Vastaus: Street Fighter IV [X360]
Nyttenhän on saatu tuo virallinen vahvistus ensi keväänä julkaistavasta title-updatesta tai jatko-osasta, kummasta nyt sit haluaakaan puhua. Eli siis Super Street Fighter IV.
Mielenkiintosimpana infona:
Some of the information was listed as two new characters, Juri (new Korean Tae Kwon Do martial arts expert who is rumored to be one of Seth’s henchmen), and Hakan (Hakan being a Arab grappler associated with lots and lots of oils), and EIGHT returning cast members from other Street Fighter games. Dudley, Ibuki, and Makoto from the Street Fighter III series. From the Street Fighter Alpha series, we have Cody, Adon, and Guy, and from the Super Turbo series, we have T. Hawk and Dee Jay. We will have to wait and see what Capcom reveals to see if any of these rumors turn out to be true.
Expect massive changes in all the old returning cast as well. Improvements and overall gameplay will be fine tuned to make this the best Street Fighter to date.
Coming Exclusively to XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 in Spring 2010! Get Hype!!
Mun korvaan kuulostaa varsin hyvälle!
Lisäksi jostain luin että hinta pelillä tulisi olemaan normaalia uuden pelin hintaa alaisempi ja että sekä Street Fighter IV:n, että Super Street Fighter IV:n omistajat tulevat jollain tapaa hyötymään molempien pelilevyjen hankkimisesta.