Tässä sonyn vastaus miksi TM:B editoitiin :
Thank you for your email concerning "Twisted Metal Black".
I am sorry to hear of your dissapointment concerning the latest enstalment of the "Twisted Metal Black" for the PS2.
Whilst I appreciate your frustration, I would like to state our rational behind the release of the game in its present content.
Cetain apsects of the game have been removed through advisement by ELSPA. ELSPA govern the release of computer games within the UK in the same way that the BBFC age rate film releases. To gain a release for "Twisted Metal Black", we were advised to remove apsects which may bear relevance to
events of September the 11th and, references to Mental health issue's. The game was released in NTSC prior to September the 11th. During its initial release, complaints were received from mental health loby groups which have influenced action taken by SANE to name a few. Regrettably, as a region, Europe is heavily influenced by groups such as SANE. Unlike many other regions such as Japan, there influnece is very political.
Why not replace aspects of the game with alternative content?. Whilst coding the game, it is feasible, but still an expensive and time consuming process to remove aspects of a game. However, to replace with alternative data would mean that the game would have to be scraped and restarted. This action would have proven too expensive as a large amount of money had already been invested by not only ourselves, but also by the publisher
Incogneto. As a result of September the 11th, many titles have been pulled altogether, causing the demise of several smaller publishing house's which rely on the success of their only title for a fiscal year. SCEUK (Sony Computer Entertainment UK) made the decision to release the game as we felt that public awareness to recent events would be applicable.
Once again, please accept my apologies. I would just like to state the the aeroplane is still there.
Yours sincerely,
Mr M. Nardin
UK HOCService
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe