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No niin. Tästä aiheesta ollaan möykätty jo hivenen tuolla "Yleistä keskustelua GameCube-peleistä" puolella, mutta ajattelin tehdä asiasta tänne "virallisen" topicin, koska tämä aihe on mielestäni nyt aika tulinen, ja tulisemmaksi muuttuu.

Tässä on viimeisin huhu, ja korostan sanaa "huhu".
Eräs CUBE-lehden kirjoittaja kynäilee Totalgames.net:n boardeilla seuraavaa:

"Now, while I don't want to say too much (for fear of being castrated by various sources), I can confirm the following:

* PDZero... not on the GC. Ever.

* Kameo ever seeing the light of day... er, nope.

* SFA is reportedly *gasp!* incredibly formulaic, shallow and aimed at kids, rather than being the Zelda beater we were all hoping for. Dang.

* Shigeru Miyamoto going to Twycross and doing a happy dance outside the Rare offices.

* Nintendo making a heck of a lot of money in the process.

One of the above truths is in fact a lie. Work it out yourselves..."

Että tämmöstä..
No itse laitoin juuri tuonne pelipuolelle Nintendo Amerikan pomon varmistuksen, että niin Donkey Kong Racing kuin Kameo tulevat ilmestymään Gamecubelle, Raren toimesta.

[EDIT: niin ja uskoo sitten kukin mihinkin, minulle on turha valittaa tuosta Nintendon emailista :) ]
Ei tässä kannata mihinkään uskoa. Spekulointi kannattaa lopettaa ja nämä "faktat" jättää sikseen... Sitten kun on peli käsissä, sitten uskon että se tuli :)
Nintendo harkitsee RARE-osuuksien myymistä?

Tässä suora klippi..
Jos MS jyrää
Nintendo voi harkita Rare-osuuksien myyntiä

Jukka Viitasaari

Julkaistu 12.09.2002 12:01

Helsinki (12.09.2002) - Konsolipelivalmistaja Nintendo Company lupaa harkita 49-prosentin omistuksensa pienentämistä brittiläisestä Rare Ltd:stä, jos Microsoft Corporation onnistuu hankkimaan yhtiöstä enemmistön.

Lähinnä GameCube-videopeleistään ja Mario-hahmostaan tunnettu Nintendo sanoo, ettei yhtiön omistus Raressa ole sille enää niin tärkeä, sillä Rare on viime vuosina tehnyt yhä enemmän pelejä muille kuin Nintendolle, Bloomberg kertoo.

Microsoft ostattelee Los Angeles Timesin mukaan Raren enemmistöä yhtiön nykyisiltä omistajilta. Microsoft ei ole suostunut lainkaan kommentoimaan asiaa.

Markkinoita Nintendon myyntihalut kummastuttavat, sillä Rare tekee parhaillaan kuumeisesti uusia Nintendo-pelejä kuten GameCubelle tarkoitettu "Starfox Adventures" ja kannettavalle Game Boylle tarkoitettu "Diddy Kong Pilot".
( http://www.digitoday.fi/digi98fi.nsf/pub/finanssi20020912120127_jvi_48893568 )
Jos MS ostaa 51% yhtiöstä, se todennäköisesti vaatisi pelien tekemistä ainoastaan XboXille, jolloin yhtiön tulot putoaisivat huomattavasti. Nintendon kannattaisi myydä tuo osuus.

"September 11, 2002 - In past months, UK development studio Rare has been the subject of a seemingly endless stream of rumors, all of them suggesting the company would break from Nintendo's wings and possibly join with a new publisher. Now we have the full story, anonymously confirmed by numerous credible, high-level insiders. The reports are true. We stake our reputation on it.

Nintendo, formerly a 49% shareholder in Rare, had the chance to purchase the company outright nearly a year ago, but refused, according to high-ranking sources. With Rare software contributions amounting to only 9.5% of total revenues in Nintendo's fiscal 2001 year, and a miniscule 1.5% in fiscal 2002, the publisher weighed the benefits and drawbacks of making additional investments in Rare and decided against it.

Rare went on the market. Publishers bid on the company. Activision and Microsoft were both interested in acquiring Rare, but it was Microsoft who won out and delivered the asking prices for the developer and Nintendo's 49% stake in it. Nintendo sold all of its shares in Rare, according to insiders, and the studio's second-party status was terminated.

The obvious questions then: why all of the secrecy and why haven't Rare, Nintendo or Microsoft made any announcements? The truth is that the details have not been finalized. Insiders allege that Nintendo and Rare are still haggling over licenses, and specifically whether or not Rare will be able to purchase the properties it worked on under the Nintendo brand, including Perfect Dark and other trademarks Nintendo holds. Franchises and characters created and owned by Nintendo, of course, including Donkey Kong, will remain in Nintendo's control. An official announcement, though, is not far off. The latest word is that the news will be made public at Microsoft's X02 Europe event which begins September 24 in Seville, Spain.

Meanwhile, sources indicate that Nintendo plans to utilize some of the money it made in the selling of its Rare shares to entice other development studios to make GameCube software, fund new games, and more. The company's de-emphasized focus on a second-party model and its new partnerships with Namco, Sega, Capcom and others exemplifies its change in development philosophy, and leaves no room for an expensive investment in Rare.

Look for much more on this major news as it develops."
PlanetNintendo :

"The Rare soap opera had thought to be over yesterday with reports from both Reuters and the LA Times citing sources close to the negotiations had confirmed the selling of Rare to Microsoft. Today however, previous reports seem to be in conflict with an all-new one from Dow Jones. According to the article, a spokesman for Nintendo said, hypothetically, the company would consider what to do with its Rare shareholding if actually contacted by Microsoft or Rare, but there hasn't been any such contact.

So, it seems this soap opera is posed for another episode. Of course, whether this is simply a case of denying until the official announcement remains to be seen."

Odotellaan nyt sitä virallista lausuntoa asiasta, sitten...
"Dow Jones Business News Nintendo Denies Reported Willingness To Sell Rare Stake Thursday September 12, 3:37 am ET TOKYO -(Dow Jones)- Nintendo Co. (J.NTD or 7974) Thursday denied a U.S. media report it is "willing to sell" a controlling stake in U.K. game software developer Rare Ltd.There has been speculation about Microsoft Corp.'s interest in buying Rare to make more software exclusively for its Xbox console. A Nintendo spokesman said, hypothetically, the company would consider what to do with its Rare shareholding if actually contacted by Microsoft or Rare, but there hasn't been any such contact.Nintendo owned 38% of Rare's voting rights through U.S. subsidiaries at the end of last March, but Rare hasn't supplied any software for Nintendo's Gamecube or Game Boy consoles over the past one year or so, the spokesman said. The Los Angels Times said in a separate report Microsoft is interested in acquiring Rare, citing unnamed sources.On the Tokyo Stock Exchange Thursday, Nintendo shares ended up 2.6% at Y14,380 Thursday. The Nikkei 225 Stock Average closed up 0.2% at 9415.23. -Tokyo Bureau, Dow Jones Newswires; 813-5255-2929"
Jos Micro$oft osti nyt sitten Raren...

... minulle taitaa tulla Micro$oft viha päälle...

... Perkeleen Micro$oft...
Nintendo USA:n virallinen lausunto asian tiimoilta PlanetGamecubesta : ->

Although Nintendo doesn't comment on rumors or speculation by the media, we can tell you that Nintendo has made the decision not to request Rare to make any further exclusive games for the Nintendo GameCube. Although we're proud of our joint efforts with Rare over the years and have enjoyed our relationship with them, in fiscal year 2001, Rare accounted for only 9.5% of total Nintendo software revenue worldwide. In fiscal year 2002, that number declined to 1.5%. Therefore, in evaluating our investments in developers, as well as the financial benefits to Nintendo over the years, we've decided it's in Nintendo's best interests to focus on diversifying our portfolio of developers and projects.
Aivan näin. Täytyy muistaa, että Gamecube on vuoden vanha konsoli, eikä Rare ole muninut vielä yhtään kultaista munaa. Jos Raren julkaisutahti vanhoille Nipoille oli hidasta, on se Kuutiolle lähes kuollutta.

Sitäpaitsi iso joukko Raren työntekijöitä lähti Goldeneyen jälkeen pois Raresta. Tämän porukan tekemää Timesplitter 2 peliä on syytä odotella aivan pian.
Minusta saa varmaan helposti fan-boy-vaikutteen kun sanon näin, mutta en nyt näe yhtäkään Rare-pakkohankintaa Cubelle. StarFox Adventuresia harkitsin vielä jokunen aika, mutta ajattelin jättää sen sikseen.

Rare kuuluu kuitenkin yhä suosikkifirmoihini. Varmasti jokainen osaa mainita N64:ltä yhden erittäin hyvän pelin, joka on Raren käsialaa. Mm. Goldeneye, CBFD, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie...
n64 aikaan rare oli nintendolle ja tietenkin meille pelaajille tärkeä mutta nyt cuben julkaisun jälkeen nintendo pystyy elämään ilman rareakin.
MS on ostamassa koko firman, jos Nintendo nyt myy sen osuutensa. Tiedettävästi Nintendo on halukas myymään että saa pääomaa vapautettua pienempiin aloitteleviin firmoihin sijoitettavaksi.
Niin, ja muistakaamme että tässä on edelleen kyse pelkistä huhuista. Amerikan Nintendo on vastannut sekavia vastauksia sekaviin sähköposteihin, ja joku laittaa sen jollekin keskustelulaudalle, toinen laittaa sen toiselle, kolmas kolmannelle, josta joku sivusto nappaa sen uutiseksi("it's now official") ja sata muuta kloonaa sen. Tuohon mennessä on tietenkin unohdettu koko lähde, eli ihminen joka vastaa Nintendo of American asiakaspalautteeseen, jonka tiedot mitä todennäköisimmin vieläpä perustuu nettihuhuihin. "Sources inside Nintendo", joopa joo...

Eli odotetaan niitä virallisia lausuntoja. Mutta toisaalta tämä harrastamamme spekulointi & juoruilu on oikeastaan pirun mukavaa puuhaa. ;)
Tässäpä lisää vettä myllyyn rare huhuihin, maili Nintendolta:


At this time there have been no official announcements on this Rare been bought over by Microsoft, but what we would like to say is that we have not sold their stake in Rare. But we are hypothetically thinking on what we would do if we were approached by Rare or by Microsoft, but this seems highly unlikely at the present moment. We are currently working close to Rare developing another game, which we cannot announce officially. . You never know what the future might hold, though, so keep checking our web site (www.nintendo.com) for the latest information.

While on our site, open the "Game List", select the system and other sort criteria, and then select "Go." From here, you can click on the title of a game to find out all the information that we currently have available on it. If the information you are looking for is not yet available, please keep checking back. When there is new information to share on announced games or other upcoming products, our web site is the best official source!


Nintendo of America Inc.
Pete Alan

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