly touched on last time. Having now spent a bit more time with it I have finally started to get to grips with some of the ins and outs but that doesn’t mean I’ve mastered it by any means.

The first article started with a look at a Player-Manager career and I want to carry this on before I jump into the Player Career. So I managed to take Man Utd to FA Cup victory but only managed a 5th place finish in the league after simming all the matches to get through the season. Whilst there wasn’t a celebration or cutscene for winning the FA Cup what happened at the end of the season was quite interesting. I got a few emails from the board stating that they weren’t very happy with my performance during the season as I hadn’t met the objectives they set me (Top 4 finish). They did however offer me a contract extension on the basis that I had showed some potential and that hopefully what I had learnt from the first season would put me in with a chance for Season 2. The contract was offered and surprisingly I was also offered a contract offer by Man City at the same time. Tough choice being a Man Utd fan so I opted to stay where I was to see if I could build on my FA Cup victory from the first season. One thing I did notice as soon as I started the new season though (or rather the summer transfer period) was that my reputation had dropped down a bit and I was still a half-star manager. Looks like my failure to meet the board objectives for the first season have tarnished my reputation.

In the forums there have been some questions about transfers, training, player growth and a whole bunch of other things. To try and answer some of these here is what I experienced whilst playing; West Ham sold Matthew Upson to Sunderland and then made a bid on Paul Scholes when I put him on the market. I loaned some of my youth players out and you have the option to set for a 3 month loan or a season long loan. You can also cancel a loan if you want to bring them back at any stage but there is a penalty fee attached if you bring them back early. In the build that I am playing there doesn’t look to be an option to offer cash and a player or do a player exchange when negotiating to buy a player. There is a plus side though with the two-tiered transfer system, you can now be outbid and “sniped” when making transfers. Given that you have to first get the club to accept a bid and then discuss terms with the player the club could accept two bids and you could still lose the player if they accept personal terms from a rival.

Player growth does happen, I had a series of emails from the coach telling me that a player had improved, and those that were getting older were losing their overall rating (Giggs went down by a point over the course of the season). I also got emails telling me that a player had hit form and suggesting that I should include them in my line-up for the next match or give them a bit more responsibility. On the player growth screen you actually get comments from the coach like “Has reached his potential, isn’t going to grown anymore” or “could develop quickly if given game time”.

Given that this is completely new code and doesn’t borrow from FIFA 10 there are a couple of things that have been stripped to ensure that this fresh start for Career Mode lives up to expectations. For now there are no training options, or those to improve your stadium, negotiator, coaches etc. One of the new elements when it comes to budget and transfers though is the “Budget Allocator”, you can change the proportion of your budget allocated to transfer fees and to player wages based on a sliding scale. So I may start with a 80/20 split with £50 Million to spend and £200K wage budget, change the slider to 60/40 and that may be £40 Million to spend and £250K wage budget. This gives some flexibility if you are trying to buy specific players but haven’t got the wages to cover it, or don’t need the wages and want a bit more free cash. There is a limit however, when doing this you get the notification this is only available 3 times so you need to make your decisions wisely.

Playing Career Mode as a Player

Having flirted with Player-Manager I thought I better get to grips with what it is like in the Player Mode, what was essentially Be a Pro Seasons in FIFA 10. For this I created my VP, the fantastically named C. Elito and joined Arsenal for a bit of a change. I got the option to take long socks or short socks, shirt tucked or untucked, ankle tape or no ankle tape and a few others when creating my VP and I think I can go back and change them at a later date if I get bored of how he looks.

When I jumped into the friendly matches before the season started I had a 0/8 rating as a “Prospect” and was given the opportunity to play all the matches to show the Manager how good I was. Things didn’t quite go to plan, I managed to get reasonable ratings but didn’t score in any of the matches so my rating stayed at 0/8. I did however get an email from the coach telling me that one of my team mates had been injured in one of the friendly matches along with notification of how long he would be absent for, quite a nice touch I thought.

Moving to the first game of the season I was picked to start against Man Utd playing alongside Fabregas and Co. The game ended in a draw, 1-1, with Fab scoring a penalty I created by bustling my way into the box but overall my performance wasn’t great. After the match I got an email from the Manager letting me know that although I played well I wasn’t yet ready for the limelight and that I wouldn’t be playing the next match. I advanced through the days and had to sim the next match, and the one after that, and the one after that so much like in real life, if you don’t take the opportunities presented with both hands you will spend time on the sidelines watching. I need to make sure that next time I get to play I score a hat-trick and then see what the Manager has to say.

Other bits and pieces

I’ve also dabbled with the pure Manager element of Career Mode and this leans quite heavily to what you experience in Player-Manager however the playing element is a little different. You can still do transfers, select the team, alter the formations and have the board challenges to go against but when playing matches you control the whole team as you did last year. There is also no option to create a player or VP and have them as part of your squad. I guess this is where the line is drawn between the 3 elements of Career Mode. Player Mode you can play as your VP, get accomplishments and develop aiming for individual and international glory whilst Player-Manager you have the stresses and strains of management whilst also being able to develop a VP if you want to. All 3 have playing options in them but they each differ; Player Mode has you playing in the BAP camera mode controlling just your VP or the full team, Player-Manager has you playing in a traditional camera view (although you can change it) and who you control depends on the management decisions you make, put yourself in the starting line-up and you will only control yourself, leave your playing self off the starting 11 and you can control the whole team. As a Manager you control the whole team in the traditional kick-off style.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Oliko tämä David Rutterin haastattelu vielä linkitetty tänne. Aika samaa juttua mitä aikaisemmissakin videoissa, gameplay-kuvaa vähän väliä kumminkin.
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

The Backpage with Darren Cross
As Mondays go, Monday August 2 definitely ranks in my Top 5 Mondays ever. I can’t remember what happened on the other four days on the list to compare it to, but this particular Monday has got to be up there anyway. It was that good.

At least, it was until Carlos Tevez ruined it. Let me explain…

Minutes after I arrived at the MATCH offices for a day’s work, three things landed on my desk and each new item trumped the one before. For starters, the new Arcade Fire album came through and they’re one of my favourite bands ever, so I was more than a bit chuffed about that. (It’s excellent, by the way).

Then I signed for another package that turned out to be an iPhone 4. I had absolutely no idea how to use this, but it looked better than the brick I used to have and automatically tagged a ‘Sent from my iPhone 4’ signature to the end of each email, so I obviously spent the next couple of hours sending ‘Hello. Sent from my iPhone 4’ messages to all my friends who haven’t got one. I think they liked that.

Soon after, I got another email from the postroom telling me I had a third package to sign for. Thinking that my day couldn’t possibly get any better, I wandered off to pick it up expecting it to be something far less exciting than the album and the phone, but I was wrong.

It was FIFA 11.

Now I’m not the sort of person who spends his time at work waiting to go home then jumping out of his seat as soon as the working day ends, but with FIFA 11 in my hand and my debug 360 console 30 miles away, I wasn’t planning on hanging around any longer than I had to on this occasion. As soon as the clock struck 5.30, I was out of there and on the road, looking forward to seeing how the game had progressed since the last time I played it at EA’s FIFA headquarters in Vancouver, back in May.

After going through the loading screens – which were all just placeholders in this version – I arrived at the main menu and quickly selected kick-off, which was actually my only option anyway as none of the other game modes were available in this build.

As is customary with the FIFA series now, the game asked me who my favourite team was (Man. United) and my level of experience. With hindsight I definitely should have selected ‘complete amateur’, but more on that in a sec.

Off I went into a derby match against big-spending local rivals City thinking that I’d try out some of United’s new boys and youngsters, so Chris Smalling came in for Rio, the Da Silva twins started in the full-back positions and Javier Hernandez made his debut up front alongside Wazza. We were all set.

And we made a comfortable start. Keen to see how Pro Passing had progressed, I started moving the ball to my players in space, paying particular attention to the pass bar. As you may already know, you now have far more control over the weight and pace of your passes by choosing how long to hold the short or lob pass buttons down for, and the game gives you feedback by putting a marker on the bar to show you which point you should have let go to execute a better pass. It’s a very clever feature and that marker, combined with the visual feedback you get from watching the ball, really helps you identify when you’ve got it right – and wrong – so that you learn for next time. Very clever.

So we began to keep the ball and play some neat and tidy football, which was highlighted by the in-game stats that popped up and were commented on by the, err, commentators, but at no point did it feel ping-pong in any way. That’s not to say it’s not possible to put a series of nice, quick passes together and advance on your opponents’ goal, because it is. The difference now though is that you have to work harder for it, making sure that you’ve got players with good passing attributes in the right positions to receive the ball and move it on or have a pop at goal. The result, when your efforts do pay off, is a real feeling of achievement because you’ve just done so much more than simply hit the pass button five times in a row. Ping-pong passing is definitely a thing of the past.

The other thing that really stood out for me was the initial visual impact of Personality+. Anyone with a decent knowledge of football will be left in absolutely no doubt about which player they’re controlling when using a team they’re familiar with. On top of the way the players look, you can also tell who many of them are by the way they move, which was the first thing I thought as Carlos Tevez muscled his way past my centre-backs and slammed the ball into the back of my net.

To make matters worse, Carlos decided to show me how good another of FIFA 11’s new features is by running over to the fans and performing his trademark hands-behind-the-ears celebration, just like he did when he bagged in the Carling Cup game against United last season. Although that stung a bit (Tevez was my favourite player when he was at United and I’m still gutted we sold him) it did make me sit back and appreciate the work the team at EA have done on celebrations. It looked amazing and got even better when Tevez’s team-mate Adebayor ran up behind him and picked him up, all still within the in-game camera – there was no cutscene. I almost stood up and clapped.

I played the game for a good few hours after that, and got my ass kicked pretty much every time – the AI seemed much more aggressive in defence and far more intelligent going forward – but that’s a good thing as it promises some real challenges offline when playing on a high skill setting.

Considering my version is far from final, it plays really well and the new features I’ve briefly talked about above make it feel more like real football than any other version of FIFA ever has. I can’t wait to see how much further it has improved by the time we see the final version on October 1.

See you next week.
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Crossin jutussu mielenkiintoisinta, että maalin jälkeen ei mitään cut scenejä. Toivotaan että tämä pätee lopulliseen versioonkin. Vielä kun saisi nuo cut scenet pois mm. kulmista jne. niin olisin todella tyytyväinen.
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Ja rajaheitot myös ilman cutsceneja olisi loistava. Nykyään aina kerkeää puolustava joukkue ryhmittyä täydellisesti ennen kuin pääset heittämään, kun ilman cutsceneja olisi ollut mahdollisuus vielä nopeaan hyökkäykseen.
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Twitter / Rakan Al-Haqbani: SERIE A again in not licen ...
Ja tässä tämän pelin kansi:


Tosin satavarma en ole, onko tuo myös eurooppalaisen pelin kansikuva.

Lähde: http://twitter.com/landondonovan
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

Tosin satavarma en ole, onko tuo myös eurooppalaisen pelin kansikuva.

Lähde: Landon Donovan (landondonovan) on Twitter

Niin siis tuo on nimenomaan FIFA SOCCER 11 kansi, mut eiköhän se Väinö meilläpäin siinä kannessa komeile.

Kaka on tänä vuonna globaali kansitähti: EA SPORTS Names Kaka Global Cover Athlete For FIFA 11 - EA News

Myös MM-kisasankari Iniesta on jossain kannessa: Iniesta Joins FIFA 11 Cover Stars – FIFA Soccer Blog
Vastaus: FIFA 11 [PS3 Hype]

^^ Jostain kuulin että Ronaldinhon pitkäaikainen sopimus EA Sportsin kanssa päättyi.

Rooneylla varmaan muutama vuosi EA:n kanssa jäljellä, varsinkin viime kauden jälkeen haluavat varmaan pidentää sitä... (vaikka WC2010 meni miten meni, mutta FIFA pelit panostaa tietenkin enemmän Liiga jalkapalloon joten tuskin tuo vaikuttaa)

Miettisin tossa että kun teet oman joukkueen niin onko ne logot sun muut sellasia EA:n valmiita teoksia ja sitten vähän sekotellaan jotai värejä niihin vaakunoihin niin ku joskus aikoinaan ainakin FIFA 07:ssa, vai onko se niin että saa netistä vaikka ladata sopivan vaakunan jne... Miksi edes kysyin? No varmuuden vuoksi...
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