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TimeSplitters Future Perfect

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Oliver
  • Aloituspäivämäärä Aloituspäivämäärä
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Tuossa mapmakerissa pitäisi ehdottomasti olla mahdollisuus tehdä kaksinpelattavia story kenttiä. Myös assault- moninpelikenttiä oisi kiva tehdä.
Sitten myös mahdollisuus pistää omaan story kenttään bossi :D .
Myös enemmän vihollisia pitäisi saada laittaa, vaivaiset kymmenen riitä mihinkään, kentistä tuppaa tulemaan niin pikkuisia.
Ja sitä muistia ei todellakaan saisi rajoittaa.

TS2:ssa olen tehnyt satoja story kenttiä ja oikeastaan tuo mapmaker on minulle tämän pelin helmi kun ei ole ketään kenen kanssa moninpeliä pelata(no, yksi henkilö löytyy, mutta loppujen lopuksi tarvisi enemmän, ollaan jo puolen miljoonan matsin jälkeen kyllästytty).
Ylpeyteni on eräs 30 osainen tarina, johon laadin vaivalla juonen, kunnon tehtävät ja kaikki. Sekä upean lopparin :D, pitää itseasiassa käyttää aivojaan saadakseen sen tapettua.

Odotan kyllä innolla että saan näppini FP:hen käsiksi :D .

Samaa mieltä muuten tuosta auto-aim hommasta, ehdottomasti kaikilta samalla kertaa pois päältä (tai päälle).
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Hurja Guru sanoi:
Co-op ei olekaan onlinena. Selvisi tuosta ylläolevasta artikkelista.

Voi ei! Sano, ettei tämä ole totta! Sano, että postauksesi oli vain hieman tökerön hollanti-englanti käännöksen sivutuotos! Seuraavaksi meiltä viedään Escort, sitten koko nettipeli :( Ehdin jo alkaa odottamaan tuota online co-opia (vielä tähän mennessä kun sellaisesta ei ole missään pelissä kokemusta).

Ja eiköhän tuo mapmakerin muistinrajoitus johdu lähinnä ps2:n tehoista ennemmin kuin siitä, että pelintekijät haluaisivat olla ilkeitä. Jos koko muistirajoitusta ei olisi, pelaajat todennäköisesti rakentaisivat älyttömän kokoisia kenttiä, jotka eivät edes toimisi kunnolla kun pelata yrittäisi.
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Jonkinäköinen käännös englanniksi minkä löysin eräältä toiselta foorumilta:


Do you remind still the feeling when you returned yourself of your first schoolreisje? You want enthusiastically to your mummy tell how terrible had been and because everything just as stretching to ended up you did not be tell eventually your words. The first time that your TimeSplitters have seen Future perfectly and in review will tell what there you found of, get you want that feeling again.

FOK!games by Electronic doctor being invited a look behind the baffles in the ontwikkelstudio of Free Radical observe design, it is at present very worked for the newest TimeSplitters game. That I am enthusiastic after seeing these early bètaversie am already clear, but I will try my enthusiasm explain...


The first TimeSplitters games have been confessed most perhaps for their cartoon the graphics. Briefly said First Person Shooter which announce realism for humour and thereby with fluent 60 frames per seconde concerning the baffle fly; leuke character which fights against tijdreizende monsters with divergent weapons in alternating worlds. TimeSplitters 2 got PlayStation 2 magazine UK of The official perfectly 10/10 scores. In fact on second thought not correct, because particularly concerning the tale many complaints were. Incoherent missions did not involve the gamer optimum in the tale.

Free Radical design have listened to the feedback of its gamers and are to the third part at present busy in this sublime range. The game gets a good tale that becomes uitgebeeld during very strongly coherent missions. To finish it all becomes the game provides with an enormous set mini mini-games and most vast map-editor which I have seen ever on a console. Combine all this with a zest online and you have potential topgame where many gamer of will dribble. Enough run on the matter ahead... Just as towards the beginning.

At testing of game (the day after the Manhunt assassination came in abundance in the news) got these 18 + a rating. A developement for these cartoongame developers, but as much as exploit one who them in their advantage has been possible. For this reason the cartoonstijl this time something loose and is exchanged for a healthy portie blood is left. The leuke tongue-in-cheek humour which we from the previous parts know continue however in abundance present (quotes as "Shoot anything with teeth bigger than its face!" for example). Good voice acting look that joke nice are instead of irritating. Oh, and if we are then nevertheless 18 + then are possible a small zest sex also and also what fresh toilet humour is not avoided.


The details of the tale of the game we do not make of course confessed (that Free Radical, as it happens, did not do also), but there sit absolutely some data in process that the tale powerful can make. Like always at TimeSplitters time travel a large role in the tale plays. At last it is confessed where the time crystals from part two serve for and you will use them also. People have discovered a manner to travel the time and you progress thus regularly and reverse in the time to help yourself. Thus you stand halfway the game for a closed door. Sudden seeing you and gives himself alter ego you you a key which opens the door. More later zul you play the level again but this time must you ensure that you get catch the key so that you can give these to yourself in the past. A risk for time paradoxes therefore, but at the same time a splendid occasion for a complex tale. It goes however still a step further then that. Run you in level in six minutes by a ravine, then you can protect yourself in later level as from the edge of the ravine during six minutes. Brilliantly!

If you the previous TimeSplitters found games terrible, then zul you also this time is not disappointed. Approximately 50% of the character come from the previous games. Recognizable weapons and characters are present. The single player game is rather short - in approximately ten hours you can the game (or in co-op single-player) only finish - but ensures a constant alternating adventure. The game takes place in several eras and that means alternation also much in weapons, surroundings and enemies. Using your holografisch projective plan you find the way castles, tunnels and ravines. Loose leuke puzzles using weapons as the gravity grant and the electrotool. Other keren must use you the surroundings to come further. An example of puzzeltje: Someone sits locked up in an cell and must be delivered. You go to the chamber behind cell, shoot a breach in the petrol barrel which stands there and waits to enough petrol has run. Then we shoot the lamp of the ceiling and those make a spark so that the puddle pool petrol bursts into flames. A deflagration is the result and we can further.


People that supporter was of the game modes also comes to their appetites. Some modes to to look out Behead the undead (have been decapitated as many dead characters as possible), Cut-out shoot out (cardboard people shooting), Cat driving (race with a cat on wheels) and Monkey challenges (for example monkey curling, monkey melons, etc). Not strange enough? Try play basketball then with gravity gun, or two guns at the same time on screen to control with analogue sticks in split. This last is especially nice if you are gladly sick.

The component which you probably it most will play has been however not yet called: multiplayer. Split screen on your TV with friends on the bank, or online with Xbox or PS2 plays you confessed multiplayer game vogues as deathmatch and capture the flag, or the less well-known game vogues where the losing gamer are for example assisted by a horde small litte monkeys. Molar from ten and plays several surroundings of the vele available maps. Everything are balance very well configurable and therefore itself to wish. Particular is also that this game even plays splitscreen with four player still without some schokje.


For people who provided has maps at a given moment, however, is seen there still really brilliant map-editor. Litterally in no-time build you enormous level with maximum five (in the eventual version perhaps seven) deepenings. You map is ready then is possible you these uploaden to an online server whereupon he available is for others. You can download even maps of others and tweaken to own need, or of course ordinary play each other. Because of this in fact never touch you looked out on the multiplayer. Not at all when you see how the grid based map-editor are extended. When knock down each other touch then the wall ertussen is taken away automatically. The remaining edges become automatically provide with walls so that nobody of the card can slim. You can levels build to provide with tunnels, calamity, bunkers, toboggans, etc. If you have the walls built and your map have provide with doors and you can kick of course dozens extra's add as to lay in a coffin, vehicles, oil barrels, radiographically governable cats, fixed turrets, several weapons, spawn-plaatsen, buds, etc. By item you can establish an enormous diversity to properties. It can rain or to snow, your doors can be open or dense, at fixed turret how many degrees you can establish you can turn around, etc. Consider it and it seems worry about there.

really captivating are built in logic programmeer'taal'. For example: "Wanneer switch are converted go a door open". You can build multiplayer levels where players must help each other coming level. You cannot consider it this way crazy or it seems possible. When you map is ready, you can change even still the topic. Is a map in Egypt nothing for you nevertheless? Then you change it simply in Future lab, virtual reality, horror, abstract, etc. Mexican level with Alien skyline, provide with wet snow? Very well. To make, uploaden and gamen but! No sense to shoot? Then build you a racebaan provide with calamity and vehicles (or you use the radiographically governable cat of course) and weerga you with your friends online race. Only still just as of 170 provided character chooses and you can to the battle.

Jatkuu seuraavassa viestissä...
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect


What differently can the conclusion be then that this game has made much impression enormously. Disadvantages? Some textures on PS2 were nicely not yet terrible and the vehicles seemed sometimes what to float. These have been honestly said hardly relevant if you see the game. After a complete day TimeSplitters Future play perfectly I have to only sense play more. If I want I - just like in former days then I returned of my first schoolreisje - am possible still a day tell concerning this game. To tell how zombies explode when you touch them with dartpijltjes. A another brilliant weapon, the time disruptor, I have been possible call grenade not yet once. Or what think did you of the unlockable gum cheat? Ah, and then are there natural still the dronken keepers who hide in each level sit. That you at the same time can use two weapons or that all weapons in two manners to use have to I have been entirely not yet called. A brilliant game previewen is sometimes best cumbersome.

The game was demonstrated by the producer and art director Karl Hilton van Free Radical design. Karl know we of GoldenEye, where he was head of the graphic team. In February 1999 became he mede-oprichter of Free Radical design Ltd. FOK!games allowed everyone asks invent for Karl. He answered the questions laughing and wondered himself clearly why we in hemelsnaam the site "F**K!" had called.

Please note: Some questions had been already answered in earlier conversations therefore these are no quotes van Karl. In these cases this has been indicated each time. Some other questions were already answered in earlier questions, therefore if you question does not return litterally, look then or the answer at of the other questions do not stand. Consider moreover that text mentioned below certainly here and there a spoiler contains!

What made the first TimeSplitters games sucessful?

I think because they were difficult, but very nice. We wanted make multiplayer game which people could and could take up will play rapidly. At the same time we wanted make games with enough depth and with enough variatie, in spite of that it actual 'ren round with geweer'-games were. The concept had remain simple, but it had large games becomes with many contents. That made the games this way strong.

What are the largest differences with respect to earlier parts?

The largest change is that we have now a very good tale line. That wanted we always, but we had enough time never enough resources and do it. This time we a lot of energy have put in the tale, and people really gladly the single player vogue will play because the tale a beetje is a detective. It is particularly nice, has much humour, sits boordevol action and the tale is an interesting concept. Moreover the game is this time of course online. Two was almost online, but then succeeded it does not share exactly. This time is everything on time finished. We are very enthusiastic concerning the online part such as deathmatch. The multiplayer map-editor have changed enormously and very powerful have become and can also online be used. That offers to a lot of possibilities because you can exchange maps and with maximum 16 people at the same time against each other can play.

Are the Awards present in this game?

Yes, there awards are. They are not yet entirely finished; they must be still optimised, but people found them very nice in the earlier parts therefore them worry about there certainly. Examples can I not yet call because they will change still certainly.

Many gamers found the control of the earlier parts strange. How does this third part go for?

We have looked at to control and have looked at to the developments at other Fps-games. We have looked at to for example halo and we have ensured that control this time is entirely configurable. The control of the old timeSplitters timeSplitters-games is still present, but standard control seems much more on those of other Fps-games. People have got used that halo control immediately are able use. Other control wants you then is possible you that simply establish that such as you yourself wants.

The game character and levels as several are as at the previous parts?

Rather answered: There sit hides 170 characters (of Ninja litte monkey to a decapitated carcass of a cow) in the game and the levels strongly diverge (think of castle, ravines, phantom houses, tunnels, etc.).

Is it invent with difficulty FPS which distinguish themselves of others?

Yes and no. There its many Fps-games and people expect things therefore also certain. It is important therefore that ` rules to follow and satisfy to these wishes. Most Fps-games have been rather limited at the same time so far. By the element of time travel in TimeSplitters we can a large diversity of surroundings and weapons use which we want. In this this game is unique, other games limit themselves to surroundings. Moreover TimeSplitters sometimes serious and at the same time boordevol humour can be sit. Tongue-in-cheek humour makes the game particular; it takes itself not too serious. You will laugh as gamer now and then aloud and that make a game nice.

Weet you still how you woman is called?

Yes, - laughs - game make is always hectisch, certainly against end. People make still ridiculously long days in this business, but we want that here actual not. We try it decrease therefore.

The game considers this time less as a sign film. There is blood and are there more realistic face expressions. Why for this has been chosen?

People will recognise still the style of the previous parts. We want however that people something can identify more with the character therefore has itself we it something less done. You no longer change of players - you play the complete game such as Cortez - and we want therefore that people involved touch and excited touch concerning what happens there.

How many weapons are available in multiplayer mode?

That must we still exactly stipulate, but we have therefore several weapons for everyone of the eras. Approximately five up to seven per era, multiplied with five eras.

Is the terrible weapon ` use brick in part three?

Yes - laughs - we have new improved brick (joke). No, he is still exact the same but sits still.

There are cheats?

Cheats which are released will be when you play the game. Or there also ordinary cheats come? I have no idea!

How long does it take to finish the game?

Rather answered: Approximately ten hours in singleplayer mode

How large is the map-editor?

Rather answered: Further information on map-editor find you in the preview of the game.

Are you working on other projects presently Completely retranslated by me

Free Radical exist from two teams. The team that works for TimeSplitters and the team which is correctly with Second Sight. At present work we to the new generation games for the new generation consoles. More cannot I unfortunately say except that it will be hopelijk for all consoles.

Are there differences between PS2 , Xbox, and the Cube versions?

They are exactly the same except the Gamecube version has no online unfortunetely.

Will it ever become a PC game?

It is something we may look into, but not for Future Perfect. (that was hard to understand, but another fanastic translation of English to REAL English by yours truly )

In TimeSplitters 2 there was a game called Virus, is this in part 3?

Yes, laughs

How many multiplayer modes have been added and how many return?

Rather answered: Further information on the multiplayer modes is in the preview of the game. At this moment about this as lot of had been not yet confessed.

In part two you can play the attacker in assault mode. Can you this time also the defender too?

Yes! Moreover you can use map-editor to make levels themselves assault mode.

Will there be Co-op Online?

No, only in split screen single player.

How many pizzas have been ordered? Wow pizza means pizza in Dutch

Good question! Curries at present its and Chinese eat more in appetite. At least 20 porties are ordered every evening (seriously) The following questions could hardly answer Karl, but he has done his best.

Does the game use object oriented designs?

- laughs - I am no programmer! The levels to exist from sets of objects. How the objects react to the surroundings are stipulated by the physics engine of the game

Which libraries and programmeeromgevingen are used? Huh?

??? (really that was Karls answer)

Which model leather surroundings are used?

Maya for all 3D-omgevingen and cos-ordination. And natural PhotoShop.

You something can tell concerning the collision detectie

No, I am no programmer. We have, however, a new system for physics with which is stipulated how objects react to each other. With the gravity grant you can solicit to take up and move. The size and the weight of objects have, however, influence and that is new for us. It has been unfortunately limited how far you can go on the current generation consoles, because the overheads is rather heavy.

Adopt you still do game-testers?

No, we don't yet. All the test work is done by Electronic Arts. Possibly we will consider that in the future, however, but frequent customer service is useful to get feedback.

How do you become a developer at Free Radical

- laughs - you must apply! We zoeken as a company to enthusiastic gamers, but they must very clearly solicit are able. If artist must for example you well is able show what you can and clear ideas have. Programmers must ordinary well games are able program. Every programmer has at our participation concerning how it plays. Not only concerning how it works technically, but also how it will work for the gamer.
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Lloope sanoi:
Voi ei! Sano, ettei tämä ole totta! Sano, että postauksesi oli vain hieman tökerön hollanti-englanti käännöksen sivutuotos! Seuraavaksi meiltä viedään Escort, sitten koko nettipeli :( Ehdin jo alkaa odottamaan tuota online co-opia (vielä tähän mennessä kun sellaisesta ei ole missään pelissä kokemusta).

Ja eiköhän tuo mapmakerin muistinrajoitus johdu lähinnä ps2:n tehoista ennemmin kuin siitä, että pelintekijät haluaisivat olla ilkeitä. Jos koko muistirajoitusta ei olisi, pelaajat todennäköisesti rakentaisivat älyttömän kokoisia kenttiä, jotka eivät edes toimisi kunnolla kun pelata yrittäisi.

Virallisilla sivuilla lukee vielä, että co-op olisi online, joten mihinköhän tässä pitäisi nyt uskoa?

Btw, Bond pelit näyttäisivät menevän Free Radicalille? Goldeneye, anyone?:

Ja yksi uusi artikkeli Future Perfectistä:
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Lloope sanoi:
Onko suoraa linkkiä videoiden lataamiseen, kun tuo sivu valittaa, että "incompatible browser".

Ei taida olla, mutta kai sinulta nyt sentäs jostain Internet Explorer löytyy?
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Varmasti tulee löytymään minunkin hyllystäni jos pelissä todella on tuo online pelaamis mahdollisuus. Saisi vain olla hieman hidastempoisempiakin hektisyys-säätöjä ;)
Kun 2 pelaajallakin tuo on AIVAN liian nopea.
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

PSW lehdestä löytyy nelisivuinen previkka. Pari tiedonpalasta:

- Kaikki TS2:n moodit palaavat
- Mappien nimet ovat: Mars Prison, Venice, Temple, Hotel, Vietnam, Subway, Zeppelin, Siberia, Disco, Bunker, VR, Spaceport, Chinese, Mexican Mission and Training Ground.
- 13 Story-tehtävää.
- 34 asetta alussa saatavilla, lisää saa Challenge moodia pelatessa.
- Yksi uusista aseista tulee olemaan "harppuuna ase", jonka harppuunat menevät vihollisten läpi.
- Joistain hahmoista on useita versioita.
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Izha sanoi:
TS2:ssa olen tehnyt satoja story kenttiä ja oikeastaan tuo mapmaker on minulle tämän pelin helmi kun ei ole ketään kenen kanssa moninpeliä pelata(no, yksi henkilö löytyy, mutta loppujen lopuksi tarvisi enemmän, ollaan jo puolen miljoonan matsin jälkeen kyllästytty).
Ylpeyteni on eräs 30 osainen tarina, johon laadin vaivalla juonen, kunnon tehtävät ja kaikki. Sekä upean lopparin :D, pitää itseasiassa käyttää aivojaan saadakseen sen tapettua.

Sulle ei varmaan muiden tekemien mappien malleista oo mitään iloa, mutta kuitenkin.
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Nyt EA:n julkaisulista tarjoaa peliä myyntiin 17.3.2005.
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Lloope sanoi:
Varsinkin escort voisi toimia hyvin netissä, ykkösessä kun tuo oli IMO paras pelimuoto.
Mua jäi kiinnostamaan minkä tyylistä pelailua tämä pelimuoto on. Jonkin näköstä tavaran kuskausta baseen :confused: Kun TS1:stä en ole pelaillut, mutta kakkosta sitäkin enemmän.

Hurja Guru sanoi:
- Kaikki TS2:n moodit palaavat
- Mappien nimet ovat: Mars Prison, Venice, Temple, Hotel, Vietnam, Subway, Zeppelin, Siberia, Disco, Bunker, VR, Spaceport, Chinese, Mexican Mission and Training Ground.
Ja tästäkö pitäisi vetää johtopäätös, että tuota Lloopen toivomaa Escortia ei siitä löydy...?
Ai ai... Onpas ihanaa, kun Mexican Missionikin löytyy tuosta. TS2:n kolme lempimappia olivat Mexican Mission, Ice Station ja Streets. Kun vielä noi kaksi muuta siitä löytyisivät... :rolleyes:
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Olisi sellainen kenttä jossa olisi ISO sota. Että itellä on PALJON puolulaisia, ja vihollisia enemmän. Kenttä olisi laaja kun mikä. Monessa pelissä olen tuollaisesta unelmoinut. Ja siinä kentässä ei pitäisi tehdä muutakuin mäiskiä tyyppejä. Ja onkohoan siinä mitään lähitaistelu asetta? Olisi siistä vaikkapa sorkkaraudalla hakata tyyppejä, tai vaikka miekalla. + Paljon jotain kummalisia aseita esim. Ruohon leikkuri :D Ja fysiikan mallinnus olisi siisti, ota telvisio käteen ja heitä sillä vastustajaa. (Half-Life tyyliä..)
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Gamemastah sanoi:
Mua jäi kiinnostamaan minkä tyylistä pelailua tämä pelimuoto on. Jonkin näköstä tavaran kuskausta baseen :confused: Kun TS1:stä en ole pelaillut, mutta kakkosta sitäkin enemmän.

Eikö kakkosessa muka ollut escortia? Ihan muistelin, että olisi ollut.

Vähän offtopiciksi menee, mutta kuitenkin. Escort siis oli sellainen pelimuoto, missä oli toisella puolella jätkät, jotka yrittivät tappaa escortin ja toisella puolella olijat yrittivät suojella tätä. Escort oli koneen ohjastama ukkeli, jonka piti kävellä kentän halki johonkin tiettyyn paikkaan. Escort käveli normaalia hitaampaa, ei voinut ampua ja meni aina "kiskoja" pitkin, eli ei osannut muutakuin yhden reitin. Puolustajien piti suojella escortia niin, että tämä pääsi määränpäähänsä ja hyökkääjien piti siinä tapauksessa tietysti tappaa escort. Escort oli myös normaalia kestävämpi.
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Escort taisi olla mainittuna virallisilla sivuilla yhtenä pelimoodina. Niitä taisi olla 16 erilaista, niitä pelimoodeja siis. (TS 2:ssa oli moodeja 12)

Eaglez sanoi:
Ja onkohoan siinä mitään lähitaistelu asetta? Olisi siistä vaikkapa sorkkaraudalla hakata tyyppejä, tai vaikka miekalla. + Paljon jotain kummalisia aseita esim. Ruohon leikkuri :D
Melee attack on ainakin. Hassuna aseena voisi mainita ainakin salaperäisen Monkey Gunin, josta ei vielä muuta tiedä kuin sen että pelintekijä on sen maininnut.

Eaglez sanoi:
Ja fysiikan mallinnus olisi siisti, ota telvisio käteen ja heitä sillä vastustajaa. (Half-Life tyyliä..)
Gravity Glovella voi ottaa ainakin irti ammuttuja zombien päitä ja heitellä vihuja päin.
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Minua ärsytti kun Timesplitters kakkosessa ei voinut tehdä näin: Itselle aseet, toisille ei. Olisi ollut hauskaa vaikkapa olla dino metsästäjä. Eli, dinosauruksille ei aseita, mutta itelle joku haulikko.
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