Vastaus: Julkaistut monialustapelit, PS4 vs Xbox One
Rocket chainsaw on tarkentanut juttuaan:
Tarkennetun arvion mukaan X1 ~35fps average ja PS4 ~55fps average. Mitähän ne luvut mahtaa seuraavaksi olla? ~40 ja ~50?
Ehkä vaan parempi odotella niitä kunnollisia testejä, tää threadikin on vähän huono tälle keskustelulle kun kumpaakaan versiota ei ole vielä julkaistu 
Gafin threadissä on kyllä riittänyt viihdettä tälle päivälle jokatapauksessa
Rocket chainsaw on tarkentanut juttuaan:
AMENDMENT (24/01): There appears to be a little bit of confusion of the framerates reported, and the fault is our own and our poor wording. We inaccurately used the term “average” when the math, in reality, does not add up. Logistically saying the average is ~30fps implies it exceeds and dips below 30fps, averaging at the number. That is not the case. What our sources have reported is that the listed FPS are roughly the most common targets during performance. So while the Xbox One version can reach ~45fps, for a majority of play it will sit around the ~30fps market, give a few frames. Same goes for the PlayStation 4 build, which in most cases hits around 60fps, take a few frames. Our sources have not confirmed exactly, but our own extrapolation of the information suggests you might say the average (accurate use of the term) Xbox One performance could be ~35fps, meanwhile the average PlayStation 4 performance may be ~55fps. Actual, concrete performance benchmarks will need to wait until the game is out for everyone, as we certainly don’t have them.
Tarkennetun arvion mukaan X1 ~35fps average ja PS4 ~55fps average. Mitähän ne luvut mahtaa seuraavaksi olla? ~40 ja ~50?

Gafin threadissä on kyllä riittänyt viihdettä tälle päivälle jokatapauksessa