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Socom: Confrontation (Suljettu ja Kopioitu) [PS3 HYPE]

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Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

Siitä vaikka tähän väliin Socomia pelaamattomille Socom 2:n kulta-aikaa odotuksen tuskaan :)
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

Jos parasta, eeppisintä, mahtipontisinta ja sniikeintä etsitään, se on ehdottomasti tämä! :D
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

Tuolta EGM:n jutusta: "Now, you can build all the custom games you want - the room system is still there, which I know is relly important to SOCOM fans." :)

Jotain häikkää tuolla jutussa on silti noiden pelaajamäärien osalta. Players during peak hours SOCOM II 1500-2000 ja SOCOM III 800-900... Ainakin Euroopassa pelaajamäärät kerrallaan onlinessa pyöri S2:ssa siellä 3000 paikkeilla ja kolmosessa taisi olla joskus jopa 4000? Jenkkilässä ainakin jenkkipelaajien mukaan vastaavat luvut pyöri kymmenissä tuhansissa. Ööö...:confused:
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

Jotain häikkää tuolla jutussa on silti noiden pelaajamäärien osalta. Players during peak hours SOCOM II 1500-2000 ja SOCOM III 800-900... Ainakin Euroopassa pelaajamäärät kerrallaan onlinessa pyöri S2:ssa siellä 3000 paikkeilla ja kolmosessa taisi olla joskus jopa 4000? Jenkkilässä ainakin jenkkipelaajien mukaan vastaavat luvut pyöri kymmenissä tuhansissa. Ööö...:confused:

Juu katselin kanssa, mutta oisko tämän hetkinen tilanne?
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

Kyllähän tuo koko EGM:n artikkeli on wanha.
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]


F90 ehditään bännätä ennen kuin peli ehtii edes ilmestymään.;)

''The F90 is pretty much the gun to have in close quarters situations. Its biggest asset is its ability to spit nine hundred rounds per minute, which facilitates a spray-n-pray kind of playing style.''

''Being able to pack fifty rounds per magazine is its other biggest asset. This is a little bit more than the usual size, so you can last longer in firefights without hearing the terrible clickclickclick that signals an empty gun and the possible loss of a battle. To top it off, the F90 has higher than average accuracy.''
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

[zD] Axu;632718 sanoi:

F90 ehditään bännätä ennen kuin peli ehtii edes ilmestymään.;)

''The F90 is pretty much the gun to have in close quarters situations. Its biggest asset is its ability to spit nine hundred rounds per minute, which facilitates a spray-n-pray kind of playing style.''

''Being able to pack fifty rounds per magazine is its other biggest asset. This is a little bit more than the usual size, so you can last longer in firefights without hearing the terrible clickclickclick that signals an empty gun and the possible loss of a battle. To top it off, the F90 has higher than average accuracy.''

Just, tuomitaan sitten vasta kun käytännössä ollaan kokeiltu. Kyllähän kaikki kuulostaa hyvältä paperilla.
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

perinteistä socom-tyyliä parhaimmillaan.
M14-bannia heti nyt, ennenkuin on liian myöhästä... :rolleyes:

sääli muuten, ettei Blizzard sopinut mappien joukkoon, hemmetin pohjois-afrikka.
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

Voitasko nyt sitte yhessä kaikki bannia se M4sd? Varsinki jos siihen saa vielä laser tähtäimen. OMG noob cannon!
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

IW:llä oli hauska pelailla Socom 2:sta kun heliumit rähjäsivät mikkiin, hyvät naurut sai monta kertaa :D

E: Löytyi aika mahtava lista Socom 2:n aseista:
Assault Rifles
M4A1 = This one is a noob gun for 2 reasons. Good fire rate, and not much ride, making it fairly simple to get a headshot.

M4A1 SD = Noob gun cuz it's the same thing as the M4A1, but silenced so they can't hear where you are.

AK-105 = This gun is really slow, but since it kills so quickly, It's a noob gun

IW-80 A2 = If you have to ask why this is a noob gun, you aren't playing the game. I mean, it's got a great fire rate, wonderful recoil, and is decently powerful. I mean, with a gun this great, it has to be cheap.

RA-14 = This one is almost a spin-off of the IW except that it has a worse fire rate, and is less accurate. But since it sprays, you don't' have to aim as well. This makes it what? That's right. A noob gun.

M16A2 = Oh come on. With the accuracy of this gun, and its deadly shots, it's one of the cheapest weapons of them all. All you have to do to get a kill is aim it at the guy, and push the R1 button. There you go. Instant kill. So good, it must be a noob gun.

552 = Weak. Bad fire rate. However, this gun is not a complete disappointment. It can be used for headshots, and sniping at short distances. Headshots are your friends with this gun too.

552 Silenced = Hey, this gun looks familiar! It's the same as before except it has a frickin SILENCER. Since it has already been established that silencers are the implements of noobs, no more is needed on this gun.

AKS-74 = Decent fire rate which means noobish, real SOCOM players are accurate rather than spraying bullets.

AK-47 = This is a much less noobish version of the previous gun, because it has a worse fire rate. But it still kills with one headshot (like every other gun) which makes it a noob gun.

STG 77 = The all around gun. Snipe with it, close combat, distant shotsthe works. However, since you can spray it makes it a noob gun.

M14 = Hey, this gun has been banned on gamebattle games because all you have to do is spray. Known for it's quick killing ability, it has just recently been marked a noob gun. The fact that it rides like a horse makes no difference. The gun obviously takes no skill, so it again is cheap.

Sub Machine Guns
9mm Sub: Sprays bullets. Noob gun.

F90: FAST fire rate. This means you can load a guy up with bullets. Easy to spray, meaning it doesn't take much accuracy. Which means easy headshots. Which means noob.

HK5 = Small, weak, and doesn't ride, which makes it a great gun for headshots. Now, I want you all to explain to me what that makes this gun. Anyone? Yes that's right. Noob gun.

HK5SD = This is the same gun as above, and since it's now silenced, so it's even worse. All these darn silenced guns. They make the game so unfair. You can never tell where people are!! In fact, everyone should have a big arrow over their heads just so that we can avoid all of these cheap stealth kills! We should start a petition and send it to Zipper.

HK5k = Fast, weak, and a headshot machine at close range. COME ALL YE NOOBS!

Heavy Machine Guns
M60E3 = Hell, even if you miss, you just keep pulling the trigger! You'll hit them eventually. I mean, with 100 shots a mag, this is the ultimate noobster. And if you've got double ammo, then hell, you could take out a whole military all by yourself.

M63A = This is pretty much as bad a gun as the M60, but it has less of a recoil, so it's easier to aim. And don't worry if you only hit them in the ankle. You still have 74 more shots in the mag, so keep shooting and you'll eventually hit them enough times in that foot to kill them.

12 Gauge Pump = Talk about cheap. Hit them and they fall down. Then, as they're crawling back to their knees, you can sit there and watch. Right before they have the ability to move again, you shoot them in the head. Or in the foot. Or both with the same shot. Hell, it IS a shotgun

M3 12 Gauge = A full-auto gun that either kills or knocks down. I can't think of anything more noobish for close quarter combat. I once threw a guy out of a window with one of these things in Desert Glory. I mean, when I can expel a guy from a room with it, that's noobish, because remember: A good gun is a noob gun.

TA 12 Gauge = Not quite as cheap as the M3, but it can be very quick due to it's semi-auto fire system. Keep pulling the trigger, and you've essentially got an M3. So basically this gun is around to keep people from whining about the M3 and it's cheapness.

Sniper Rifles
SR-25 = Ok, if you're using this gun without the silencer, then YOU are a noob. Put down the controller, and go back to Play with the Telletubies

SR-25 SD = Now this one is cheap to all get out. A silenced rifle? Not only can they not see you cuz you're so far away, but now they can't hear you?? OH THE INHUMANITY! War can't even be fair now. What happened to the good old days when the two armies would like up and shoot at each other? That was the way to do war.

M87ELR = HOLY CRAP!!! I JUST GOT PWNED WITH ONE BULLET!!! **bleep**?? This is a common cry. The gun has horrible sway, which makes it somewhat difficult to aim, but you shoot the guy in the foot and he's dead. I thought one shot kills were left back in Goldeneye and the License to Kill option in multiplayer.

Sasr = This gun is about the least noobish rifle. It's loud so it tells people where you are, and if you don't' get a headshot it takes a few bullets to kill someone. It does kill though, so that makes it noobish. A must for every real terrorist sniper.

M82A1A = Remember that 1 shot kill rifle for the seals? This is the equivalent. This rifle screams noob only because it kills with one shot. If it killed with 50 shots, then it would be ok, but since it kills with one, it's noobish. I mean, you don't' even have to hit the person in the head! Shoot them in the foot or the hand. Any idiot can hit a person once with a rifle. right?

M40A1 = This gun doesn't sway much, so it's really easy to hit those poor people all of the way across the map. And if you didn't hit them the first time, don't worry. A good fire rate makes it so you can shoot at them again. You'll hit them with that noob rifle you're holding.

Mark 23 = Finally. A non-silenced gun. Too bad it's so powerful and accurate. We may have had a fair gun on our hands. On to the rant about the silenced version!

Mark23 SD = Ok guys. Can't we put down the silenced weapons? Powerful and silenced and accurate. This gun should be banned. Stupid noob guns.

9mm Pistol = Silenced guns again. Oh dear. Weak gun, but dang that fast fire rate!! You can kill them quickly anyway. It should be loud, weak and slow. That would be great huh?

M11 = Weak. Again. Well, its got one thing going for it. But that stupid fire rate gets in the way again. Ruins everything.

SP-10 = Powerful. That spells n-o-o-b. Even one well-placed shot can kill. If you run up and plug me with it, I won't even have time to ***** about how I hit you in the head.

M9 = A 9mm pistol that takes a 3-5 shots to kill someone with. Wow! We have some promise here! A loud, weak gun! But, dangit! It has a good fire rate. Oh well. Out it goes.

DE.50 = This pistol usually kills with one shot to the chest. The weapon of choice for almost all terrorist snipers. But that stupid power. Sure it has a terrible fire rate and recoil, but hey! I don't want to die with one shot! I'm better than that! In fact, while you were coming up behind me with it, I turned around and shot you in the back of the head with an M14!! So cheap! How did you kill me? You're obviously cheating. VOTE THAT CHEATER OFF!

226 = Think M9 but stronger. Stronger. Fast fire rate, and stronger. Man. All I want is a crappy pistol. Stupid noob guns.

Model 18 = AN AUTOMATIC PISTOL???? You already have your stupid machine gun! Why are you gonna pull out another one on me? Sure it takes 50 bullets to kill me, but if you hit me in the head I'm gone. And since it sprays, any noob can use it. Frickin noobs.

F57 = Think 226 but quieter. Man. They keep making these dumb guns better and better. NOOB!

Rocket/Grenade launchers: Ok, I don't need to get specific here. One shot kill weapons with splash damage. You can take any one of these weapons out and slaughter a whole team. The only time you're allowed to use these guns is when you're pissed cuz the guy came up behind you while you were shooting him in the back of the head. Since they're obviously cheating, you can be cheap too.
Pitkä lista, mutta niin hauska ja totuudenmukainen että kannattaa lukea :D
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: Socom: Confrontation [PS3 HYPE]

IW:llä oli hauska pelailla Socom 2:sta kun heliumit rähjäsivät mikkiin, hyvät naurut sai monta kertaa :D
Heliumit? Ennemminkin 99% koko communitystä, mukaanlukien minut. Hauskaa luettavaa, mutta osa asebanneista oli ihan aiheellisia (GL, IW, M14, HK5K, SUB) koska peli muuttui niiden takia pelikelvottomaksi nykimisen takia.
Eiköhän S: Confrontationissa ole kuitenkin opittu nykimis- ja tasapainotusvirheistä. Tai näin ainakin toivon.
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