Vastaus: NHL 2k10 [PS3 Hype]
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2K Sports
Pelin tekijä Anthony Yampol kertoo blogissaan NHL 2K10:n pelimekaniikasta, tekoälystä, kontrolleista ja slidereistä. Suomennos on tekemäni, enkä ota vastuuta mahdollisista käännösvirheistä:
-voit ketjuttaa syöttöjä pitämällä syöttönappia pohjassa ja suuntaamalla syötön ennen kiekon vastaanottoa uuteen suuntaan. Ketjuttaessasi syöttöjä, syöttöjen tarkkuus pienenee, ja jos olet syöttämisen kannalta huonossa asennossa, niiden nopeus pienenee.
-Lättysyötöt, vippisyötöt tai roikkusyötöt lähtevät nyt automaattisesti tilanteen ja ohjauksessa olevan pelaajan taitojen mukaan, eli niille ei ole erillistä nappia. Hyvä pelirakentaja pystyy heittämään vaikeasta paikasta vaikkapa roikun maalin edessä olevalle pelaajallesi tarkasti, huonolla syöttötaidolla varustettu pelaaja ei välttämättä tajua ja osaa vipata syöttöä lainkaan, taikka syöttö on erittäin epätarkka ja menee ohi pelaajastasi tai osuu vastustajan lapaan.
-Kiekonkäsittelyyn on tällä kertaa panostettu roimasti. Maila reagoi oikean tikun liikkeisiin huomattavasti herkemmin ja tarkemmin kämmen-rysty liikkeissä (nämä liikkeet onnistuvat kaikilta pelaajilta hienosti, kiekonkäsittelytaidoista riippumatta) ja ennenkaikkea oikean tikun käyttäminen ei enää rajoita mitenkään pelaajan muihin liikkeisiin, kuten 2K9:ssä. Voit siis ilmeisesti käännellä ja kiihdytellä pelaajaasi vapaasti, vaikka käyttäisitkin oikeaa tikkua mailan liikutteluun (tämä pilasi 2K9:n muutenkin tönkön skillstickin lopullisesti, oma kommentti).
-Rysty-kämmen liikkeitten lisäksi voit oikealla tatilla koetta ujuttaa kiekon jalkojesi taakse, ja liu'uttaa kiekon omien jalkojesi takaa takaisin etupuolellesi. Tämän liikkeen onnistuminen on kiinni pelaajasi kiekonkäsittelytaidoista, joten ei suositella neloskenttien jyrille, vaan mieluummin pelaajille kuten Ovechkin.
-Voit purkaa kiekkoa vapaasti ja tarkasti vaikkapa laitojen kautta sinne, minne sen haluatkin laittaa (heittää päätyyn, rännikiekkoja, laidan kautta edessä olevalle hyökkäykseen nousevalle pelaajalle, oma kommentti)
-Pelissä on paljon erilaisia harhautuksia Skillstickin lisäksi kenttäpelaajien kahvitusta varten. Kikkojen onnistuminen on kiinni kenttäpelaajien kiekonkäsittelytaidoista, ja kikat on sijoitettu (mielestäni loogisesti, oma kommentti) oikean tatin ja modifierin taakse (toisin kuin viime vuonna, oma kommentti) Alla englanninkielinen lista kyseisistä harhautuksista:
Now on to our deke systems. 1 on 1 Moves have been completely changed this year. For those that are not familiar with this feature in 2K9, you would basically tap LB, and then put the L-Stick and R-stick in certain directions for 1 of 20 moves you could do anywhere in open ice. The problem I had with this, is the same one a lot of you had with this -- it was too hard to mess up, and too disorienting to press one way on one stick, and another way on the other stick. We needed to address this because the community had spoken.
So we simplified things this year. You now tap LB, and access an arsenal of moves mapped to 4 directions on the R-stick, and the four face buttons. This is a lot easier to remember, and in the end becomes more responsive. I’ll simply list each command below, and then touch on them a bit.
LB + RS LEFT = side steps and power moves to the left.
LB + RS RIGHT = side steps and power moves to the right.
So the side steps are pretty basic, and most players can attempt these without losing the puck. The power moves are something that the better players will attempt contextually. They are very useful because if your opponent tries to stick lift you when you perform these moves, their stick will most likely hit your leg/arm and possibly trip/hook you for a penalty. This is a great way to protect the puck when breaking by an opponent with speed.
LB + RS UP = jump forward
LB + RS DOWN = tuck puck / toe drag
Jumping forward is pretty self explanatory. It is actually directional as well, so if you press “UP-LEFT” your player will jump more toward the left, and he’ll jump to the other side if you put the R-stick in the “UP-RIGHT” position. These are very useful when trying to split d-men, and is also an awesome way to avoid a stick lift. Tucking the puck is a pretty basic move to kind of bring the puck back when moving forward to avoid a poke.
LB + X = Spin move left
LB + B = Spin move right
LB + Y = Power through spin (this is basically spinning forward on the forehand side)
All players can attempt these moves, but lesser skilled players will lose control of the puck and look foolish. And elite players will also have some extra spins in their arsenal. Anyone can lose the puck doing these, so perform them at your own risk.
LB + A = Kick puck off skate / deke between the legs
The Kicking puck off the skate moves are useful for trying to get the opponent to poke and miss the puck. The higher caliber players will pull off a few extra animations when pressing A."
-Maalivahtien harhauttamiseksi on kehitetty täysin uudenlainen ja käytännöllinen harhautusmenetelmä. Harhautusten tekeminen on vahvasti kiinni kontrolloitavan pelaajan kiekonkäsittelytaidoista ja sijoittumisesta maalivahtiin nähden. Harhautuksia on paljon erilaisia ja -tyyppisiä, mutta tekoäly osaa valita sopivan sijoittumisen ja pelaajan kykyjen mukaan. Harhautukset onnistuvat käytännössä vain taitavilta pelaajilta. Alla englanniksi tarkemmin:
"And now on to Ovi Dekes. This feature is a replacement for the “Goalie Deke” system from NHL 2K9. Like 1 on 1 Moves in 2K9, the Goalie dekes were hard to learn and a bit disorienting. They also had too many over the top moves that you would tend to perform by accident, like the Owen Nolan called shot. Another problem in 2K9 was that you could attempt any move from any angle. This caused major problems, because some moves are not meant to be performed at certain angles, so you would end up shooting in the wrong direction, and it would look extremely unrealistic and completely confuse the goalies on the play.
So in NHL 2K10, to pull off an Ovi Deke, your hips have to be facing toward the goal line while inside the circles in the offensive zone. You tap LB, and then press one of four directions on the R-stick, or the corresponding face button. Based on which button you press, your player will perform a contextual move based on his angle to the net, the direction his hips are facing, and his creativity rating. This is very fun to pull off in game, and looks a ton more realistic than it ever did in 2K9 because it is contextual and there is no such thing as “doing it wrong”, making your shot follow through go toward your own net. The commands are below.
LB + RS UP (or Y Button) = Quick, basic dekes available
LB + RS DOWN (or A Button) = All basic dekes available
LB + RS LEFT (or X Button) = Quick basic dekes and Quick advanced dekes available
LB + RS RIGHT (or B Button) = All basic and all advanced dekes available
So if you are going real fast to the net and are being pressured you will want to press “Y” or “X” after hitting LB. If you hit Y, you have the most basic dekes that can occur. If you hit X, your player will look to pull off more advanced dekes. Be advised that many dekes aren’t available to players with lower creativity. If you have plenty of time, and you are a bit farther out when trying an Ovi Deke, try pressing A or B for longer animations that could fake out the goalie a bit more.
Based on your player’s ratings, you are also prone to flubbing a shot. So you might think you have the goalie beat, and then flub on the attempt to roof the puck. A very realistic touch, and one that makes you think twice about attempting advanced moves with 4th liners. This system is very useful, and one of my favorite ways to come in on the goalie, right along with R-stick deking."
Defensive stick toimii viimevuotista versiota jouhevammin, ja sen tehokkuus on osittain riippuvainen ohjattavan pelaajan puolustustaidoista. Paremmalla taidolla varustettu puolustaja osaa itsestään hieman korjata tatilla tehtyä epätarkkaa mailan liikettä ja katkaista vaikkapa syötön, kun taas huonommalla puolustajalla tatin sojottaminen oikeaan suuntaan on tärkeämpää. (Oioin tässä hieman suommennoksessa)
Slidereiden käyttömukavuuteen on panostettu, eikä niiden käyttö ole enää epäloogista ja salatieteilyä. Uusia tärkeitä säätöjä on lisätty, mm. pelinopeuden tarkempi säätö, mailannostamisen tehokkuuden säätö jne. Alla englanniksi:
"Oh yes, almost forgot about sliders. First things first, our slider system is completely revamped this year. Many sliders are making a return, but they are tuned a bit differently than in the past. The biggest change is that the difficulty levels in the game are now simply slider presets. No more under-the-hood mystery changes when going from Pro to All-Star. No more CPU ratings boosts that you cannot see. What you see in the sliders is exactly what you will get. I’ll list some of the sliders, and what they do.
Skating Speed (0-100) – This modifies the basic speed for skaters, and the game flow
Speed Burst Length (0-100) – This may seem like an old slider, but it is different now. On the lowest setting, you basically get a few seconds of speed burst and then you are done. On the highest setting, you get unlimited speed burst. On 99, it is about 30 seconds. Obviously the defaults are going to be the standard presets, but what I love about this slider is, you can make it so each skater gets a total of 20 seconds of speed burst per shift if you want, by settings Speed Burst Recovery to 0 (see below).
Speed Burst Recovery (0-100) – Put this on 0 and your player doesn’t recover at all until he goes to the bench. Put this on 100 and it fills up almost instantly.
Shot Speed (0-100) – On 0 it is very slow, on 100 it is very fast.
User and CPU Checking Effectiveness (0-100)
User and CPU Creativity (0-100)
User Team Goalie Skill (0-100) – This is very important compared to 2K9, because in 2K9 the goalie’s performance was changed under the hood based on difficulty. Now it is based on this slider.
CPU Team Goalie Skill (0-100)
User and CPU Stick Lift Success (0-100)
There are also some other new sliders that dictate how the CPU teams make decisions, but I’ll save that for the next Insight."
Össi / FHR