Dragon's Dogma Site Possibly Updated with New Pre-Order Page
It seems like the Dragon's Dogma website was updated with a new pre-order page, though it is not active yet, ahead of tomorrow's event.

Dragon's Dogma 2 or remake of the first one coming? Mysterious preorder at the center of a leak
There is great anticipation for the Dragon’s Dogma themed event that will be streamed by Capcom in the night between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. While waiting to find out the topics of the live broadcast, someone may have anticipated the arrival of an important announcement. As you well...

Mielenkiintoista, tänään 1.00 tuleekin sitten tupla setit ku FFVII anniversary event ja Dragons dogma event samaan aikaan. pitääkä katsella molemmat kahdelta eri ruudulta, saa nähdä mitä tuo sitten tarkoittaa että tuleeko sieltä, Remake vai Next gen versiot Dragons dogma Dark Arisenista vai olisiko peräti sittenkin Dragons dogma 2
Ahead of tomorrow's event, due to air at 3 PM Pacific Time, Reddit user RisingHERO19 spotted something interesting. The official YouTube channel now links (via the About tab) to a seemingly new pre-order page, although it currently redirects to the main website page. According to RisingHERO19, the channel previously linked to Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen's purchase page.
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