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EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

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Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

Nytkun on päästy hurreista ja rantahurri (minä aiheesta seuraavaan curve väittelyyn niin ihan piruttain pitää nyt kysyä että kun pelataan ja sovitaan ettei tehä curve vetoja niin miksi saa tehdä wraproundeja? siis ihan mielenkiinnosta kysyn pelattii hck:t vastaa tossa en tiedä oliko ainuttakaa suomalaista siinä mukana mut sanoin jätkille ettei curveja ja pelattiin ilman niitä ihme sinäänsä :)

Mut pointtini on se et curve ja wrap on yhtähelppoja tehdä ja molemmat menee yhtä usein niin eikö pitäis pelata niin et jos ei saa käyttää curvea ei saa myöskää käyttää wräppiä? Ja itehän teen aika usein noita wräppi maaleja ku ei muuta osaa.

Mut tää oli tosiaanki tällänen missä nyt halusin kysellä porukoiden mielipiteitä asiasta, että mitä mieltä ite ootte kyseisestä asiasta?
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

Ei mitään hajuu! :o

Vanhanaikainen ja sen kun pistää vielä moken längistä niin menee aina. Yhtä säälittävä ku curve.

Edit: Tämähän on siis oma henk.koht. mielipiteeni joka perustuu 1 vs. 1 peleihin eikä edusta HCK:n kantaa.
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

siis ihan mielenkiinnosta kysyn pelattii hck:t vastaa tossa en tiedä oliko ainuttakaa suomalaista siinä mukana mut sanoin jätkille ettei curveja ja pelattiin ilman niitä ihme sinäänsä :)
Meillä ei ole kuin suomalaisia pelaajia.
Mut pointtini on se et curve ja wrap on yhtähelppoja tehdä ja molemmat menee yhtä usein niin eikö pitäis pelata niin et jos ei saa käyttää curvea ei saa myöskää käyttää wräppiä? Ja itehän teen aika usein noita wräppi maaleja ku ei muuta osaa.

Mut tää oli tosiaanki tällänen missä nyt halusin kysellä porukoiden mielipiteitä asiasta, että mitä mieltä ite ootte kyseisestä asiasta?
En henk. koht. katso hyvällä, jos hyvin puolustavaa joukkuetta vastaan on pakko turvautua AI-veskarin heikkouksiin ja yrittää samoja jekkuja joka hyökkäyksessä. Näihin lasken curven lisäksi tuon joka kerta menevän vanhanaikaisen, etukulmalämärin ynnä muut epärealistiset viritelmät, jotka ovat EA:lta jääneet huomaamatta. (Ennen kuin joku vääräleuka ehtii apajille, niin one-timerit, ohjaukset ynnä muut realistiset tekotavat eivät mielestäni näihin kuulu. Nuo ovat hyviä maalintekotapoja jääkiekossa ihan oikeastikin, joten miljoonatta väittelyä ei huvittaisi samasta asiasta käydä)

Valitettavasti näitä näkee muutaman tännekin kirjoittelevan tiimin toimesta. Kolmansissa erissä tappioasemassa hyökkäykset alkavat päättyä jatkuvasti wraparoundeihin sekä noustaan etukulmalle ja lämitään ylös. Curveja näkee tutuilta tiimeiltä sentään vähemmän, onneksi. Mutta jos haluaa ottaa mallia NNB:stä, niin mikäs siinä.
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

No kaikki maalit pännii. SSH ei sorru curvettamaan, jollei vastustaja sitä ensin aloita. Ja sen jälkeen ei enää ko. joukkuetta vastaan pelailla.
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

No kaikki maalit pännii. SSH ei sorru curvettamaan, jollei vastustaja sitä ensin aloita. Ja sen jälkeen ei enää ko. joukkuetta vastaan pelailla.

No miksi sitte SSH aina luikkii pakoon sisuu vastaan vaikka ei curvea käytetä ja teillä ois 5 tai 6 pelaaja jopa peliin lähdössä:rolleyes:
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

Onko joku täällä tehnyt saman yrityksen ja pelannut olvi hokia vastaan ja huomannut että poijat ei enää curveile jos ei itse alota :eek: itselle tuli yllätuksenä kun huvikseen pelattiin ja kappas kummaa ei yhtään curvea siitä kiitokset pojille :) liekkö sitten tämä blacklisti alkanut toimia kun ovat pojat huomanneet että suomalaiset ei enää pelaa jos curveilee. ainut miinus tuossa tiimissä on sen komentti -----> FIB = only curveshots
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

BIF ja Phoenixin paidat. Curvea siniseltä, curvea läpiajoista ja curvea vähän kaikkialta.
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

Please move or remove this post if it's inappropriate or in the wrong thread.

Alright, I've never really understood the finnish view of curveshot. From what I can see curveshots are the only thing you are discussing in the NHL threads.

1. What exactly is the problem with curveshots?
2. Do finnish teams have something against other "glitch goals" such as the "wrap-around between the legs", "first post slapshots" etc. What is so special with curveshots?

It is as easy to defend against as all the other "glitch goals". It's funny how you black list team after team, especially since finnish team generally are the biggest glitchers, before the patch using L2/Vision Control on breakaways and now after the patch dropping rapidly in the rankings... (HCK, FIB etc)

Personally I think Finnish teams complaining about curveshots are greatly overreacting. What you are is a bunch of losers jelous about teams that play the game better than you are. I know only Sisu who play great hockey of all Finnish teams at this moment. (even though the pause glitch is not forgotten).

I also want to point out that these are my own opinions as an individual. My team NNB may not share my opinions.

Last, I have nothing against Finland or finnish people. Infact I respect Finland very much as the Historian I am. :)

If you want you can watch this broadcast of the match that gave NNB the title "Swedish Champions". I'm behind the camera.


J. Öhrman #27 NNB
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

1. What exactly is the problem with curveshots?
2. Do finnish teams have something against other "glitch goals" such as the "wrap-around between the legs", "first post slapshots" etc. What is so special with curveshots?

I personally don't like any glitch goals and I won't use them at least not on purpose (I don't usually aim to between legs of the goalie, but sometimes it goes there, so am I glitching?). Everybody could argue about what is a glitch and what isn't. One thing is clear, curveshot is a glitch and probably the worst kind of it and it rarely happens by accident. I really don't want to comment this thing much longer, because everything has been said in this thread already.

It's funny how you black list team after team, especially since finnish team generally are the biggest glitchers, before the patch using L2/Vision Control on breakaways and now after the patch dropping rapidly in the rankings... (HCK, FIB etc)

This claim is just a load of bullsh*t. How can you even claim something like that? "finnish teams generally are the biggest glitchers"? Our rankings has been dropped only because we don't glitch anymore, is that it? or we aren't able to glitch?

Hey, newsflash! Have you ever considered that we possibly don't care about our ranking that much? At least I'm playing for fun and I don't consider curveshot competition is fun...Also probably one of the biggest reason why our rank has dropped is that we aren't that active anymore like in the early days. People get bored or have something else to do. Why do we blacklist teams like yours? So that we could actually enjoy playing this game with those who doesn't curve.

Oh yeah, before I forget...These are only my opinions and my team HCK may not share them.
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

How interested are the Finnish EASHL teams in playing a tournament with Swedish teams? "Finnkampen" ;)

Basically I'm thinking of playing in two conferences: The Swedish Conference and The Finnish Conference aka West Conference and East Conference.

A minimum of 8 teams in each conference, first 4 o 8 teams will continue playing in a Playoff. In the playoffs the Semi-finals will be the Conference final and the final will be between a Swedish team and a Finnish team, just like NHL.

Each team play with 5 skaters. Playing with human goalie is up to each team to decide.

This homepage will be used: EASHL - SM-slutspel

There will be statistics of all games.

The homepage will be in English.

J. Öhrman #27 NNB
Viimeksi muokannut moderaattori:
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

blaa blaa blaa, eli siis tekstiä...

J. Öhrman #27 NNB

Could you and your teammates leave finnish teams alone, here... and on ice with fuc*ing curveshot goals... ?
Have fun with Swedish teams... Almost every Swedish teams makes only curveshots... :mad:
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

From what I can see curveshots are the only thing you are discussing in the NHL threads.
Not exactly.
1. What exactly is the problem with curveshots?
In a nutshell: a lack of sportsmanship. A wrist shot that goes in 100% of the time doesn't belong in a realistic hockey game. IMO
2. Do finnish teams have something against other "glitch goals" such as the "wrap-around between the legs", "first post slapshots" etc. What is so special with curveshots?
Well, i dont approve glitch goals in any form. Like i said, bad sportsmanship. And all of the above truly are among NNB's "weapons of choice". So you Sir, are rightfully blacklisted...
It's funny how you black list team after team, especially since finnish team generally are the biggest glitchers, before the patch using L2/Vision Control on breakaways and now after the patch dropping rapidly in the rankings... (HCK, FIB etc)
So you are saying that FIB & HCK were among the biggest glitchers before the patch? Jesus Christ! You should check your facts before posting such an argument. Now I can´t take you seriously....
Personally I think Finnish teams complaining about curveshots are greatly overreacting. What you are is a bunch of losers jelous about teams that play the game better than you are.
And you are entitled to your opinion. But could you explain the "play the game better" part more thoroughly? Does winning some games while contantly glitching make you a better team/player. And as a grown up (?), do you really think that such a thing is something to be jealous about?
I know only Sisu who play great hockey of all Finnish teams at this moment. (even though the pause glitch is not forgotten)
Sisu plays great hockey, i give you that. But you guys actually don't know much about the other teams. And why is that? It's because e. g. HCK doesn't want to play against - pardon my french - glitching pussies. If you actually had any kind of knowledge about Finnish teams you would know that e. g. Sisu, HCK and FIB play very often against each other. And those games are 99,5% of the time extremely close. Our winning percentage against Sisu is at the moment approximately 50%.
J. Öhrman #27 NNB
Hopefully this response clarified your understanding considering EASHL and Finnish teams. Unfortunately I'm not able to response more thoroughly but it's almost 4 - fucking - AM and I need my beauty sleep.

Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

Could you and your teammates leave finnish teams alone, here... and on ice with fuc*ing curveshot goals... ?
Have fun with Swedish teams... Almost every Swedish teams makes only curveshots... :mad:

I am the only one in my team or perhaps the whole Swedish EASHL scene who have ever even become a member of this forum.

In a nutshell: a lack of sportsmanship. A wrist shot that goes in 100% of the time doesn't belong in a realistic hockey game. IMO

First of all, you have to successfully pull off a curveshot. You have to be in a good shooting position, you have to make the goalie screened and you have to pull off the shot at the right moment. There you will score in perhaps 90% of the times. A random curveshot from anywhere in the offensive zone is definately not 100% efficient. If the goalie is not screened this shot will not be even 50% efficient. NNB has found that curveshots aren't and we more than often choose to get the puck deep and play the puck around in the offensive zone.

Well, i dont approve glitch goals in any form. Like i said, bad sportsmanship. And all of the above truly are among NNB's "weapons of choice". So you Sir, are rightfully blacklisted...
So you are saying that FIB & HCK were among the biggest glitchers before the patch? Jesus Christ! You should check your facts before posting such an argument. Now I can´t take you seriously....

I know only a few other teams that can pull off as many different kind of goals than NNB. We can score every goal there is, and WE DO. That's the reason we are a top 10 team in the EASHL. Our team play and defensive zone play is perhaps the best of our teams repertoir.
I have played this game since it came out and I remember CLEARLY finnish teams using the L2 on breakaways (especially HCK) before Swedish teams. But we were not whining about this, we accepted it and started using it as well and did what we could to not let any breakaways. The discussion how teams are playing will not lead to anything so I won't talk about this anymore.

And you are entitled to your opinion. But could you explain the "play the game better" part more thoroughly? Does winning some games while contantly glitching make you a better team/player. And as a grown up (?), do you really think that such a thing is something to be jealous about?

You are right, you are probably not jealous, that was a bad statement from me. And yes, I would like to consider myself as a grown up. (please feel free to make jokes about this ;))Teams are not winning because they are glitching more, teams win because they are better. By "play the game better" I mean you have to defend against every kind of offensive rush your opponents have. It's not impossible to defend against glitch goals. Infact, if two teams who can defend against glitch goals play each other the winning team is the team that is not glitching because it's not efficient to play only glitch. For instance, when we play against Sisu HC games are always very close and neither of our teams are winning because they are glitching. They are winning because of luck or good defensive play.

Sisu plays great hockey, i give you that. But you guys actually don't know much about the other teams. And why is that? It's because e. g. HCK doesn't want to play against - pardon my french - glitching pussies. If you actually had any kind of knowledge about Finnish teams you would know that e. g. Sisu, HCK and FIB play very often against each other. And those games are 99,5% of the time extremely close. Our winning percentage against Sisu is at the moment approximately 50%.

Yes, we have lost many games against other Swedish teams as well. We have also lost maaany games against teams like FIB and HCK. We have played against most of the old Finnish teams and as all of these teams have scored "cheap" goals. Everybody knows that you can pull off a certain type of shot from a certain type of spot on the ice that has a high scoring rate. The only thing we can do is trying to defend these spots on the ice and try to read the game play of the opponent. Suddenly a few Finnish teams decided to start black listing teams and after that we have not played HCK so I do not know how you have changed your way of playing. I am very keen to know. Another thing, to stop these high scoring rate opportunities playing with a human goalie is a great idea. But you already knew that.

Hopefully this response clarified your understanding considering EASHL and Finnish teams. Unfortunately I'm not able to response more thoroughly but it's almost 4 - fucking - AM and I need my beauty sleep.
I am very thankful you are using your time writing these answers. Perhaps Swedish and Finnish teams should communicate more to understand each others opinions about how the game is played.

As I said before, these are my own opinions and my team may not share them.

Please share your thoughts about my tournament idea as well.

I hope people can take this discussion more seriously and not be rascists or unpleasant. There is no point using bad language just because someone is from a country you might dislike or for whatever reason.

Well met! J. Öhrman #27 NNB
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Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

First of all, you have to successfully pull off a curveshot. You have to be in a good shooting position, you have to make the goalie screened and you have to pull off the shot at the right moment. There you will score in perhaps 90% of the times. A random curveshot from anywhere in the offensive zone is definately not 100% efficient. If the goalie is not screened this shot will not be even 50% efficient. NNB has found that curveshots aren't and we more than often choose to get the puck deep and play the puck around in the offensive zone.

9 of 10... 10 of 10...
Yeah I see the difference...
With me curveshot is not about if it goes to goal or not. It is about trying to use a gap in coding of the game. You don't even need any screen to score, cose goalie looks like he has just gotten caught stealing his fathers cigarettes, and just puts his head down in shame.

There are many "glitches" in NHL09, but far worst is our little friend called curveshot.
But many considered as a glitch really shouldn't be called like that. They just ges to goal if you are able to get yourself to a situation like that, in NHL09 or in real hockey.
And believe me, that slapshot after coming behind the goal is not one of them. Neither is a turn-slapshot when you skate towards the blue line at offensive zone.

Preventing losses isn't the idea of the blacklist. The idea is to give glitch-teams as few matches as possible.
Win or lose, it doesen't matter. I just want to play good and enjoyable hockey, and glitch-competition isn't that. Even if both teams knows how to defend them and blah blah blah. That doesen't take out the fact that they are glitches.

I don't wish to spend my time with something that isn't just fun anyore. Do you?

Afterall, we aren't the nab guys here. It's the ones who uses a hole(s) in the game, not the ones who tries to stop people from using them.
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

How interested are the Finnish EASHL teams in playing a tournament with Swedish teams? "Finnkampen" ;)

Basically I'm thinking of playing in two conferences: The Swedish Conference and The Finnish Conference aka West Conference and East Conference.

A minimum of 8 teams in each conference, first 4 o 8 teams will continue playing in a Playoff. In the playoffs the Semi-finals will be the Conference final and the final will be between a Swedish team and a Finnish team, just like NHL.

Each team play with 5 skaters. Playing with human goalie is up to each team to decide.

This homepage will be used: EASHL - SM-slutspel

There will be statistics of all games.

The homepage will be in English.

J. Öhrman #27 NNB

Not at all ! Seen allkindas of curve shots allready, no need to see them anymore. Just play whit other ruottin teams and have a curve carnevals !
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

I know only Sisu who play great hockey of all Finnish teams at this moment. (even though the pause glitch is not forgotten).

Thank you for those kind words. But you really should forget that one game with the glitch in the end. It was NOT committed by us on purpose. We don't know how to do it and if we did we wouldn't. It was a horrible game by us, we played with a horrible lineup and I sure as hell want to forget it.

We have had great games with NNB in the recent times. I hope we will have more good 6vs6 action in the future too. When it comes to the Finkampen-tournament, I'm afraid we don't have enough time or effort, but as an idea it's interesting.

When it comes to curveshots or any other glitch goals, we have never nagged about them, and we have prevented the problem by always having a great goaltender between the posts. Of course using a human goalie has it's issues and risks, but it's not the goalie that is causing our losses when they occasionally happen. I really recommend using a goalie against us too. That's when your teamplay is really tested.

I'm no-one to judge which goals are glitches. For what I know there are some high scoring rate shots or plays in the game and I personally think it's just plain stupid not to use them. We are a really competitive team and we don't like losing.

This was not a thorough answer to nothing but just some of my views :D

PS. I visited Sweden yesterday. What a great country with great people.
Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

Lukiessani ketjua huomasin, että täällä on käyty keskustelua TFA:sta ja curveshotista.. ja kaikesta mahdollisesta.

Sen voin kertoa, että jokaiseen curveshottiin voin puuttua..jos satun kentällä sen näkemään. Ja tuosta syöttelystä oli myös jotain keskustelua. TFA kävi läpi aikamoisen muodonmuutoksen tuossa noin kuukausi sitten. Taktiikat muuttuivat ja jne. TFA ei ole vielä löytänyt parasta kokoonpanoa/taktiikkaa, mutta eiköhän tämä tästä.

Olisi siten meillekkin hyvin mielekästä, jos joukkueet pelaisivat meitä vastaan. HCK ja Sisu ovat loistavia esimerkkejä joukkueista, jotka pelaavat meitä vastaan noin 99%. :) ( 1% tulee silloin kuin EA ei saa yhteyttä toimimaan.)

Hienoa huomata, kuinka porukka puhuu selän takana kaikkea pashaa TFA:sta.."Eli kaikki joukkueet jotka tätä foorumia lukee laittaa TFA:n vblacklistille. Mikäli, kun vielä tulee curveshottia." Minusta tämä kuullostaa melko lapselliselta. Samalla sanon, että itse en kannata curveshottia.. mutta tälläisistä asioista voisi tulla puhumaan suoraan. Ihmekkös TFA ei melkein ikinä löydä ketään hyvää joukkuetta (paitsi HCK ja Sisu). :mad:

PS. Asioista voisi ottaa selvää kunnolla ennen "juoruilua". En mene kieltämään, etteikö TFA olisi ikinä tehnyt curve maaleja.
Voisitteko samalla kertoa minulle joukkueen, joka ei olisi ikinä tehnyt curvemaaleja ?

Nykyinen TFA:n pelaaja
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Vastaus: EASHL: Yleinen palauteketju (PlayStation Online)

First of all, you have to successfully pull off a curveshot. You have to be in a good shooting position, you have to make the goalie screened and you have to pull off the shot at the right moment. There you will score in perhaps 90% of the times.
I'm afraid that's not the case. You don't have to be in a good shooting position. Curveshot works even right after the blue line, with or without any screen. And at the right moment? Gimme a break! Shooting between the blue line and the goalie is all you need to do. If you know how to pull it off, den glider in.
I know only a few other teams that can pull off as many different kind of goals than NNB. We can score every goal there is, and WE DO. That's the reason we are a top 10 team in the EASHL.
And we're all very impressed. The word is that NHL 2010 isn't going to contain any 2009's exploits. So we'll see your true colors, eventually.

And please correct me if Im wrong but didnt we whoop your asses almost every time after the patch? Right after EA repaired those "first post slapshots" and other glitches? But it didnt last very long because - like the majority of the Swedish teams you guys soon discovered the infamous curveshot. And for that.cudos. :rolleyes:
Our team play and defensive zone play is perhaps the best of our teams repertoir.
Yeah. At least before one guy scored all your glitch goals and the rest didn't leave the defensive zone. Great team play indeed.
I have played this game since it came out and I remember CLEARLY finnish teams using the L2 on breakaways (especially HCK) before Swedish team.
OK, this is 100% bullshit. We have never used that cheat move in our matches. In fact, we were among the first teams in this board who noticed and opposed it. A shot that goes in 100% of the time doesn't belong in a realistic hockey game.

But I find it kinda funny that you guys are blaming us for cheating on breakaways. What is your favourite breakaway move? That's right, curveshot.
Teams are not winning because they are glitching more, teams win because they are better. By "play the game better" I mean you have to defend against every kind of offensive rush your opponents have.
It is pretty obvious that the best teams are in the first division. And they usually win more often than lose. We don't mind playing against the top10 teams but if we do, the glitching often becomes a factor. Especially if it is a close game and they usually are. Theres nothing like being scored on a game winning goal with a blue line curveshot late in the third period. On a one-on-three attack. Trust me, I know.
It's not impossible to defend against glitch goals. Infact, if two teams who can defend against glitch goals play each other the winning team is the team that is not glitching because it's not efficient to play only glitch.
It is not hard to defend against glitch goals. I know, I play in defence. But because we're only humans the opponent is going to have room to shoot time to time. And in these situations, you guys decided to exploit the gap in game's coding that allows specific shot to go in 100% of the time. And that is Sir, why you are rightfully blacklisted.
We have played against most of the old Finnish teams and as all of these teams have scored "cheap" goals.
If you consider one-timers "cheap" then you are on to something. But you have no right to explain your behavior on ice by bringing up something that may have happened before the first patch. That's ancient history. We decided to "ban" all the glitches and cheap goals, you didn't. In fact, you guys embraced them. And that's why the fans of realistic gameplay - like us - have the right to not play against you. You made your bed now lay in it.
Suddenly a few Finnish teams decided to start black listing teams and after that we have not played HCK so I do not know how you have changed your way of playing. I am very keen to know.
We use a lot of passing to get defence and goalie in motion. We try to create screen and shoot from the point. We score a lot of tic-tac-toe goals etc. So in a nutshell: we try to play kinda like Soviet Union and as realistically as possible.
Another thing, to stop these high scoring rate opportunities playing with a human goalie is a great idea. But you already knew that.
Yeah, we've used human goalies since the release. But you don't always have six guys in the dressing room.
Please share your thoughts about my tournament idea as well.
I am not a GM but I think that you can count us out.
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