Polygonilta aikamoista suitsutusta meille (PS)VR-pelaajille.
From inside my HTC Vive Pro, I feel totally immersed in the action. I’m surrounded by cockpits that look just like they do in the classic films. My ears are filled with familiar Star Wars sounds that I can immediately recognize, and
Squadrons’ excellent binaural audio brings it to life all around me. I can look in any direction, moving my head as fast as I want without the game struggling to keep up with me. Even while boosting, rolling, and turning to keep a bead on other players during multiplayer, I always felt in control.
In fact, I think that VR might have actually given me a slight advantage.
Simply put,
Star Wars: Squadrons is the total package. If all you have at your disposal is a console, a decent TV, and a working controller, you’re going to have a wonderful time. If you have a throttle, stick, and rudder pedals, you’re really in for a treat. And, if you happen to be able to afford VR, you may never want to take that headset off again.
Motive delivers a satisfying single-player campaign combined with a rich multiplayer mode