Tämä on mainospaikka (näillä pidetään sivusto pystyssä)
We have increased the number of wardrobe save slots to 24.
There is a new facial structure under “Character -> Structure” in the wardrobe.
We have added a download progress bar and speed indicator to the Navigator when downloading a space.
There have been various graphical tweaks to the Navigator.
We have added a new option to let you more easily manage furniture that has been placed in your Personal Space or Clubhouse.
When you are in one of those spaces you can access the new management screen from the Menu Pad under “Personal -> Redecorate -> Furniture”.
The screen lists thumbnail images and names of all of the items of furniture currently placed in the space. You can alter what is displayed on this list:
We have added 13 new character presets to the wardrobe under “Presets”.
Furniture management
o By pressing [L1] and limiting it to only one category of furniture (for example just “Actives”, “Seating” or “Lighting”).
o By pressing [R1] and changing the order in which the list is sorted (for example by “Recently placed” or “Closest” to your character).
The list changes dynamically so if you choose to order it by furniture that is “Closest” to your character it will update as you move around the space.
The currently selected furniture item is highlighted with a blue box around it.
If you hover over an item on the list your camera will turn to face it.
You can temporarily fade out most of the interface by pressing and holding [L2] to get a better view of the space. The effect is analogue so the more you press the button the more the interface will fade.
Pressing [CROSS] with an item selected will take you to the standard furniture movement menu for that item.
It is possible to “tag” one or more furniture items on the list for removal by selecting it and pressing [TRIANGLE].
o Items tagged like this have a grey border around them.
o You can un-tag an item by pressing [TRIANGLE] on it again.
When you exit the management menu any items tagged for removal will be removed from the space.
o You are still given the option to confirm the mass removal once it has been applied or undo it.
Chat log
We have added a new symbol for slash commands “@”. So “/Local” and “@Local” will both do the same thing.
You can quickly access the channel switching option menu by pressing d-padon the text tab or d-padon the voice tab.
There is a new option to find another user in your space. You can access it by highlighting a line of text in the chat log, pressing [CROSS] and choosing “Locate”. This will make their name label flash until you get near to them.
There are several new customisation options for the chat log. These can be found in the Menu Pad under “Settings -> Personal -> Chat Log”:
o There is a new chat log text size “small” for people with large, HD TVs.
o You can adjust the channel prefix attached to each line of text.
o You can add a time stamp to each line of text.
o For each channel you can change:
§ Whether text from this channel is visible in the chat log.
§ How the pop-up colour of other users is displayed.
§ Whether chat bubbles are displayed.
When you attempt to enter text from the VKB or a USB keyboard the chat log will automatically switch to the text tab.
If the chat log is minimised it will automatically open when you receive a Private Message.
There is a new “None” option for voice channels which will take you out of voice communication.
We have added some more keyboard controls so that when maximised the chat log can be controlled with the arrow keys, Enter and Escape.
We have reduced the stuttering (sometimes interpreted as “lag”) that could occur when you receive a reward.
The loading of high “level of detail” characters has been improved.
There is a new “game” icon to indicate when you have a game targeted before you interact with it.
Ja muistutukseksi niille, jotka eivät ole "himassa" käyneet pitkiin aikoihin (lue: ennen versiota 1.41); malttakaa mielenne päivitysilmoitusikkunassa ja odottakaa sen aikaa, että kiintolevyn oranssi merkkivalo lakkaa vilkkumasta. Vasta sen jälkeen on hyvä painaa ohjaimesta nappia. Jos hätiköi, Home vain buuttaa itsensä päivittymättä.In 1.51, we have made the following improvements:
* We have improved the performance of “consumable” commerce items. Anything in Home that relies upon “consuming” tokens (such as tickets in the Midway Space for example) should be much smoother.
* We have made some optimisations to improve the speed with which you can browse items in the Wardrobe and Furniture Browser.
* We have added a new feature that will allow developers to offer items for sale without having to go through a commerce point, making getting new content much smoother.
We have also fixed the following reported bugs:
* The bug that could have caused anyone with a large inventory to crash when they received a new reward.
* The bugs that could have caused Home to freeze upon exiting under certain circumstances.
Pitääkö noi laitailla yksi t-paita kerrallaan koriin lisäten vai onko olemassa lataa kaikki nappulaa?
Ei valitettavasti. Muutenkin nuo Homen kauppapaikat jättävät paljon toivomisen varaa. Olisi esim. kivaa, että tuotteen hinnan näkisi suoraan listauksesta eikä siten, että joutuu jokaisen kilkkeen avaamaan yksitellen.Käsittämättömän jäykkä systeemi kylläkin kun joutuu pitkin aluetta metsästää jotain tiettyjä kuteita. Eikö niitä voisi selata kaikkia yhdestä paikasta??
Kertosko joku vielä tyhmälle, miten tuolla Homessa toi Sonyn systeemi sitten katsotaan? Just äsken asentelin ton ja hieman hukassa tuolla lievästi sanottuna
Explore -> Gamescom 2011 Event Space
Kotakusta löytyykin jo ennakkojuttu Homen muutoksista.The new, updated version of the service, which went into open beta in 2008, will launch this fall, and will now mainly feature large scale games within. Home’s central plaza will also be replaced by something called “The Hub,” where players will be able to take part in games, community stuff and more.
Juuri koetin mennä tutkimaan uusittua Homea...
Eivät ole vielä tulleet. Tarkkaa aikaa ei ole ilmoitettu, mutta tässä joskus syksyn aikana.Tänään käväsin homessa niin mun mielestä se oli ainaki ihan samanlainen kuin aikaisemminkin. Vai milloin ne uudistukset tulee?
Lähdelinkistä voi katsoa kuvia uusista mestoista.On Thursday 3rd November from 7AM BST PlayStation Home will be taken offline for scheduled maintenance. Here is what to expect after the update…
We are delighted to unveil our brand new revamp of PlayStation Home, coming to your PlayStation 3! We are launching a new experience for PlayStation Home that will feature a revamped Home Square and a new “districts” design that will help you find games, people and places that fit your favourite game genre. Games, people and places are now easier to access than ever before and help form part of the biggest social casual gaming service on any console.