Villit huhut kiertävät, että tässä kuussa tulee sekä indie direct, että Nintendo direct.
OK. Look. Nintendo is far into the process of preparing a Direct. It's likely coming next week. That could change. Pencil in March 18 (maybe March 19). It'll have a number of third-party games along with whatever it shows to fill out its 2020 lineup.
Normally I'd just let this play out, but I know people are pretty anxious for this. It can feel like maybe they just won't do one until E3. But that's not the case. Nintendo has already picked most of the games it's including in the next Direct, so it's definitely coming soon.
It's possible that next week's thing could turn out to be a Nindie Direct (or whatever they call the indie thing now). But there is still, definitely, a "real" Direct in the works involving games you could not consider "indie."
Nintendo did an Indie Showcase last March around GDC, so that would make sense. And if that's how this goes, we shouldn't have to wait much longer after that for the Direct proper. Sorry for all the hedging, but I think all the event cancellations have made things more fluid.
Updated the story. Indie thing next week. Nintendo Direct the week of March 26. We're going to talk about it right now on the podcast.
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