Noniin, ehkä vähemmän yllättäen koko False Advertisement refund olikin lopulta pelkkä feikki, eli kyseessä ihan normaali refundi (minkä saa jos peli on ostettu mutta ei ladattu) elä tämä oli pelkkä huomion/skandaalinen hakuinen yritys. ihmellinkin että ei Sony itse lähde tuollaisen syyn takia tarjoamaan refundeja varsinkin jos ihmiset ovat jo peliä useamman tunnin pelanneet.
This is false. They're not giving refunds. I just talked to a representative and they told me that until Shift Up doesn't make an official public statement (like CDPR did with Cyberpunk 2077) they will not go over the Cancellation Policy to give refunds to all people. The only way you can get a refund is if you've never downloaded the game to your console. If you downloaded it you're not getting a refund.
This is false. They're not giving refunds. I just talked to a representative and they told me that until Shift Up doesn't make an official public statement (like CDPR did with Cyberpunk 2077) they will not go over the Cancellation Policy to give refunds to all people. The only way you can get a refund is if you've never downloaded the game to your console. If you downloaded it you're not getting a refund.
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