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PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

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Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

Tämmöstä cyperpunk tyyppistä peliä tulossa PS4, XOne ja PC alustoille. Reaaliaikaista tappelua isometrisellä kuvakulmalla. [video=youtube;8kt6SSibH9s]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kt6SSibH9s[/video]
Trailerin musiikin lähde löytyy kommenteista.
Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

SNESin ylistetty toiminta-RPG Secret of Mana saapuu PS4:lle ja PS Vitalle päivitysversiona:

Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

Yakuza 2:n Remake (Yakuza Kiwami 2) julkistettiin hetki sitten. Toisin kuin kaksi edellistä Yakuzaa (0 & Kiwami 1), Kiwami 2 käyttää studion uutta pelimoottoria.

DualShockers: Yakuza Kiwami 2 Officially Announced for PS4 With First Trailers; Goro Majima Will Be Playable

Similiar to Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a remake of the old and glorious Yakuza 2 released for PS2 in Japan in 2006 (and in 2008 in the west). It will release in Japan and Asia for PS4 on December 7th, 2017.

Visuals will be fully overhauled using the latest version of the Dragon Engine that powers Yakuza 6, and the game will also include updates to the story, audio and activities available. A relevant addition is that fan-favorite character Goro Majima will be playable in his own new scenario.


Lisäksi Yakuza tiimi häärää Fist of the North Star pelin parissa. Hankala tuosta on mitään sanoa, näyttää animelta :P


Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

Fantastinen uutinen tuo Yakuza 2 ja varsinkin kun se on tehty tuolla uudella dragon moottorilla joka mahdollistaa maailman ilman latausruutuja ja paljon pieniä viilauksia vanhaan moottoriin nähden. Saadaankohan odottaa 2019 loppuun sitä ?
Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

Jenkkiläisen Target-kauppaketjun vuodosta johtuen vaikuttaisi siltä, että Bethesda saattaa olla tekemässä Game of Thrones -teemaista roolipeliä. Minulle ainakin kelpaisi seikkailu Westerosissa.


Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

Oho! Vanguish oli kova joskus aikanaan kun ilmestyi. Jokseenkin yllättävää. Onko tää joku kunnollinen remake, vai perus uudelleenjulkaisu?
Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

Onko tää joku kunnollinen remake, vai perus uudelleenjulkaisu?
Enemmän kuin todennäköisesti pohjautuvat aiemmin tänä vuonna julkaistuihin PC-versioihin. Eli reilusti parempaa resoa ja rivakampaa ruudunpäivitystä luvassa, mutta ei sen suurempia uudistuksia.
Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

Juuri päättynyt Sonyn lehdistötilaisuus Tokion pelimessujen aattona. Näistä Detroit: Become Human kovinta antia.

Toiminta alkaa kohdasta 11 min 30 sek.
Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

NeoGaffista napattu lista Sonyn pressitilaisuuden sisällöstä:

[FONT=&amp]- EDF 5 release date 12/15
- PS4 Dynasty Warriors 8 Limited Edition
- Noctis revealed for Dissidia NT
- Dragon's Crown Pro - 4K, PS3/Vita crossplay
- Final Fantasy IX for PS4
- Otome Games ports (Hakuoki, Code Realize)
- Idolmaster Stella Stage
- Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2
- Ark Park for PSVR
- Gungrave for PSVR
- A Train Express Edition for PSVR
- Zone of the Enders - the 2nd Runner for PS4/PSVR
- Nekoatsume for PSVR
- Japan Studio Music Festival VR
- Earth Defense Force Iron Rain for PS4
- Left Alive (PS4 game by Square Enix, Hashimoto, Yoji Shinkawa Designs)
- Monster Hunter World Release date 1/26/2018 (worldwide)
- PS4 Pro Monster Hunter Limited Edition[/FONT]
Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

Ja päälle vielä traileria Vanillawaren uutukaisesta 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim.

Vastaus: PS4:n tulevat pelit (huhut, uutiset)

Uutta traileria Metroidvania/retro-tyylisestä The Mummy -pelistä:

NeoGaffin puolella oli keskustelua From Softwaren tulevasta projektista ja Souls peleistä. Jokainen päättäköön pitääkö lähdettä luotettavana, mutta tämän pohjalta Sony ei ole näyttänyt vihreää valoa Bloodbournen jatko-osalle.

Aight, let this be the definitive "Things Killer Queen said" post. Save it, bookmark it, do what you gotta do. Yes it includes public information, no it's not all super secret and not all of it is 100%, some things are educated guesses on my part.

-Currently no plans for Bloodborne 2 and there doesn't seem to be any room in their schedule from what I hear. Was confirmed to me a second time on the day of Sony's E3 that no Bloodborne 2 was greenlit.

-No plans for more "Souls" games. Yes Bloodborne is a souls game. They're all counted under the same umbrella internally it seems. That means no:
Dark Souls 4
Bloodborne 2
Demon's Souls 2
At least over at Fromsoft as Fromsoft doesn't own the Demon's Souls or Bloodborne IPs

-From has multiple games in development right now along with others in planning or conceptual phases, obviously none of which would be any of the above

-From will not only be making ARPGs in the future and will explore other ideas, obviously Armored Core is one such franchise

-From will keep making ARPGs even outside of their next ARPG. So it's not unlikely that they would partner with Sony or even Xbox to make a new exclusive game

-I have reason to believe the new ARPG will be multiplatform rather than exclusive, educated guess. But I'm about 98% confident in that assessment.

-The whole Mayan theme along with a focus on martial arts isn't anything like what I've been told personally, there's always the posibility that it could be in development at Fromsoft as I don't have knowledge of all of From's projects and quite honestly what I do know is fairly limited. But in regards to Froms next ARPG, some of those details are at odds with what I was told. Not going to go into detail.

-Froms next ARPGs won't be as closely knit together as the Souls games and be more varied. What exactly that entails I don't know.

-The next ARPG is the natural evolution of Fromsoft ARPGs and will incorporate everything they've learned as developers.

-The reveal of this game is supposed to be a big event and is particularly important to Fromsoft. In terms of reveal dates, I had asked 3 things regarding a potential reveal date. "Would it be at E3(2017)? TGS(2017)? Or would we see it this year?" The answer I got was kind of "don't hold your breath" though I later got extra confirmation the day before E3 that there would be no reveal at the event. The fact that it's supposed to be a big event is why I wouldn't expect it to show up at anything lesser than an E3 or Fromsoft revealing it on their own terms.

Yes obviously any game Fromsoft is making means lot to them, but it was stressed to me that this one is the one. Regarding the reveal dates of their projects I can't say, wording was iffy though I'd personally expect armored core roughly near the new ARPG.

-The game won't be tonally as dark as Bloodborne.

Now this isn't a comprehensive list of everything I've been told, just what I feel is fairly harmless to share and a recap of things I've already posted over the last few months(year?)

Though moving forward it's going to be a subject I engage in far far less both for personal reasons and ethical reasons. So keep this handy.
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