Vastaus: Killzone 2 [PS3 Hype]

Killzone developer talks on Neogaf and confirms that the trailer is pre-pre alpha.The game features highly atmospheric environments that respond accurately to weapon fire as players storm through the world of Helghan. The harsh climate and conditions of Helghan are also a factor, forcing players to adapt new tactics to survive.
He states :
Hey folks.
Im a little busy at the moment, but I have to say something!
First of all. WHAT DID I SAY? Did I lied? Am I a jackass, because I could not say anything about KILLZONE 2″? I could not. It IS one of our most important games, in the history of SONY Computer Entertainment. And I hope you like it!
And I am not finished yet:
- Dont forget one thing: This game is PRE-pre-alpha! So, not PRE-Alpha, PRE-PRE! So, please dont start some Hey, can you see that texture poppin up! PLEASE, stop it, ok?
There will be much more details, effects and so on. Give us some time.
- Second: Half of the animations are still NOT in the game so, it will look MUCH MUCH better in the final game. Yes, we said it: The animations are matching the target render. Maybe it looks even better in the final game.
- third: Is there already a video out? I get no info here, because the conference is killing us (with joy). If so, enjoy it! If not, playstation storewill have it. You have to see it in HD to believe it.
And finally: mckmas8808, Bad_Boy, Busty, I said it, and we delivered!
So, wait for the conference for more info.
You saw NOTHING yet!
(oh and, . did I say KILLZONEwillSHOCK)
Sorry, I could not resist