Vastaus: Ultimaattisen pelitelkun metsästys
In 2013, the company announced the sale of the bulk of its remaining consumer electronics operations to Japan's Funai Electric Co, but in October 2013, the deal to Funai Electric Co was broken off and the consumer electronics operations remain under Philips.
Lähde: Wikipedia
Vieläkö Philips valmistaa televisioita?
Eikö se jo kolme vuotta sitten ilmoittanut lopettavansa viihde-elektroniikan valmistamisen.
In 2013, the company announced the sale of the bulk of its remaining consumer electronics operations to Japan's Funai Electric Co, but in October 2013, the deal to Funai Electric Co was broken off and the consumer electronics operations remain under Philips.
Lähde: Wikipedia