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PlayStation 3

Vastaus: PlayStation 3

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Vastaus: PlayStation 3


Platform Keynote--PlayStation 3: Beyond the Box 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Phil Harrison, president of worldwide studios for Sony Computer Entertainment

Nähtäisiinkö huomenna illalla Suomen aikaa jopa uusia pelejä?
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

Mielenkiintoinen uutinen sattui silmään Pelaajaboardeilla.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. March 21, 2006 - AGEIA Technologies, Inc., the pioneer in hardware-accelerated physics for games, today announced that the latest version of AGEIA PhysX SDK version 2.4 will become available to registered PLAYSTATION® 3 game content developers on March 31, 2006.

The AGEIA PhysX SDK is highly recognized for its extensive physics functionality and multithreading capabilities, which are uniquely suited for the multicore architecture of the Cell processor adopted on PLAYSTATION® 3. The latest AGEIA PhysX SDK version 2.4 is optimized for the Cell processor, adding mind-blowing physics action to the high-definition graphics of PLAYSTATION® 3 titles.

In the 2.4 release, several components of the AGEIA PhysX pipeline have been offloaded from the PPU of the PLAYSTATION® 3 to the SPUs; developers can fully control the component deployment. This has resulted in a 50% reduction in maximum PPU load, leaving more room for game code and smooth frame rates
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

Tuore esimerkki tästä middlewaresta on Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (XBOX360). Lopputeksteistä löytyy tästä maininta.
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

Phil Harrison to Kick-Off Event with PLAYSTATION®3 Focused Keynote Speech

FOSTER CITY, Calif., March 21, 2006 – Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced today its presence at the 2006 Game Developers Conference (GDC), held March 22-24 at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, Calif. The company will support developers and publishers in the creation of PlayStation® content by providing the latest development tools and technologies through conference presentations, panels and booth demonstrations. Booth demonstrations will be held at booth number 808, which will be open from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. March 22nd and 23rd, and from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on March 24th.

The Game Developers Conference is the world’s largest event exclusively devoted to game creators. GDC hosts more than 12,000 attendees and provides educational, networking, and business opportunities for the professionals driving the $11 billion videogame industry. At this year’s conference, Phil Harrison, President of Worldwide Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment, will deliver the opening keynote titled “PLAYSTATION®3: Beyond the Box” on Wednesday, March 22nd at 10:30am in the San Jose Civic Auditorium.

“Developers play a key role in the success of the PlayStation platforms, creating innovative content that takes advantage of our cutting edge technologies, bringing them to life,” said Phil Harrison, President of Worldwide Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment. “The Game Developers Conference gives us an opportunity to collaborate with the development community, and demonstrate new technology, business models and our vision that will help fuel the growth of the computer entertainment industry.”

Sony Computer Entertainment America staff will be available at the booth throughout the conference to offer a look at the latest developments in tools and technologies, including:

PLAYSTATION®3 kiosks, showcasing the latest hardware and development tools for the next-generation console including Unreal Engine, COLLADA, PlayStation Graphics Library (PSGL) and performance analysis tools.

•PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system demonstrations, including PSP Spot which allows users to utilize the PSP system’s wireless and game share capabilities to download game demos. The booth will also feature peripherals for the PSP system including the PSP headset and car adaptor.

•Playable Titles, demonstrations of games that highlight the new and unique features of the PlayStation platforms. Games to be featured in the booth include Tourist Trophy™, Loco Roco™, Namco’s Me and My Katamari, and Sony Online Entertainment’s Field Commander.​

Sony Computer Entertainment developers, programmers, producers and technology specialists will speak on a variety of topics at the 2006 Game Developers Conference. Below is a list of affiliated speakers and their sessions. For complete session descriptions and information on how to register for the 2006 Game Developers Conference, visit http://www.gdconf.com. Speaker times and locations are subject to change.

Wednesday, March 22nd:

• 9 a.m. – 10 a.m.: Sergio Pimentel, music licensing and A&R manager, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, “The 7 Deadly Sins of Music Licensing,” Almaden Ballroom, San Jose Hilton.

• 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.: Chuck Russom, senior sound designer, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “Field Recording for Games,” Almaden Ballroom, San Jose Hilton.

• 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Hajime Sugiyama, lead programmer, Atsuko Fukuyama and Masanobu Tanaka, animators, and Junichi Hosono, lead game designer, all of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., “Postmortem: The Emotional Character Control of Shadow of the Colossus,” Room J2/3.

• 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.: Clint Bajakian, senior music supervisor, and Chuck Doud, music director, and Dave Murrant, sound design manager, and Brad Aldredge, senior sound designer, all of Sony Computer Entertainment America, “God of War™ : Sound and Music Production,” Almaden Ballroom, San Jose Hilton.

• 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.: Vangelis Kokkevis, senior research engineer, Sony Computer Entertainment US R&D, “High Performance Physics Solver Design for Next Generation Consoles,” Blossom Hill I/III, San Jose Marriott Hotel.​

Thursday, March 23rd:

• 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.: Chuck Doud, music director, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “Music Publishing in the Video Game Industry,” location TBD.

• 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Richard Stenson, graphics API engineer, Sony Computer Entertainment US R&D, “Collada for PlayStation 3,” Room F1/2.

• 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: David Jaffe, creative director, Sony Computer Entertainment America, and Lorne Lanning, president, Oddworld Inhabitants, “Odd vs. God: An Interview with David Jaffe by Lorne Lanning,” Room J2/3. :D

• 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Chuck Doud, music director, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “How to Get the Perfect Music for Your Game,” location TBD.

• 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Chuck Doud, music director, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “Music Implementation: Making Games Sound Like Interactive Movies,” location TBD.

• 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.: Didier Malenfant, president, Ready at Dawn Studios, “Half Weasel, Half Otter, All Trouble: a Postmortem of Daxter™ for the Sony PSP,” Room J1/4.​

Friday, March 24:

• 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: Oliver Wright, senior graphic designer, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, “Brand Development for Video Games,” Blossom Hill I/III, San Jose Marriott Hotel.

• 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.: Dave Murrant, sound design manager, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “Audio Production: Ideas for the Next Generation,” Room A5/6.

• 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.: Tim Moss, director of technology, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “God of War: How the Left and the Right Brain Learned to Love One Another,” Ballroom III/VI, San Jose Marriott Hotel.

• 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.: Jason Parks, technical artist, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “Muscle Systems for Game Production,” Ballroom I/II, San Jose Marriott Hotel.

• 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.: Craig Reynolds, research scientist, Sony Computer Entertainment US R&D, “Crowd Simulation on PS3,” Room A5/6.​

PlayStation University - Friday, March 24:

• 9 a.m. – 10 a.m.: Mark Vitello, product evaluation group manager, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “Developing for PSP: Year 2,” Room A1.

• 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: David Coombes, platform research manager, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “Introduction to PS3,” Room A1.

• 12 p.m. – 1 p.m.: Geoff Audy, senior developer support engineer, Sony Computer Entertainment America, “Introduction to the PS3 SPU’s,” Room A1.

• 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Bruce D’Amora, Emerging Systems Software, IBM T.J. Watson Research, “Cell for Digital Media Acceleration,” Room A1.

• 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.: Bruno Matzdorf, developer support line manager, et al, “An Industry Perspective on COLLADA and the Asset Management Pipeline (panel),” Room A1.​
Eli ainakaan ekassa tietotteessa ei vielä paljastettu mitään uutta ja mahtavaa...
Eiköhän loppuillasta ala tihkumaan tietoa tuosta Phil Harrisonin esitelmästä, joka alkaa siis kahdentoista tunnin päästä.
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

Dev Kitit on jo pyörimässä. Tuohan ei käsittääkseni ole se lopullinen malli, jonka pitäsi olla hiukan ohkaisempi räkkikone.
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

Paolo sanoi:
Jep. Kuinka niin? :confused:
No, eiköhän siihen saa pyörimään sen käyttöliittymän, mitä kehittäjä itse haluaa käyttää. Joku tekee Windowsilla ja joku linuxilla ja kolmas koodaa jollain muulla. :)
En tiedä onko tuossa tarkoitus, että kävijät itse pääsisivät kokeilemaan tuota laatikkoa. Windows-ratkaisu voi olla myös tämän vuoksi.
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

pziuz sanoi:
No, eiköhän siihen saa pyörimään sen käyttöliittymän, mitä kehittäjä itse haluaa käyttää. Joku tekee Windowsilla ja joku linuxilla ja kolmas koodaa jollain muulla. :)
En tiedä onko tuossa tarkoitus, että kävijät itse pääsisivät kokeilemaan tuota laatikkoa. Windows-ratkaisu voi olla myös tämän vuoksi.
Huumorilla mies, huumorilla! :rolleyes:
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

pziuz sanoi:
Huumorilla? Onko se jotakin mitä voi syödä? :confused:
Ei mutta se tulee muropaketin mukana! :eek:

Ja aiheeseen: Vuonna -04 GDC:ssä oli PS2:n dev-kitti "kokeiltavana", tai ainakin siinä pyöri
jokin profilointisofta. Ellen ihan totaalisen väärin muista niin sitä pyöritteli Linux. Se laite
kyllä näytti sisältävän enemmän PS2-tyyppistä rautaa, oli mokoma tuotteistettukin ison
Pleikkarin näköiseksi. Tuo PS3 devihärpäke näyttää joltain äänistudion prosessorilta... ;)
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

"Now a discussion about Blu-Ray has begun, the benefits of using next-gen DVD technology such as increased space and uncompressed textures. Blu-ray will allow publishers to launch games on a single disc for every global market, so one SKU for the whole world." :eek:

This is just great.. paipai aluekoodit.


"ZOMG, a PS3 game! WarHawk is being demoed in real-time, according to our correspondent, with shots of flying through clouds, over the ocean, as hundreds of ships and missiles cluster around capital ships in the sky (WarHawk was one of the games shown in pre-rendered sequences at last year's E3, obviously). Naturally the producer then gets up and says how easy it was to develop for PS3, and that WarHawk will be playable at E3."

"This ought to be a good acid test for crowd reaction - apparently a real-time MotorStorm demo is on display. MotorStorm was one of the most controversial of the E3 videos last year, but early reports from our man (yes, it is a man) suggest that there's plenty of mud flying around and dust going everywhere, HDR effects and highly detailed visuals."
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

Luckyman sanoi:
This is just great.. paipai aluekoodit.

JOS pelitalot haluavat olla käyttämättä niitä. Sonyhan ei sitä määrää, ja se on tarjolla vain vaihtoehtona, ei pakollisena ehtona. Ja mikäli Xbox ja sen mahdollisuus julkaista peli aluerajattomana toimii jonkinlaisena ohjenuorana asiasta, pelitalot eivät tuota ominaisuutta pahemmin tule käyttämään.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: PlayStation 3

Teppo_Holmqvist sanoi:
JOS pelitalot haluavat olla käyttämättä niitä. Sonyhan ei sitä määrää, ja se on tarjolla vain vaihtoehtona, ei pakollisena ehtona.
Jep, ja eihän aluekoodaus ole pakollista esim. Xbox 360:n pelien kanssa. Ja kuten 360-pelien kohdalla on jo nähty, ei tätä tulla taatusti kovinkaan laajasti taaskaan hyödyntämään.
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