Vastaus: PS3, Wii, X360 - kuka vetää pisimmän korren?
Tuosta Shacknewsin jutusta kannattaa vielä lainata seuraava:
According to NPD analyst Anita Frazier, hardware sales were down 6% compared to the last year's sales. " Given the huge number of hardware systems sold in December, inventory shortages could be the biggest contributor to the softer than expected sales," Frazier reasoned.
1. Wii - 274,000
2. PlayStation 3 - 269,000
3. Playstation 2 - 264,000
4. Nintendo DS - 251,000
5. PSP - 230,000
6. Xbox 360 - 230,000
01. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360) 330.9K
02. Wii Play (Wii) 298.1K
03. Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock (Wii) 239.6K
04. Rock Band (360) 183.8K
05. Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock (360) 182.7K
06. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) 172K
07. Burnout Paradise (360) 144.1K
08. Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3) 140K
09. Mario Party DS (NDS) 138.5K
10. Mario And Sonic at the Olympic Games (NDS) 133K
Lähde: Wired/IGN
LTD lukuja:
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock (Wii) 1,500,000
Metroid Prime: Corruption (Wii) 626,000
Carnival Games (Wii) 655,000
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Wii) 300,000
Wii Play (Wii) 4,400,000
Rock Band (360) - 958,000
Call of Duty 4 (PS3) - 1,105,000
Halo 3 (360) - 4,947,000 (Tammikuussa 127,000)