Vastaus: Nintendon uusi konsoli, Wii U
Mitäs sä veikkaat kuinka moni käyttäjä tyrmää wiimoten turhana gimmickinä? Lähetäänkös kaivelemaan niitä mielipiteitä?
Lähdin kaivelemaan. Hain vastinetta tuolle "Gamepadin potentiaali"-ketjulle, ja suureksi harmikseni
löysin ketjun, jossa jo aloittaja kertoo kuinka paljon hän
vihaa Wiikakea!
I've owned almost all the Nintendo releases since the NES here in the states. So, naturally, when the Wii launched I was there to pick it up and welcome it into my home. I love Nintendo games and have always enjoyed playing them, even though I don't agree with a lot of their ideas or methods for doing things.
Though, this isn't really about Nintendo or anything they do. It's about me and my complete hatred for the Wiimote. I own a lot of Wii games. Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Donkey Kong, etc. and I've only played the Wii games that allow the classic controller the entire time I've owned the system. I don't know why, but I just could never settle in to the Wiimote. I just don't like it. I've never liked it. It saddens me because I missed out on some great games. It doesn't help that I am a habitual game buyer and I have a ton of games backlogged. The difference, I guess, is that where most of my gaming neglect is from apathy, the Wii I genuinely wanted to play a lot of the games I own. The problem being the controller was so annoying to me that I could never get past it.
As a WiiU owner, I'm actually Praying to Satan's poodle that they'll do some cool HD remakes of Wii games with the gamepad support. Though, with the state of the WiiU right now, I'm highly doubtful that something like that is on their list.
Am I the only one that had this problem with the Wii? Anyone else ever had a problem with a console similar?
Damn you Wiimote! Damn youuu!!
Jälleen kerran nerokas xevious on osoittanut höpsön Mahewcoron olevan väärässä ja yksin mielipiteidensä kanssa! Gamepad-fani inhoaa Wiikakea täydestä sydämestään ja tämä Mahewcoron suosikkiohjain onkin oikeasti
este pelaamiselle! Eikun hetkinen, katsotaanpas näitä vastauksia...
An HD remake of the Galaxy games and Twilight Princess (with Wii-remote support because they were fun like that) would be amazing.
Funny, I'm the complete opposite. I would pay lots of money to be able to play more games with wii remote controls - like Vanquish especially. The gamepad is a step back towards traditional controls - and I think it's a step backward in general.
Pointer controls were amazing, one of Nintendo's best new ideas. Motion controls... not so much. You could shoehorn pointer controls in pretty much any game and it would make it better, whether it's a better menu, better aiming, or whatever. You can't do that with motion controls.
That said, the games that were built from the ground up to use motion controls (Boom Blox, Wii Sports Resort, Skyward Sword) are amazing...
I enjoyed using the Wii remote for all games but Monster Hunter Tri and Smash Bros Brawl.
Hated it, the only compelling use of it I found was in Silent Hill, and it makes emulation a total pain. Maybe somebody I'll make an effort to get a Wiimote working on my PC.
Nope, exact opposite for me. In fact, I will be immensely disappointed if the next console Zelda does not utilize a refined system like Skyward Sword's.
Loved that control method so much that I even overlooked it being implemented badly in some games (I probably put more hours into Samba de Amigo than anyone else here...)
I thought the pointer presented some interesting potential that never really got explored.
I am very afraid that Skyward Sword's controls are going to be ditched for the next Zelda game in favor of something like "look your items are on the touchscreen! how clever is this?" I'm preparing for disappointment already :/
Love it, specially for FPS. It has it weakness in controlling third person games camera, though.
I've never had an issue with the Wii remote, honestly. It's always felt relatively comfortable for me. I just never liked the '1' and '2' placement when holding the thing normally.
loved using the wii mote + nunchuck
I love the Wiimote. Wiimote + Nunckuk is my favorite controller set-up of all time, even when not using motion controls. I use it to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Xenoblade. There is something liberating about being able to hold your hands however far apart you want.
Yep. Especially in the Mario galaxy games. Just felt so natural.
I'm with this guy. IMO the Wii U's controller should have been an evolution of the Wiimote
i got cramps because the thing was too small for my damn hands
For me, the remote and nunchuck are the best controllers ever. I played a crapload of Wii games specifically for this reason. My hope was that Nintendo would do the right thing and include a remote and nunchuck in the box for the Wii U, but instead they through it under the bus with some silly reason like "everyone has one already so we won't include it". Silly. So now we practically have to beg for remote and nunchuck support and it's irritating as hell.
Loved it.
IR pointing made it possible to improve control in existing genres (FPS/TPS/RTS) and I'd argue it even allowed brand new ones (PES Playmaker was almost impossible to replicate via standard dual analog controllers). Most of its implementations were great.
Motion controls was a mixed bag instead, but when done right (Wii Sports Resort, sword handling in Zelda SS, etc.) or almost right (Grand Slam Tennis) it was definitely an improved, innovative control scheme.
Beats the crap out of regular pads that force your hands together 24/7. It was nice being able to rest my arms far apart on my thighs while still moving accurately.
Sick and tired of it. Played Skyward sword, can't stand playing it more than 20 minutes cause of the retarded Wiimote.
Wii is still my most played console by far and i have spent thousands of hours on every Nintendo home console since the SNES.
If people want dual analog gaming, there's plenty out there already. Which is why they should have continued with the remote with some improvements. They spent all that time telling us that simplifying the way we interact with games is the way to go only to turn around and release the most complicated controller out there. Crazy stuff.
The Wii U wishes it was the Wii 2. Heh, heh.
Not a fan of motion controls, but I loved having a controller that is in two pieces. Felt much more natural to me. I wish someone would produce more controllers like that.
Sehän on hyvin tunnettua, että tietty osa foorumikansasta suorastaan
vihaa Wiikakea, mutta mitä kummaa
tuossa keskustelussa oikein tapahtuu? Suurin osa kehuu Wiikakea, monet kertovat suorastaan
rakastavansa sitä. Ja vaikka keskustelussa on kyse Wiikakesta, jotenkin siihenkin päätyy mukaan useita Gamepadia arvostelevia tai suorastaan inhoavia kommentteja, joista osaa korostin
Gamecubesta muistuttavalla violetilla. (Oikeasti nämä ovat tietenkin kaikki Mahewcoron salatilejä, eiväthän nyt pelaajat oikeasti voi inhota mahtavaa Gamepadia...)
Kamalat myyntiluvut, aina tukevat Mahewcoron näkemyksiä! Otetaanpa vaihteeksi jotain muuta: pelijulkaisut. Vertailuna Wii U:n erittäin kuivalta näyttävään toiseen vuoteen, tässä pelijulkaisuja Wiin toiselta vuodelta 2008:
- Geometry Wars Galaxies
- Ghost Squad
- NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
- Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure
- Asterix at the Olympic Games
- No More Heroes
- Bomberman Land
- Bully: Scholarship Edition
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
- The House of the Dead 2 & 3
- OneChanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers
- Namco Museum Remix
- Mario Kart Wii
- Little King's Story
- Wii Fit
- Dragon Quest Swords
- Boom Blox
- Sports Island
- Okami
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl
- Wii Ski
- Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party
- SoulCalibur Legends
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
- de Blob
- Simcity Creator
- Rock Band
- Opoona
- Samba de Amigo
- Let's Tap
- Wario Land: The Shake Dimension
- Order Up!
- Disaster: Day of Crisis
- Guitar Hero: World Tour
- Monster Lab
- Trauma Center: New Blood
- Call of Duty: World at War
- Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV Party
- Tomb Raider: Underworld
- SNK Arcade Classics
- Cooking Mama: World Kitchen
- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
- Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
- Sam & Max: Season One
Niin paljon mielenkiintoisia pelejä! Niin paljon valinnanvaraa, niin monenlaisia eri käyttötapoja Wii-ohjaimille. Lisäksi Nintendon omat pelit muodostavat vain murto-osan tuosta listasta. Mitä tapahtuu, kun poistetaan valtaosa third party -julkaisuista ja Nintendon tuotantokin on Wii-aikoja heikompaa? Ehkä sinä et kaipaa Little King's Storya, Trauma Centeriä, Dragon Quest Swordsia, tai monen monta muuta peliä tältä listalta, vaan tärkeää on se, "onko Mario Kart 8 yhtä hyvä vai parempi kuin aiemmat osat". Niillä myyntiluvuilla on kuitenkin selvä yhteys pelijulkaisuihin, niin itse konsolin kuin sen pelienkin heikkojen myyntien kohdalla. Yksittäinen Mario Kart kaipaisi kipeästi rinnalleen muita pelijulkaisuja, ja Nintendo ei pysty siihen yksin yrittäessään tukea epäonnistunutta Gamepadia.